How Do You Plant Stevia?

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Stevia

Growing Stevia

Looking to sweeten up your garden? Incorporating Stevia, a natural and wholesome sweetener, into your garden is an excellent choice. With our guide to planting Stevia, your gardening arsenal gains a versatile new addition. Stevia is a herbaceous perennial plant native to South America that produces sweet-tasting leaves, making it the perfect addition to herb gardens, particularly for those desiring a sugar substitute. In this article, we'll walk you through the entire process, from choosing the right location for planting Stevia to its proper care ensuring a rich, green and luscious yield. Learning how to plant Stevia is simpler than you might think, so read on, and let's start your sweet gardening journey together.

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Cheatsheet: Planting Stevia

1. Soil Prep

🌱 Choose light, sandy loam soil with good drainage.

🌱 Soil pH should be between 6.7 and 7.2 for optimal growth.

2. Planting

🌱 Sow stevia seeds indoors before the last frost or directly in well-drained soil outdoors.

🌱 Plant seeds ¼ inch deep, 1-2 feet apart.

3. Watering

💧 Water consistently, keeping soil moist but not waterlogged.

💧 Do not let the soil dry out completely.

4. Sunlight

☀️ Plant stevia in full sun for at least 6 hours daily.

☀️ Ensure plants have access to natural light without shade.

5. Harvesting

✂️ Harvest leaves before flowering for best flavor.

✂️ Pinch off leaves when plant reaches about 6-8 inches tall.

6. Preserving

🌿 Dry leaves upside down in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight.

🌿 Store dried leaves in airtight containers for up to 2 years.

7. Sweetness Equivalent

🍭 1 teaspoon of stevia extract equals the sweetness of 1 cup of sugar.

🍭 Stevia has zero calories and a low glycemic index.

8. Health Benefits

🌱 Stevia may help regulate blood sugar levels.

🌱 It could potentially aid in weight management and reduce cravings.

9. Self-Sufficiency

🏡 Growing stevia at home ensures a constant supply of natural, sugar-free sweetener.

🏡 Experience the joy of self-sufficiency while nurturing a unique herb.

Overview Of Growing Stevia

Stevia is a sweet leaf plant that is used as an alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners. It's a popular choice for health-conscious individuals and gardeners alike. Growing Stevia can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for the home gardener. This post will cover all the necessary steps for planting and caring for Stevia.

What You'll Need

Before you can start growing Stevia, there are a few things you need to consider and prepare.

Soil Quality

Stevia plants prefer slightly acidic, well-draining soils with a pH between 5.7 and 6.5. To amend the soil, mix in some compost or aged manure before planting.


You’ll need a trowel or shovel, garden gloves, a watering can, and a gardening rake for planting and caring for your Stevia plants.

Where To Plant

Stevia needs plenty of sunlight to thrive, so choose a spot in your garden that will guarantee plenty of direct sunlight throughout the day.

How To Plant Stevia

Now that you have your tools and the proper environment, it’s time to learn how to plant Stevia. Follow these steps for successful Stevia growth.

Step 1: Choose Your Seeds

When selecting your Stevia seeds, make sure to choose varieties that are suitable for your soil and climate. Some varieties can be challenging to grow in certain regions, so check with the seed seller before making your selection.

Step 2: Pre-Soak Your Seeds

Stevia seeds are incredibly small and light, so it’s best to give them a head start by pre-soaking them in a cup of warm water for about 20 minutes before planting. This will help the seeds to germinate more quickly.

Step 3: Plant Your Seeds

After pre-soaking your seeds, take your trowel and make small holes in a 3-4 inch wide band in the soil. Then, place the seeds in the holes about 1/4 inch deep and cover them with the soil. Water them well, making sure to use lukewarm water, and cover the area with a light layer of mulch.

Step 4: Water And Weeding

Once your Stevia plants are up and growing, keep the soil moist by watering them regularly. It’s also important to keep up with weeding to ensure the plants receive all the nutrients and sunlight they need.

Step 5: Care For Your Plants

Stevia plants can grow up to three feet in height, so make sure to give them plenty of room to grow by keeping from overcrowding the plants. Pruning and deadheading the plants as needed will also help to encourage healthy and vigorous growth.

Harvesting Stevia

When the leaves on your Stevia plants have grown to at least four inches in length you can begin harvesting them. Stevia leaves can be harvested up to three times in a season. To harvest, use a pair of garden shears or scissors to cut the stem just above a pair of leaves. hang the stems to dry in a well-ventilated area until the leaves turn crispy. when the leaves are dry, they can be stored in an airtight container until ready to use.

Pests And Disease Prevention

when growing stevia, there are a few common pests and diseases to be aware of. to avoid these issues, regularly check the plants for signs of pests, such as aphids and spider mites, and diseases, such as powdery mildew and root rot. if these issues are present, treat the plants with organic pest and disease control methods. applying a fertilizer with beneficial microbes can also help to prevent the onset of these problems.

Final Thoughts

growing stevia can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for the home gardener. when properly cared for, stevia plants will produce an abundance of sweet leaves that can be used as a natural alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners. with a bit of knowledge and patience, you’ll be able to add this rewarding plant to your garden.


1. How do I start growing stevia?

Start by purchasing stevia seeds or young plants from a reputable nursery. Ensure the soil is well-drained and plant them in a sunny location.

2. When is the best time to plant stevia?

Plant stevia in spring after the last frost has passed. This allows the plant to establish itself before the hot summer months.

3. How often should I water my stevia plants?

Water your stevia plants regularly, aiming for moist, but not waterlogged, soil. Ensure the plant is evenly watered throughout the growing season.

4. Can stevia survive in pots or containers?

Absolutely! Stevia can thrive in pots or containers, provided they have proper drainage and enough space for the roots to grow. Choose a pot with a diameter of at least 12 inches.

5. Do stevia plants need fertilizers?

Stevia plants don't require excessive feeding. Apply a balanced fertilizer once or twice during the growing season, following the package instructions. Avoid over-fertilizing, as it may affect the flavor of the leaves.

6. When and how should I harvest stevia?

Harvest your stevia plants in late summer or early fall, just before the first frost. Cut the stems and remove the leaves. Dry the leaves in a dark, well-ventilated area until they become crisp.

7. Are there any pests or diseases that affect stevia plants?

Stevia plants are generally pest and disease resistant. However, keep an eye out for aphids, whiteflies, or powdery mildew. Treat any issues promptly with organic pest control methods or mild fungicides.

8. Can I propagate stevia from cuttings?

Absolutely! Stevia can be propagated from stem cuttings. Simply take a 4-6 inch cutting from a healthy plant, remove the lower leaves, and place it in a pot filled with moist soil. Keep it in a warm and humid environment until roots develop.

In conclusion, planting Stevia can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for any gardener, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned green thumb. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can successfully cultivate this delightful herb in your garden or even in containers. Remember to choose a sunny location and well-drained soil, while also giving your Stevia plants ample space to grow. Incorporating organic matter and ensuring regular watering will further enhance their development. Patience is vital when growing Stevia, as it can take some time for the plants to establish themselves and yield an abundant harvest. However, with love, care, and a little bit of knowledge, you will soon be enjoying the sweet rewards of your efforts. So, don your gardening gloves, grab your trusty trowel, and embark on this exciting journey with Stevia. Your taste buds and health will thank you as you savor the natural sweetness of this remarkable herb, straight from your own garden. Happy planting!

Want to know more about Growing Stevia? Check out these posts:

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