How To Grow The Delicious Green Superfood Mizuna

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Mizuna

Growing Mizuna

Do you want to incorporate more greens into your meals without them being bland and boring? Then learning how to grow the super tasty green veggies, mizuna, at home should be your next goal. Grown worldwide and increasingly popular, mizuna is known for its mild and slightly sweet flavor, and more importantly, it's nutritional value. Mizuna is especially high in fiber and Vitamins A, C, and K. In this blog post, we will discuss how easy it is to grow mizuna in your home garden, so you can enjoy this amazing green superfood whenever you choose.

A Cheatsheet for Growing Mizuna

Choose the Best Season

🌸 Start in early fall or spring for optimal growth.

Prepare the Soil

🌱 Ensure well-drained fertile soil with a pH range of 6.0-7.0.

Planting and Spacing

🌿 Sow seeds directly or transplant seedlings 6-12 inches apart.

Watering and Sunlight

💧 Water consistently to keep the soil moist. Mizuna thrives in partial shade to full sun.

Nutrient Boost

🍃 Apply organic compost or slow-release fertilizer to enhance growth.

Pest Control

🐌 Protect from snails and slugs with natural remedies or barriers.

Harvesting Time

⌛️ Harvest leaves when plants reach 6-8 inches tall (~25 days after sowing).

Continuous Harvest

🔄 Cut mature leaves from the outer edges while allowing inner leaves to grow.

Nutritional Powerhouse

💪 Mizuna is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, iron, and antioxidants.

Tasty and Versatile

😋 Enjoy Mizuna in salads, stir-fries, soups, and even smoothies.

Self-Sufficiency Note

🌱 Growing your own Mizuna reduces waste and promotes sustainable living.

Fun Fact

🌍 Mizuna originated from Japan and has been cultivated for over 1,000 years!

Mizuna, the delicious and nutritious green superfood, is an absolute joy to grow in your garden. This Asian green is not only easy to cultivate but also provides a flavorful addition to salads and stir-fries. Let me share with you my own experiences and the essential tips you'll need to successfully grow Mizuna in your own backyard.

1. Selecting Your Mizuna Varieties

Mizuna comes in various varieties, each with its unique flavor and texture. Consider trying Kyoto Mizuna for its delicate and mild taste or Scarlet Frills Mizuna for a more peppery kick. Don't be afraid to experiment and find the variety that suits your palate best.

2. Preparing the Soil

Prior to planting Mizuna, choose a well-draining spot in your garden with full to partial sun exposure. Loosen the soil and mix in plenty of organic matter for optimal growth. Mizuna thrives in slightly acidic soil, so it's a good idea to test your soil's pH level and adjust it if needed.

3. Sowing the Seeds

When it's time to sow your Mizuna seeds, plant them about half an inch deep, spacing them around 6 inches apart. To ensure a continuous harvest, make successive sowings every two weeks. Water the soil gently but consistently, keeping it moist throughout the growing season.

4. Watering and Mulching

Regular watering is crucial for the healthy development of Mizuna. Keep the soil consistently moist, especially during dry spells. Consider mulching around the base of the plants to help retain moisture and prevent weeds from competing with your Mizuna for nutrients.

5. Thinning and Harvesting

Once your Mizuna plants reach a height of 4-6 inches, thin them to a spacing of 12-18 inches apart to allow for proper growth. As the leaves mature, you can begin harvesting them. Simply snip off the outer leaves, leaving the central ones to continue growing. This way, you can enjoy fresh Mizuna throughout the season.

6. Pest Control

While Mizuna is generally resistant to pests and diseases, it's always wise to keep an eye out for any unwanted visitors. Consider using organic pest control methods such as neem oil or insecticidal soaps if necessary.

Did you know? Mizuna is packed with essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium and iron! It's a true superfood for both your health and your taste buds.

7. Fun with Mizuna!

Now that you have a flourishing Mizuna crop, it's time to enjoy its incredible flavors and versatility. Add Mizuna to salads for a delightful crunch, or stir-fry it with garlic and sesame oil for a quick and tasty side dish. You can even try blending it into smoothies or juicing it for an extra health boost!

8. Saving Seeds

If you wish to save Mizuna seeds for future plantings, allow a few plants to bolt and develop flowers. Once the flowers fade, small pods containing the seeds will form. Harvest the pods when they turn brown and dry. Remove the seeds from the pods and store them in a cool, dry place.

By following these simple steps, you'll soon be harvesting your very own delicious Mizuna. From selecting the right varieties to controlling pests and saving seeds, growing Mizuna is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. So, get your hands dirty and start growing this incredible green superfood in your garden today!


1. How do I grow Mizuna?

Plant Mizuna seeds in well-drained soil in full or partial sun. Keep soil consistently moist. Thin seedlings to 6-12 inches apart.

2. When should I sow Mizuna seeds?

Sow Mizuna seeds in early spring or late summer for optimal growth.

3. What temperatures does Mizuna prefer?

Mizuna thrives in cool temperatures between 50-70°F.

4. How often should I water Mizuna?

Water Mizuna regularly, ensuring the soil is consistently moist but not waterlogged.

5. Does Mizuna require fertilization?

Apply a balanced fertilizer before planting and side dress it every four weeks during the growing season.

6. How long does it take for Mizuna to mature?

Mizuna can be harvested as baby greens in 20-35 days or fully mature plants in 40-45 days.

7. Can I grow Mizuna in containers?

Absolutely! Mizuna adapts well to container gardening. Just ensure proper drainage and enough space for growth.

8. How do I prevent pests from damaging Mizuna?

Protect Mizuna from aphids and flea beetles by using row covers or organic sprays. Remove weeds to discourage pests.

9. Can Mizuna be stored after harvesting?

Mizuna can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week in a plastic bag or airtight container.

10. Is Mizuna a perennial or annual plant?

Mizuna is an annual plant and needs to be replanted each year.

Growing Mizuna is not only easy, but it is also beneficial for your garden and the environment. It is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, and after only 30-45 days you can have a full, abundant crop of flavorful and nutritious greens. Plus, with minimal water and minimal effort, you can definitely achieve great success in growing Mizuna in your own garden!

Want to know more about Growing Mizuna? Check out these posts:

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