How To Grow Mung Beans

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Mung Beans

Growing Mung Beans

Mung beans are small, green legumes that are a staple in cuisines all around the world. They are a good source of fiber, protein, magnesium and antioxidants, and are often used to make dishes such as dal, sprouts and flour. When sprouted, they can be eaten raw in salads or added to dishes to add crunch and nutrition. Mung beans have been used medicinally for centuries due to their medicinal properties, and have a wide range of health benefits.

Cheatsheet: Growing Mung Beans


Start indoors 2 weeks before last frost date.


Loamy, well-drained soil with pH 6-7.


  • Directly sow seeds 1 inch deep.
  • Space seeds 2 inches apart.
  • Water regularly after sowing.


Requires full sun, at least 6 hours daily.


Keep soil evenly moist, avoid waterlogging.


Thrives in temperatures between 70-90°F.


Provide trellis or stakes for climbing.


Pick sprouts after 2-4 weeks for stir-frying.

Health Benefits

  • High in protein and fiber.
  • Packed with essential vitamins and minerals.
  • May aid digestion and regulate blood sugar levels.

Fun Fact

Can increase up to 5,000 times their original weight when sprouting!

Choosing the Right Seeds

Growing mung beans is a rewarding experience that can add a touch of green and nutritious goodness to your garden. When starting your mung bean journey, it's crucial to choose the right seeds. Look for organic, untreated seeds that are specifically labeled for planting and not meant for consumption.

I once made the mistake of using mung beans from my pantry, and let me tell you, the results were not pretty. Those beans were as stubborn as a mule and refused to sprout. Lesson learned!

Preparing the Soil

A healthy foundation is key to successful mung bean growth. So before sowing those seeds, take the time to prep your soil. Mung beans thrive in well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. If you're unsure about your soil quality, amending it with compost or aged manure can work wonders.

A gardening neighbor once told me, "Don't ignore your soil, my friend. It's like a gourmet meal for your plants. They'll thank you with bountiful harvests."

Sowing Time and Technique

Timing is everything when it comes to mung bean planting. Ideally, sow your seeds when the threat of frost has passed and the soil temperature is consistently above 60°F (15°C). For cooler regions, starting them indoors and transplanting is another possibility.

Did you know that ancient Chinese farmers believed mung beans grew best when planted during the full moon? While the scientific evidence is limited, it sure makes for an intriguing gardening tradition.

Watering and Care

Mung beans require regular watering to keep the soil moisturized but not waterlogged. Remember, these little legumes don't appreciate wet feet! Water deeply once a week and adjust based on weather conditions.

Word of caution: Overwatering can lead to root rot, and that's a one-way ticket to gardening heartbreak. So, resist the temptation to drown your beans in love.

In terms of care, keep an eye out for any pests that might find your mung beans delectable. Spinosad-based insecticides can be used if necessary, but try organic methods like companion planting or using row covers first.

Harvesting and Storage

The moment of truth has arrived—the mung beans are ready for harvest. Gently pull the entire plant out of the ground, and then carefully remove the beans from their pods. If you're growing them for sprouts, you can harvest after just a few days. For dry beans, wait until the pods have dried and turned brown.

Here's a fun fact to impress your gardening buddies: Mung beans are known for their astronomical sprouting rate—95% or more! It's like Mother Nature showing off her magic tricks.

Once harvested, allow the beans to dry completely before storing them in a cool, dry place. Mason jars or airtight containers are perfect for keeping them fresh for months to come.

Experiment and Enjoy!

Now that you've discovered the secrets of growing mung beans, it's time to roll up your sleeves, get your hands dirty, and set off on your gardening adventure. Remember, each growing season is a chance to experiment, learn, and connect with the wonders of nature. So go forth, my fellow gardeners, and let your green thumbs guide you!

As a wise old gardener once said, "Gardening is not just about growing plants, it's about cultivating joy and nurturing the soul."

Frequently Asked Questions - Growing Mung Beans

1. When is the best time to plant mung beans?

The best time to plant mung beans is during the warm season, after the last frost date.

2. What type of soil do mung beans prefer?

Mung beans prefer well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter.

3. How much sunlight do mung beans need?

Mung beans require full sun exposure for at least six hours a day.

4. How often should I water mung bean plants?

Water mung bean plants regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged.

5. Can mung beans tolerate drought?

Mung beans are tolerant to drought but perform best with consistent moisture.

6. How long does it take for mung beans to germinate?

Mung beans typically germinate within five to seven days after planting.

7. Should I use fertilizers on my mung bean plants?

Minimal fertilizer is needed for mung bean plants, but compost or organic matter can be added to enhance soil fertility.

8. Do mung beans require any special care?

Mung beans require little care, but staking may be required for taller plants.

9. When can I harvest mung beans?

Mung beans are ready for harvest approximately 60-90 days after planting, when the pods turn yellow or brown.

10. How should I store harvested mung beans?

Store harvested mung beans in a cool and dry place, protected from moisture and pests.

Mung beans are a popular choice for growing because they are relatively easy to grow and have a wide variety of benefits. Mung beans are high in essential nutrients, including protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. They are also low in saturated fat, making them a healthy choice for anyone looking to maintain a balanced diet. Mung beans can be used to make sprouts, curries, soups, and even desserts. They are a great addition to any garden and can be a rewarding experience for the gardener.

Want to know more about Growing Mung Beans? Check out these posts:

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