How To Grow Your Own Asparagus

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Asparagus

Growing Asparagus

Asparagus is a popular vegetable that is beloved for its crispy and nutty flavor. It's a superfood too, meaning it is packed with micronutrients like vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as folate and fiber. Asparagus is extremely versatile and easy to cook and can be enjoyed roasted, grilled, or stir-fried. Additionally, as an added bonus, it can even help fight inflammation, boost your immune system, and improve gut health.

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Asparagus Growing Cheatsheet


  • Choose a sunny spot ☀️
  • Prepare well-drained soil 🌱
  • Create deep trenches


  • Select quality crowns ⭐️
  • Space crowns 12-18 inches apart
  • Plant in spring for quick establishment 🌷


  • Keep soil consistently moist 💦
  • Add mulch to suppress weeds
  • Fertilize yearly with compost 🌿


  • Wait for 2nd or 3rd year to harvest
  • Harvest spears when 6-8 inches tall 🍽️
  • Stop harvesting in late summer


  • Packed with vitamins A, C, and K
  • High in dietary fiber and antioxidants
  • Supports healthy digestion 🥦

Did You Know?

Asparagus can grow up to 10 inches in one day! 🚀

One-acre of asparagus can feed a family of six for an entire growing season! 🥗

Growing Asparagus: A Gardener's Journey

My first foray into growing asparagus was equal parts excitement and anticipation. It’s one of those crops that rewards patience with perennial abundance.

Choosing the Right Asparagus Variety

When deciding on which asparagus variety to grow, I recommend starting with Jersey Knight or Mary Washington. Both are reliable and robust.

Did you know: Jersey Knight can produce up to three times more spears than other varieties?

Planting Asparagus Crowns

Once you’ve chosen your variety, it's time to plant asparagus crowns. Early spring is the best time to plant.

Ensure the soil is rich, well-drained, and slightly alkaline. Plant crowns 18 inches apart within trenches 12 inches deep.

Soil Preparation

A successful asparagus bed begins with well-prepared soil. I like to work in aged compost and organic matter to enrich it.

A well-prepared soil can enhance yield by up to 30%.

Steps for Preparing Soil:

  1. Test soil pH levels; aim for 6.5-7.5.
  2. Incorporate generous amounts of compost or well-rotten manure.
  3. Ensure the soil is loose and airy for good drainage.

Watering and Mulching

Asparagus plants thrive with consistent moisture. Water deeply but avoid waterlogging.

Adding a 2-3 inch layer of straw mulch helps retain moisture and suppresses weeds.

Fertilization Techniques

Fertilize your asparagus beds annually. I use a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer in early spring before growth starts.

Avoid nitrogen-heavy fertilizers as they promote fern growth over edible spears.

Pest and Disease Management

Even the toughest plants can encounter issues. Asparagus beetles are the primary pest.

Handpicking beetles early can save you a season's crop.

For diseases like rust, maintaining good airflow through plant spacing is crucial.

Patience and Harvesting

Asparagus demands patience. The first spears can be harvested in the third year.

When harvesting, cut spears when they reach 4-6 inches for the best tenderness and flavor. Spear tips should still be tight.

Personal Tip

Invest in a small raised bed for asparagus. It's easier to manage and keeps soil conditions ideal.

Rotate your crops to maintain soil health and productivity.

Happy gardening!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does it take to grow asparagus?

Asparagus requires patience. **Expect to wait 2-3 years** before harvesting your first crop.

2. What is the best time to plant asparagus?

The **best time to plant asparagus** is in early spring when the soil is workable.

3. How do I prepare the soil for growing asparagus?

**Prepare the soil** by removing weeds and incorporating compost or well-rotted manure.

4. Can asparagus be grown from seeds?

Yes, asparagus can be grown from seeds, but **starting with crowns** is much easier and faster.

5. How deep should I plant asparagus crowns?

**Plant the crowns** around 6-8 inches deep, with the buds facing upwards.

6. How often should I water my asparagus?

**Water your asparagus** consistently, aiming for an inch of water per week during the growing season.

7. Do I need to fertilize asparagus?

Yes, **fertilize asparagus** in early spring with a balanced fertilizer according to package instructions.

8. How do I prevent weeds from overtaking my asparagus bed?

**Mulching** the asparagus bed with straw or organic materials helps to suppress weeds.

9. When can I start harvesting asparagus?

Start **harvesting asparagus** when the spears reach about 6-8 inches in height, but only during the second year of growth.

10. How do I cut asparagus spears for harvesting?

When **harvesting asparagus**, cut spears at ground level using a sharp knife or asparagus harvesting tool.

Asparagus is an ideal vegetable to grow for those who enjoy having fresh vegetables in the garden because it is low-maintenance, easy to harvest, and produces for up to 20 years. It has a mild, lightly sweet flavor and is packed with vitamins and minerals. Asparagus is also a great choice for novice gardeners because it is fast-growing and reliable. Plus, it is often one of the earliest vegetables ready to harvest in spring.

Want to know more about Growing Asparagus? Check out these posts:

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