Grow Citron Melon The Easy Way

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Citron Melon

Growing Citron Melon

Do you love the taste of juicy citron melon but don't think you can grow it in your own backyard? Think again! Citron melons may be exotic, but with a little bit of patience and determination, you can learn to grow this unique specialty fruit in the comfort and convenience of your home. This blog post will provide all the steps necessary to make growing citron melon the easy and hassle-free experience it should be. So, if you want to bring the freshness of exotic flavors to your own home, keep reading!

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Citron Melon Growing Cheatsheet

🌱 Planting Citron Melon

🏞️ Choose sunny, well-drained spot

πŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎ Plant seeds after last frost

πŸ’§ Water frequently but don't overwater

🌞 Citron Melon Care

🌱 Provide support for climbing vines

πŸƒ Mulch to retain moisture

🌧️ Protect from excessive rain

πŸ‰ Harvest and Storage

πŸ“† Harvest when skin turns yellow

🌑️ Store in cool, dry place for up to 3 months

πŸ’ͺ Health Benefits

🍊 High in vitamin C

πŸ’§ Hydrating and refreshing

πŸ₯— Low in calories, high in fiber

🌍 Environmental Impact

⚑ Citron Melons require less water than other melons

🌿 Low carbon footprint

🌱 Grows well in diverse climates

Growing Citron Melon: The Easy Way

The Citron Melon, also known as the Preserving Melon, is one of those delightful heirlooms worth adding to your garden. Though it's not as popular as the common watermelon, growing it is surprisingly simple.

Here’s how to make it happen.

Choosing the Right Location

Citron melons thrive in warm, sunny spots. They need at least six hours of direct sunlight daily.

Select a well-drained soil area, as waterlogged roots invite trouble. I’ve learned this the hard way.

Soil that retains too much water can lead to root rot and hinder melon growth.

Soil Preparation

Before you sow the seeds, it's crucial to prepare the soil adequately. Aim for a pH of 6.0 to 6.8.

In my garden, I enrich the soil with organic compost. This encourages more vigorous growth.

Use a garden fork to loosen the soil. Airy soil makes a big difference.

Sowing Seeds

Plant citron melon seeds directly in the garden after the last frost. Even a little frost can be detrimental.

  1. Create mounds of soil spaced six feet apart. Each mound should be about a foot in diameter.
  2. Sow 4-5 seeds per mound at a depth of one inch. You can thin them out later.
  3. Water the mounds gently but thoroughly to encourage seed germination.

From my experience, seedlings usually emerge within 7 to 10 days.

Watering and Maintenance

While citron melon does well in relatively dry conditions, it still requires consistent watering.

Once the plants are established, aim for about one inch of water per week. Use a soaker hose to avoid wetting the foliage.

Watering early in the day reduces the risk of fungal diseases.

As the melon vines start to grow, apply mulch. This conserves moisture and keeps weeds in check.

Pest Control

Citron melon is relatively resilient, but aphids and squash bugs can be a nuisance. I’ve had good luck with neem oil sprays on these pests.

Regularly inspect the leaves and undersides. Early detection is half the battle.


The moment of truth is about 90-120 days from planting. Citron melons are ready when they emit a sweet aroma and have a hard, yellowish rind.

Unlike watermelons, they won't give a hollow sound when tapped. Instead, rely on visual cues and scent.

Harvesting a melon too early results in less sweetness. Patience is key.

Uses and Storage

After harvest, citron melons can be stored in a cool, dry place for several months. Their durability is one of their best qualities.

They’re not typically for fresh eating but shine in preserves, jams, and jellies. Try making some citron melon preserves for a taste of history.

Enjoy the bounty of your garden and the unique flavors of the citron melon.


1. When is the best time to plant Citron Melon?

The ideal time for growing Citron Melon is in the spring, after the danger of frost has passed.

2. How do I prepare the soil for growing Citron Melon?

Ensure that the soil is well-draining and loamy by adding compost or organic matter.

3. What kind of sunlight does Citron Melon need?

Citron Melon thrives in full sun conditions, so provide at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily.

4. How often should I water Citron Melon?

Water consistently to keep the soil evenly moist, but avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.

5. Can I grow Citron Melon in containers?

Absolutely! Citron Melon can be grown in containers but ensure the container is large enough to accommodate its vigorous growth.

6. Does Citron Melon need any fertilization?

Yes, regular feeding with a balanced fertilizer will promote healthy growth and a bountiful harvest.

7. How do I know when Citron Melon is ripe?

When the outer rind turns a golden yellow color and the melon sounds hollow when tapped, it is ripe and ready to be harvested.

8. Are there any pests or diseases that affect Citron Melon?

Citron Melon can be susceptible to aphids, cucumber beetles, and powdery mildew. Implement proper pest and disease control measures to protect your plants.

9. How long does it take to grow Citron Melon?

On average, Citron Melon takes about 80-100 days from seed to harvest.

10. Can I save seeds from Citron Melon?

Absolutely! Allow the melon to fully ripen, scoop out the seeds, rinse and dry them, then store in a cool, dry place for future planting.

Growing Citron melon is a great way to increase the variety of produce in a garden. Not only does this unique melon have a delicious and unusual flavor, but it is a relatively easy plant to grow and can survive in most climates, making it a great addition to any garden. Adding Citron melon to your garden is a fantastic way to add a new level of flavor and fun. So don’t miss out, start growing Citron melon today!

Want to know more about Growing Citron Melon? Check out these posts:

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