How To Grow Rhubarb

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Rhubarb

Growing Rhubarb

Rhubarb is a fruit-like vegetable that is enjoyed cooked and fresh. It is a member of the buckwheat family, and dates back to the 1700s in Europe. Rhubarb has a distinctive tart flavor that is most commonly used in desserts such as pies and jams. The stalk is the edible part of the plant, while the leaves are poisonous and not safe to eat.

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Cheatsheet: How To Grow Rhubarb


🌱 Choose a sunny spot with well-drained soil.

🌱 Plant rhubarb crowns in early spring or fall.

🌱 Dig a hole deep enough to accommodate the crown.

🌱 Space multiple plants 3-4 feet apart.


💧 Water deeply once a week, especially in dry spells.

⚡️ Avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.

🌿 Apply mulch to retain moisture and suppress weeds.

🍃 Protect from extreme cold with straw or burlap.


📅 Wait until the second year to harvest stalks.

🌱 Twist or cut stalks at the base when thick and firm.

🌱 Leave a few stalks to nourish the plant.

🌱 Harvest before summer for best flavor.

Interesting Facts

💪 Rhubarb stalks are high in fiber and low in calories.

💡 Rhubarb leaves are poisonous, so don't consume them.

🌍 Rhubarb is a great self-sufficiency crop, lasting 10+ years.

🍽️ Enjoy rhubarb in pies, sauces, and delicious desserts!

Growing Rhubarb: A Gardener's Delight

Choosing the Right Rhubarb Variety

First things first, pick your variety. Common types include 'Victoria' and 'Crimson Red'.

Victoria is a classic choice – reliable and hardy. 'Crimson Red' offers deep, rich stalks that are lovely in pies.

Tip: For a sweeter flavor, go with Glaskin's Perpetual. It has less acidity, making it perfect for desserts.

Best Planting Time

Plant rhubarb crowns in early spring. This gives them a full season to establish.

In warmer regions, you can plant in late autumn too. Just avoid deep frosts which could harm the roots.

Rhubarb prefers cool conditions to get started. Avoid planting during hot, dry periods.

Where to Plant

Choose a sunny spot. Rhubarb loves sunlight but will tolerate partial shade.

Soil well-drained and rich in organic matter is ideal. Compost helps.

I remember planting mine near the back fence where it gets a mix of sun and light afternoon shade. Thrived!

Ensure your soil pH is around 6.0 to 6.8 for optimal growth.

Planting Rhubarb

Dig holes so crowns sit 2-3 inches below the surface. Space plants 3-4 feet apart.

Backfill with soil and firm it down gently. Water thoroughly after planting.

Regular Rhubarb Care


Water regularly but don't waterlog. Rhubarb hates soggy feet.

Mulching will help retain moisture. I use composted leaves – natural and effective.

Consistent moisture is key for a bountiful harvest.


Apply a balanced fertilizer in early spring. Fish emulsion works wonders.

Top up with compost in mid-summer. This keeps your rhubarb happy and productive.


Keep the area around your rhubarb weed-free. Mulch can help with this, too.

Harvesting Rhubarb

Wait until the second year for your first real harvest. Patience pays off!

Only harvest a third of the stalks at a time. This ensures continued growth and won't stress the plant.

Twist stalks off rather than cutting them. Easier and encourages more growth.

Tip: Never eat rhubarb leaves! They are toxic.
  • Spring harvest: Usually starts in April through June.
  • Fall harvest: In some regions, newer varieties allow a second go.

Dividing and Transplanting

Every 4-5 years, divide your rhubarb in early spring or late fall. Keeps plants vigorous.

Replant the divisions 3-4 feet apart. Follow the same initial planting steps.

Dividing ensures bigger, healthier stalks in the long run. I've seen a remarkable difference!

Troubleshooting Common Problems


Look out for Rhubarb Curculio – those nasty beetles. Handpick them off or use a neem oil spray.

Companion planting with onions can help deter pests naturally.


  • Crown rot: Avoid water logging. Good drainage is crucial.
  • Leaf spot: Remove affected leaves. Ensure good airflow between plants.

Healthy soil conceives healthy plants. Prevention is better than cure!

Temperature Issues

Wilting in hot summers? Provide temporary shade and ensure soil moisture.

Frost damage? Cover young plants with a cloche or horticultural fleece.

Remember, rhubarb thrives in cooler climates but can adapt with care.

Final Thoughts

Growing rhubarb can be richly rewarding. Just give it the right start and some TLC.

Watch your vibrant red stalks grow tall and lush, ready to be made into delicious pies and crumbles!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When should I plant rhubarb?

You should plant rhubarb in early spring or fall.

2. Where should I plant rhubarb?

Rhubarb thrives in well-drained soil and full sun.

3. How do I prepare the soil?

Loosen the soil and amend with compost or well-rotted manure.

4. How often should I water rhubarb?

Water deeply and consistently to keep the soil evenly moist.

5. Do I need to fertilize rhubarb?

Fertilize rhubarb annually in early spring with a balanced fertilizer.

6. When can I harvest rhubarb?

You can start harvesting rhubarb stalks when they reach about 10-12 inches in length.

7. How do I harvest rhubarb?

Simply pull or cut the stalk at the base, avoiding damage to the crown.

Rhubarb is an excellent perennial crop to grow in your garden or allotment. It is very hardy and easy to care for, can tolerate cold climates, and is a reliable and productive crop. Rhubarb has numerous culinary uses, both for sweet and savoury dishes, and is packed full of nutrients and vitamins that can benefit your health. It's an intriguing and delicious addition to your garden and sure to impress family and friends.

Want to know more about Growing Rhubarb? Check out these posts:

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