How Do You Grow Broccolini?

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Broccolini

Growing Broccolini

Growing broccolini isn’t difficult, but it does require a bit of planning. There are two main growing methods for broccolini: direct sow or transplant. For direct sow broccolini, simply plant the seed into the soil directly. Transplant broccolini is the most challenging method for growing this vegetable because you need to grow it in a very specific way to get good results. Broccoli rabe is an Italian green vegetable that has a milder flavor than regular broccoli but with the same nutrients and health benefits. If you want to grow your own broccolini and have access to a home garden, we have gathered some handy tips on how you can do so successfully.

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A Cheatsheet for Growing Broccolini


  • 🌱 Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost
  • 🥕 Transplant seedlings outdoors when soil is workable
  • ✂️ Space plants 18-24 inches apart in rows 24-36 inches apart


  • ☀️ Grow in full sun (6-8 hours of direct sunlight)
  • 🌧️ Water regularly to keep soil consistently moist
  • 🍃 Apply organic mulch to retain moisture and suppress weeds
  • 🌡️ Broccolini thrives in cool weather (60-70°F), avoid extreme heat


  • 🌿 Harvest young shoots when they are 6-8 inches long
  • 🔪 Use a sharp knife to cut stalks just above ground level
  • 🌱 Regular harvesting promotes continuous growth

Care Tips

  • ⏰ Keep a calendar and track planting, watering, and harvesting dates
  • 💧 Water deeply to encourage deeper root growth
  • 🍂 Remove lower leaves as plants grow to improve airflow

Health Benefits

  • 👌 High in fiber, vitamins C, A, K, and folate
  • 💪 Boosts immunity and supports healthy digestion
  • 🔬 Rich in antioxidants and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases

Fun Fact

  • 💡 Broccolini is a hybrid vegetable developed in 1993
  • 🌎 Growing your own promotes self-sufficiency and reduces carbon footprint

Grow Broccolini In A Vegetable Garden

Growing broccolini in a vegetable garden is the best method for growing vegetables because you can use any type of soil. If you don’t have a garden, you can purchase a starter kit that contains a seedling tray and soil, or you can simply start seeds indoors. Broccolini seeds can be started either indoors or outdoors. If you choose to start seeds indoors, they need 8 to 10 weeks of growth to become mature enough to transplant.

Once you have broccolini seedlings, plant them in the vegetable garden. Broccolini grows best in the middle or eastern regions of the United States. Plant the seeds 1 to 2 inches deep in the soil with the root end down. Keep the soil moist at all times so the seeds can germinate and grow into mature broccolini. If you live in a humid climate, you may need to water the plants more often.

Purchase Seedling Broccoli Rabe

Broccoli rabe can also be purchased as a seedling broccoli rabe is also known as rapini or broccoli gabbay. It is a type of italian rabe that is grown like a vegetable and not like a leafy green herb. You can purchase broccoli rabe seedlings at your local garden store, supermarket, or online. you can also grow your own seedlings by purchasing the seeds and keeping them in a cool, dark place.

Choose broccoli rabe varieties with dark green leaves and dark stems. Make sure the broccoli rabe has multiple healthy-looking leaves that are bright green in color. Avoid broccoli rabe that has yellow leaves or bunches of brown leaves.

Plant Newly Purchased Seedlings Before All Others

Broccolini is best eaten fresh, and it’s difficult to get broccolini from the grocery store that is fresh. If possible, try to grow your own broccolini and harvest it when it’s ready. If you want to purchase vegetables, you can try the following method for growing broccolini.

Broccolini has a long harvest season from early spring to late fall. Choose a variety that is best for your area since there are many varieties of broccolini that are suited for specific regions. You can also choose a variety that will produce large heads. Once you’ve chosen the right variety, purchase new seedlings so you can start harvesting the vegetable as soon as the first one is ready.

Keep Your Broccolini Plants Healthy And Dry

Broccolini can be grown in a range of soil types and climactic conditions. However, they do best in sandy loam soil with very little fertility, so you’ll need to amend the soil with compost or manure. If you live in a humid climate, you may need to water the broccolini a bit more frequently than in dry climates. Avoid overhead irrigation because this water is unlikely to reach the roots and is typically high in salts.

High temperatures above 90°f, combined with high levels of humidity, are known to cause the broccoli floret to collapse. To prevent this, try to plant your broccoli rabe in a dry, sunny area that gets no more than six hours of direct sunlight. Also, make sure to keep the soil evenly moist and try to keep the air temperature below 90°F.

Harvest Broccolini When It’S Ready

Broccolini will grow for about 4 weeks, and then you can harvest the vegetable by cutting the stem between the second and third leaf. If you harvest broccolini too early, it will be fibrous and tough to eat. When harvesting broccolini, make sure to keep them dry and healthy by regularly watering the plant and using a vegetable tray to keep the leaves from touching the ground.

If you want to store fresh broccolini for later use, follow the same harvesting and storage steps to preserve the vegetable’s quality and flavor. You can also blanch the broccoli rabe before freezing them for later use. To do this, bring a pot of water to a boil and place the broccoli rabe for about 30 seconds. Then, drain the broccoli rabe and place them in an ice tray. Alternatively, you can wrap them in a paper towel and place them in a freezer bag. Make sure to label the bag with the contents, date, and how long you plan to store them.

Try Growing Broccolini Indoors

Broccoli rabe is a hardy vegetable that can be grown indoors during cold winter months. To grow broccoli rabe indoors, select a variety that is hardy and suitable for your area. Make sure to purchase seedlings, and plant them in a container. That way, you can easily transplant the broccoli rabe to a larger container once they are mature enough to be harvested.

Use a container that has a depth of at least 12 inches to allow the broccoli rabe to grow with enough space to reach the surface. To ensure good growth and health, provide ample amounts of sunlight, water, and nutrients by using fertilizer and water-soluble fertilizer. You can also try growing broccoli rabe indoors during late summer and fall. Select a variety that is suitable for your climate, and place it in a sunny location. Make sure to water the broccoli rabe regularly to avoid wilting. You can also try growing broccoli rabe indoors during the winter. It is not hard to do and can be done in a small space. But, make sure to provide sunlight, water, and nutrients so that it can thrive in the winter months.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I grow broccolini?

To grow broccolini, prepare well-drained soil, sow seeds ½ inch deep, water regularly, and provide full sun for at least 6 hours. Harvest when florets are tender.

2. When should I plant broccolini?

Plant broccolini in early spring or fall for best results.

3. Can broccolini be grown in containers?

Absolutely! Use a container at least 12 inches deep with well-draining soil, and ensure the broccolini receives enough sunlight and water.

4. How long does it take for broccolini to grow?

Broccolini takes approximately 60-90 days to reach maturity from the time of planting.

5. How often should I water broccolini?

Water broccolini consistently, aiming for about 1 inch of water per week, ensuring the soil stays evenly moist.

6. Why are the broccolini plants turning yellow?

Yellowing of broccolini plants can indicate various issues, such as nutrient deficiencies or overwatering. Adjust fertilization and watering accordingly.

Broccolini is a delicious and nutritious vegetable that is quick to grow and harvest. The key to growing broccolini successfully is to make sure that the soil is kept dry and the plant receives enough sunlight and water. If you follow these tips, broccolini will grow easily in your backyard and in a home garden.

Want to know more about Growing Broccolini? Check out these posts:

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