How to Grow Succulents

How to Grow Succulents


One of the most rewarding additions to any garden is the humble succulent! With its unassuming form and beautiful range of muted colors, these plants can bring a low-maintenance, calming air to any home or outdoor space. When cared for properly, succulents can thrive in a variety of climates and conditions, making them an incredibly rewarding and versatile choice for all types of gardeners. We've put together our top seven tips and tricks to help ensure that your succulents are growing happily and healthily, so have a read and you too can experience the delight of growing succulents with ease!

Succulents Cheatsheet


🌞 Prefer bright, direct sunlight

🌧️ Protect from heavy rain or frost

Watering Frequencies

💧 Don't overwater, aim for a dry soil

📅 Water every 2-3 weeks in warmer months

❄️ Reduce watering during winter dormant period

Soil & Container

🌱 Choose well-draining soil mix

🔀 Rotate container for even growth


🌱 Start from leaves, cuttings, or offsets

🍀 Allow leaves to callus before planting


🌿 Feed with balanced succulent fertilizer

🌼 Apply during active growing season


💀 Brown leaves indicate overwatering

🐜 Check for pests like aphids or mealybugs

Fun Facts

🌎 Succulents can survive extreme conditions

📐 Over 10,000 species available worldwide

💪 Low maintenance, ideal for busy individuals

How to Grow Succulents

Choosing the Right Succulents

Start by selecting the right succulents for your environment. If you're new to succulents, begin with hardy varieties like Aloe, Jade, or Echeveria.

Succulents come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, so choose based on your aesthetic preference and local climate.

Hardy succulents are more forgiving and can handle minor neglect, making them perfect for newbies.

Soil and Pot Selection

The soil is crucial. Use a well-draining cactus or succulent mix to prevent root rot.

Standard potting soil holds too much moisture. Add perlite or coarse sand to improve drainage.

As for pots, opt for terracotta or ceramic pots with drainage holes. Avoid glass containers unless they have drainage, too.

Poor drainage is a succulent killer. Always prioritize pots with good aeration.

Watering Techniques

Watering succulents can be tricky. They thrive on the "soak and dry" method.

Let the soil dry out completely between waterings. Overwatering is a common mistake.

Personally, I check the soil moisture every week. I water sparingly during winter when succulents are often dormant.

Water deeply but infrequently. This mimics their natural desert habitat.

Light Requirements

Succulents need plenty of light. Aim for 6 hours of indirect sunlight daily.

Place them near south or east-facing windows. If indoors, consider using grow lights during winter or in low-light areas.

Rotate your succulents occasionally to ensure even growth. I’ve found this prevents them from leaning toward the light source.

Consistent light exposure fosters balanced growth and vibrant color.

Temperature and Humidity

Most succulents prefer temperatures between 60°F to 80°F. They can tolerate a range but avoid frost.

If you live in a humid area, increase air circulation to prevent fungal issues. Indoor succulents benefit from a small fan to boost airflow.

Maintaining optimal temperature and humidity levels ensures healthy, hardy plants.

Fertilizing Succulents

Succulents aren't heavy feeders but benefit from occasional fertilization. Dilute a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer to half-strength and apply during the growing season.

I typically fertilize once a month from spring to early fall. Avoid fertilizing in winter when most succulents rest.

Moderate fertilization promotes robust growth without overwhelming the plants.

Propagation Tips

Propagation is one of the joys of growing succulents. Most can be propagated from leaves, offsets, or stem cuttings.

Gently twist off a healthy leaf or cut a stem, let it callous for a few days, then lay on well-draining soil.

In a few weeks, roots and new rosettes will form. I propagate in the spring for the best results.

Propagating succulents is a fun, rewarding way to expand your collection.

Common Issues and Solutions

Yellowing leaves often indicate overwatering. Examine roots and cut back on water.

Stretching (etiolation) means insufficient light. Move to a brighter spot or invest in grow lights.

Pest issues? Wipe leaves with alcohol-soaked cotton swabs. Neem oil is a great organic treatment.

Identifying and addressing problems early keeps your succulents thriving.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some popular types of Succulents?

Some popular types of succulents include Echeveria, Aloe Vera, and Jade Plant.

How often should I water my Succulents?

Water succulents thoroughly when the soil is completely dry, usually every 1-2 weeks.

Can Succulents survive in low-light conditions?

Yes, some succulents can tolerate low-light conditions, but they generally prefer bright, indirect sunlight.

Do Succulents require special soil?

Yes, succulents thrive in well-draining soil that prevents water from sitting around their roots.

Should I fertilize my Succulents?

Yes, fertilize succulents monthly during the growing season with a balanced, diluted fertilizer.

How can I propagate Succulents?

You can propagate succulents by taking leaf or stem cuttings, allowing them to callus, and then planting them in well-draining soil.

How do I prevent Succulents from dying?

To prevent succulents from dying, ensure they receive adequate sunlight, are not over-watered, and have well-draining soil.

If you follow these 7 tips for growing succulents, you should find yourself well on your way to having a beautiful, thriving, succulent garden. With just a bit of effort and the right know-how, you can enjoy the beauty of succulents for years to come. Happy gardening!

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