How To Grow Celeriac

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Celeriac

Growing Celeriac

Celeriac, also known as celery root, is a delicious root vegetable with a flavor likened to celery and parsley. It can be sliced and roasted, mashed, or pureed for a creamy soup. Celeriac also contains anti-inflammatory properties and essential vitamins that have been linked to a healthier heart and digestive system.

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A Cheatsheet for Growing Celeriac

1. Optimal Growing Conditions:

🌞 Sun: 5-6 hours per day

ðŸ’Ķ Water: Moist, well-drained soil

ðŸŒĄïļ Temperature: Cool, between 60-70°F

ðŸŒą pH Level: Slightly acidic, 6.0-6.5

2. Planting and Propagation:

ðŸŒą Start Seeds: Indoors, 10-12 weeks before last frost

ðŸŒą Transplant: After last frost, 12-18 inches apart

📆 Germination: 12-21 days

ðŸŒą Direct Sow: Also possible after last frost

3. Growing Tips:

  • ⚙ïļ Soil: Rich in organic matter and loosened regularly
  • 💧 Watering: Consistent moisture, avoid waterlogging
  • ðŸŠī Fertilizer: Balanced NPK for healthy development
  • ðŸ‘Ĩ Spacing: Allow enough room for bulbous root growth
  • ðŸŒą Mulching: Use organic mulch to retain moisture
  • 🍂 Thinning: Remove weaker seedlings to ensure stronger growth

4. Pests and Diseases:

  • 🐛 Pests: Carrot fly, slugs, aphids
  • 🍄 Diseases: Leaf blight, damping-off

5. Harvest and Storage:

âģ Time to Maturity: 120-150 days

ðŸĨ• Harvest: When roots reach 3-4 inches in diameter

ðŸ“Ķ Storage: In a cool, dark, and humid place up to 6 months

6. Health Benefits:

🌟 Low in calories, high in fiber

ðŸĐš Rich in vitamins and minerals

⚕ïļ Boosts immune system and digestion

7. Varieties to Try:

ðŸŒŋ Monarch: Early maturing, smooth roots

ðŸŒŋ Brilliant: Uniform shape, resistant to splitting

ðŸŒŋ Giant Prague: Large roots, excellent for soups

Growing Celeriac: The Knobby Root Worth The Effort

Celeriac, also known as celery root, is a versatile and underappreciated vegetable.

Why Choose Celeriac?

Celeriac has a unique, nutty flavor and smooth texture when cooked.

It's incredibly nutritious and stores well through winter.

Growing celeriac can be immensely rewarding with the right care and patience.

Studies show that celeriac is rich in vitamin C, K, and essential minerals like phosphorus and potassium.

Preparing the Soil

Celeriac thrives in rich, well-drained soil.

In my garden, I mix in 4-6 inches of compost to improve soil quality.

A pH range of 6.0 to 7.0 works best for optimal growth.

Planting Celeriac

Start celeriac seeds indoors 8-10 weeks before the last frost date.

Sow seeds in seed trays and keep them moist but not waterlogged.

  1. Transplant seedlings outside when they have at least 4-5 leaves.
  2. Space them 12-18 inches apart to allow room for bulb growth.
The key to robust celeriac is consistent moisture throughout the growing season.

Sowing Tips

Plant celeriac in an area that receives full sun for at least 6 hours daily.

If space is limited, consider using deep containers or raised beds.

In my experience, mulching around the base helps retain moisture and control weeds.

Care and Maintenance

Celeriac needs regular watering, especially during dry spells.

Avoid waterlogging, as this can lead to root rot.

Once a month, feed celeriac with a balanced, organic fertilizer.

Trim foliage as needed to direct energy to the root.

I like to side-dress my celeriac with compost mid-season for an extra nutrient boost.

Harvesting Celeriac

Wait until late fall to harvest; this ensures the bulbs reach full size.

Look for roots about 3-4 inches in diameter.

  1. Use a garden fork to gently lift the roots out of the soil.
  2. Trim away excess roots and foliage, leaving about an inch of the stalk.

Store harvested celeriac in a cool, dark place, and it will keep for several months.

Get creative in the kitchen!

Roast, mash, or puree celeriac for a delightful addition to your meals.

Frequently Asked Questions About Growing Celeriac

1. How long does it take to grow celeriac?

Celeriac typically takes 100-120 days from seed to maturity.

2. Can celeriac be grown in containers?

Yes, celeriac can be grown in large containers with sufficient depth for its roots.

3. What kind of soil does celeriac prefer?

Celeriac thrives in well-draining, fertile soil rich in organic matter.

4. How often should I water celeriac?

Water celeriac regularly and deeply, ensuring the soil remains consistently moist.

5. Does celeriac require full sun?

Yes, celeriac prefers full sun exposure for optimal growth and development.

6. When should I start sowing celeriac seeds?

Sow celeriac seeds indoors 10-12 weeks before the last frost date in your area.

7. How far apart should I space celeriac plants?

Space celeriac plants 12-18 inches apart to allow for adequate growth and proper airflow.

8. Should I fertilize celeriac?

Yes, apply a balanced vegetable fertilizer during planting and continue with monthly feedings.

9. Are there any pests or diseases that affect celeriac?

Celeriac can be susceptible to common pests like aphids, carrot fly, and slugs. Diseases such as root rot and powdery mildew may also occur.

10. When is the best time to harvest celeriac?

Celeriac is typically ready for harvest when the roots reach a diameter of 3-5 inches. This is usually in late fall.

Growing celeriac offers many benefits. It's a hardy and low maintenance crop that provides a reliable winter harvest, is easy to store, and adds a pleasant, earthy flavor to dishes. It's also high in dietary fiber, vitamin C, and other important minerals, making it a healthy and nutritious addition to meals.

Want to know more about Growing Celeriac? Check out these posts:

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