How Do You Grow Shiso?

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Shiso

Growing Shiso

Shiso or Chrysanthemum Japonicus is a beautiful vine with delicate, heart-shaped leaves and striking scarlet flowers. It is one of the most commonly grown pachacutrias in the United States and the world over. If you’re wondering how to grow shiso, let us explain. Shiso thrives on lime and well-drained soil that can be acidic or neutral. The best time to plant this vine is from June through October, as it does not require much maintenance throughout the year.

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Cheatsheet: Growing Shiso


🌿 Red, green, and variegated are common varieties


🌱 Directly sow seeds or start indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost


💧 Well-draining soil with organic matter, pH around 6-7


☀️ Full sun to partial shade, grow outdoors or by a sunny window


💦 Keep soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged


📏 Plant 12-18 inches apart to allow for proper growth


⏳ Germination in 7-14 days, harvest in about 6-8 weeks


✂️ Snip leaves as needed, encourage bushier growth by pruning


🍽️ Culinary herb, sushi garnish, salads, teas, and more!

Health Benefits

💪 High in antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and calcium


🌱 Easy to grow at home, saves money, and adds freshness to dishes

How To Grow Shiso From Seed

This method for growing shiso is ideal for those who are looking for a quicker start. It is also useful if you live in a warmer climate and want to grow it indoors. You can grow shiso from seed indoors in about three weeks. The seeds should be planted at the same depth as the soil in which they were grown in, which means you should sow them 8-10 inches apart. once the shiso seeds have sprouted, they should be kept warm until they acangrow outside. the best temperature for this is around 65°f. make sure that your shiso plants get sunlight and water regularly while they are growing. it is a good idea to water them once a week. if you are growing shiso indoors, you should sow the seeds in pots in late march or early april. when they have sprouted, the plants should be placed in the same temperature and light conditions as they experienced in their original pot. if you are growing shiso outdoors, sow the seed in early summer or late spring. the seeds should be planted at the same depth as the soil in which they were grown in, which means you should sow them 8-10 inches apart.

How To Grow Shiso In A Garden Bed

garden bed preparation is important for any vine or vegetable growing. choose a well-drained, fertile area for your shiso garden. it’s also important to consider that your soil should be acidic and slightly alkaline with a ph of 6.0-6.9. since shiso is a vine, a trellis or a fence is required to support the plant. select a bed that is 6-8 feet wide and as long as your space allows. dig a hole twice as wide and as deep as the bed. soil is a good fertilizer and can be used to add nutrients to your garden bed. it is advisable to add aged manure to your soil because it has beneficial minerals, organic matter, and microbes that improve the taste and nutrition of your produce. there are many organic fertilizers on the market. you can also add compost or floral mulch to your bed to improve soil conditions and increase water retention. rise the bed so that it is at least 6 inches above the surrounding ground.

How To Grow Shiso In A Pot

if you are looking to grow shiso in pots, it is important to choose the right pot for this purpose. the best pots for growing shiso are clay pots because they regulate the temperature, retain moisture, and prevent weeds from growing in your shiso garden. the soil of shiso should be well-drained and slightly acidic. if your soil is too heavy or too moist, it will inhibit the growth of your shiso plant. the best potting soil for growing shiso is a mix of soil, peat moss, and compost. the soil should be 70% of the mix and the rest of the pot should be filled with water until it is 30% of the pot’s capacity. it is best to water your shiso regularly so that the soil has enough moisture. the best time to transplant shiso is during the day so that it has enough time to dry out before it is placed in the night light. it is best to use a clay pot for your shiso. you can also grow shiso in a seed tray.

How Do You Know If Your Shiso Is Healthy?

you can easily tell if your shiso is healthy by looking at the leaves and flowers of the plant. if the leaves look pale and the stems are skinny, the plant is not doing well. healthy shiso plants produce vibrant green leaves and flowers with very little or no yellowing. if you remove a leaf or a flower and gently rub it between your thumb and index finger, you should feel a little bit of moisture. if the plant has too much water in its soil, the leaves will be wet and feel very soft. if the leaf feels hard, your shiso is getting enough water. healthy shiso plants also have little to no soil on their leaves.

The Future Of Shiso: A Breakdown Of Its Potential And Risks

the future of shiso can be exciting for many reasons. for starters, it has the potential to become a fully-fledged superfood thanks to its diverse health benefits. moreover, the plant is gaining popularity because of its delicious flavor, long history of cultivation, and sustainable cultivation practices. for those who are curious about the health benefits of shiso, let’s take a look at some of the key advantages of this delicious herb. one of the main health benefits of shiso is that it can help you fight against cancer. the flavonoids present in shiso have the potential to help prevent and treat various cancers. the best way to reap these benefits is by drinking shiso tea. for example, shiso tea can help you fight against mouth and throat cancers due to the presence of isothiocyanates and flavonoids.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When is the best time to plant shiso?

The best time to plant shiso is in the spring after the last frost has passed.

2. How do I choose a suitable location for growing shiso?

Select a sunny spot with well-draining soil for growing shiso.

3. What is the ideal soil type for shiso?

Shiso thrives in rich and well-drained soil that is slightly acidic.

4. How frequently should I water shiso plants?

Water shiso plants regularly to keep the soil evenly moist, but avoid overwatering.

5. Can shiso be grown in containers?

Absolutely! Shiso adapts well to container gardening and can be grown successfully in pots.

6. How long does it take for shiso seeds to germinate?

Shiso seeds usually germinate within 7 to 14 days after planting.

7. How often should I fertilize shiso plants?

Apply a balanced fertilizer once a month to promote healthy growth of shiso plants.

8. Can shiso be harvested throughout the growing season?

Absolutely! You can harvest shiso leaves whenever they reach your desired size.

9. How can I prolong the harvest of shiso?

To prolong the harvest, pinch off flower buds as they form to prevent bolting.

10. Are there any pests or diseases that affect shiso plants?

Shiso is generally resistant to pests and diseases, but keep an eye out for slugs, snails, or aphids.

Shiso is a delicious herb with heart-shaped leaves and scarlet flowers that is commonly grown in Asian gardens. It thrives on well-drained soil that can be acidic or neutral, and it can be grown indoors or outdoors. the best time to plant this vine is from june through october, as it does not require much maintenance throughout the year. when growing shiso in a pot, you should choose a pot with good drainage. you can also grow shiso in a garden bed, but you should dig the bed and plant the seeds at the same depth as the soil in which they were grown. when growing shiso from seed, you should sow the seeds at the correct depth and keep the soil temperature, light conditions, and moisture levels consistent during the growing process. you can also grow shiso in a pot or a tray. shiso can fight against cancer and is a great source of antioxidants, so it is worth growing in your garden.

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