A Beginners Guide To Growing Turmeric

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Turmeric

Growing Turmeric

Growing your own herbs and spices is a great way to enjoy the benefits of natural flavors without the hassle of purchasing them from a store. But what if you’ve never grown herbs or spices before? Well, you’re in luck! Growing your own herbs and spices is not only easy but it will save you money as well. To grow turmeric, you need to start with a good soil mix that also drains quickly. You can purchase special soil mix for this purpose, which is typically mixed with compost and other amendments, but there are plenty of free options out there as well. The most important thing is to have good soil drainage so excess water doesn’t build up against your garden bed walls. If waterlogged soil is an issue, consider growing the vegetable in pots instead until drainage improves. In this article we’ll go over everything you need to know about growing turmeric at home. We’ll discuss how much space you will need, how much time it will take to grow turmeric from seed and tips for successful germination as well as growing once mature plant has reached maturity size.

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A Beginner's Guide to Growing Turmeric: Cheatsheet

🌱 Climate and soil requirements:

✅ Turmeric thrives in tropical and subtropical climates.

✅ Well-draining soil with pH of 5.5-7 works best.

✅ Plant the rhizomes in a warm, sunny spot.

🌡️ Temperature and water:

✅ Turmeric prefers temperatures between 68-86°F (20-30°C).

✅ Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.

✅ Regularly water during dry spells.

🌿 Planting and spacing:

✅ Plant turmeric rhizomes 2-3 inches (5-7 cm) deep.

✅ Space them at least 12-18 inches (30-45 cm) apart.

✅ Leave a gap of 30 inches (75 cm) between rows.

⌛ Growth and harvest:

✅ Sprouts can appear within 2-3 weeks.

✅ Regularly weed around the plant to maintain air circulation.

✅ Harvest after 8-10 months, when leaves start to turn yellow.

💦 Watering and fertilizing:

✅ Water consistently, especially during dry periods.

✅ Apply organic fertilizer monthly for optimal growth.

✅ Mulch the soil to retain moisture and reduce weed growth.

🌱 Pests and diseases:

✅ Use organic insecticides to control pests like aphids and nematodes.

✅ Prevent fungal diseases by avoiding over-watering and promoting air circulation.

✅ Neem oil can be effective for pest control.

💡 Fun facts:

✅ Turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine.

✅ It contains curcumin, a compound with potent anti-inflammatory properties.

✅ Turmeric is an excellent source of manganese, vitamin C, and iron.

🌱 Enjoy the rewards:

✅ Harvest your homegrown turmeric for fresher, healthier meals.

✅ Embrace the self-sufficiency of growing your own spice.

✅ Share your success and inspire others to start growing turmeric.

How To Grow Turmeric

Turmeric is a tropical perennial herb that grows best in warm and humid environments. The time of year that you grow turmeric is crucial to the success of your crop. In order to get the most from your turmeric crop, you must grow it during the summer months between june and october. this is when turmeric plants are at their seasonal peak.

Turmeric seeds must be planted indoors six to eight weeks before the last spring frost date and the plants should be grown in full sun conditions. The indoor planting time is important for several reasons: 

  • it allows the seeds to acclimatize themselves to their growing conditions and the temperature. 
  • it also gives the seedlings enough time to grow strong enough to successfully climb a trellis or support system.

Planting And Care Tips

Turmeric is a warm weather crop and will not tolerate cold conditions well. The key to growing turmeric is to ensure that your soil mix has excellent drainage. You want to ensure that excess water doesn’t build up against your garden bed walls so they don’t sag and so that the soil can dry out enough to prevent the potting mix from becoming waterlogged.

Turmeric is a tropical herb, so it loves humid conditions. aside from outdoors, you can also grow your turmeric in pots. Place the seeds in containers filled with a peat/compost soil mix and water with a water soluble fertilizer. Allow the soil to thoroughly soak up the water and then allow it to drain. The container should have excellent drainage. 

Soil Mix For Turmeric

Turmeric is an easy herb to grow, but it does thrive in warm and humid conditions. The soil mix for this herb should be a well-draining potting mix. As with most herbs and spices, the soil mix you use should be organic. We prefer to use an organic potting mix for herbs and spices since they will be touching our mouths and skin, but that is up to you.

You can find your favourite potting mix in any garden or hardware store. We recommend using a well-drained potting mix so that excess water doesn’t build up against your garden bed walls and so that the soil can dry out enough to prevent the potting mix from becoming waterlogged. 

Harvesting And Drying Turmeric

When the turmeric seeds sprout, be certain to provide them with plenty of water and fertilizer. You want to ensure that the soil mix used is well-drained, so providing it with good drainage is crucial. You can also water the soil mix with a water soluble fertilizer. 

If the soil mix doesn’t have good drainage, excess water will build up against the potting mix and cause the soil to become waterlogged. Turmeric plants can be harvested as soon as they have three to four sets of leaves, depending on the variety of spice. You can harvest the leaves by simply pinching the stem.

Once you have harvested the leaves, hang them upside down in bunches in a cool and dry place until you are ready to harvest the roots. the roots should be harvested when they are yellowish in colour, but not quite dry out. Roots can be stored in an airtight container for up to a year. 

Storage And Future Sprouting Of Turmeric

If you are growing turmeric for the long term, we recommend storing a portion of your crop in an airtight container. You can store your turmeric this way for up to a year. This allows you to have fresh turmeric if you run out, but does not have to be used immediately. 

You can also grow your own turmeric seed in a jar with a little water and a paper towel. When the turmeric seeds have sprouted, you can then plant it in the soil mix. You can also use the sprouted seeds to grow your next crop of turmeric.


Growing your own spices can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it does require a bit of planning and effort. Luckily, it’s not too difficult to grow your own turmeric, and it only takes a bit of space and some patience. You can grow turmeric outdoors during the summer months, and it will thrive in well-drained soil with full sunlight. You can also grow turmeric indoors during the winter months, but it will need good drainage and plenty of sun. 

There are no special requirements for growing turmeric, and there are numerous benefits, such as being low in calories and high in essential vitamins, minerals and flavonoids. When you grow your own spices, you can be sure that you are consuming only the best and most nutritious ingredients, without having to rely on highly processed products from the store.


1. How do I start growing turmeric?

Start by acquiring turmeric rhizomes from a garden center or trusted online supplier.

2. What is the best time to plant turmeric?

The optimal time to plant turmeric is during the warm months when temperatures remain consistently above 60°F (15°C).

3. How should I plant turmeric?

Plant the turmeric rhizomes 1-2 inches deep, with the bud facing upwards, in a well-draining pot or garden bed.

4. Does turmeric require a lot of sunlight?

Absolutely, turmeric thrives in full sunlight. Provide at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day.

5. How often should I water turmeric plants?

Water the turmeric plants when the top inch of soil feels dry. Avoid overwatering as it can lead to root rot.

6. Should I fertilize turmeric?

Yes, feed the turmeric plants every 2-3 months with a balanced organic fertilizer to ensure steady growth.

7. Are pests a concern when growing turmeric?

Some pests like aphids or snails may be attracted to turmeric. Use organic pest control methods or insecticidal soap as needed.

8. How long does it take for turmeric to grow?

Turmeric typically takes 8-10 months to reach maturity and produce rhizomes ready for harvest.

9. When should I harvest turmeric?

Wait until the leaves turn yellow and die down, which usually occurs in late fall or early winter, before harvesting turmeric.

10. How do I store harvested turmeric?

Clean and dry the harvested turmeric rhizomes, then store them in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Growing turmeric isn't just a rewarding experience for first-time gardeners, but it can become a creative and engaging journey. Not only can it bring a unique flavor to your home-cooked recipes, but it can give you something that is truly your own. Once you've learned the basics, the possibilities for growing turmeric are endless. So get to digging, you won't be sorry.

Want to know more about Growing Turmeric? Check out these posts:

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