Grow Your Own Lemon Verbena Plant To Enjoy Fresh Fragrant Leaves

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Lemon Verbena

Growing Lemon Verbena

Lemon Verbena is an aromatic herb thats been cherished for centuries. Its lemony flavor and scent is most commonly used for culinary purposes such as flavoring dressings, marinades and sweet drinks, however its uses extend far beyond the kitchen and can even be used for medicinal purposes. The best part about having a Lemon Verbena of your own is that it's very easy to cultivate, meaning you can have an abundance of flavorful, fragrant leaves at your fingertips throughout the growing season. Keep reading to learn how to grow your very own Lemon Verbena plant.

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Cheatsheet: Growing Lemon Verbena

1. Ideal Growing Conditions

Sunny location ☀️, well-draining soil, USDA hardiness zones 8-11, tolerates drought conditions.

2. Planting Tips

Start from cuttings or seedlings 🌱, space plants 2-3 feet apart, water regularly until established.

3. Watering Guidelines

Keep soil moist but not soggy, avoid overwatering as it may cause root rot.

4. Pruning Techniques

Trim regularly to encourage new growth, prune woody stems to maintain bushy shape 🌿.

5. Harvesting and Storing

Pick leaves in the morning when essential oils are most concentrated, air dry or freeze for later use.

6. Culinary Uses

Infuse in teas 🍵, add to cocktails 🍹, enhance baked goods 🍰, flavor oils and vinegars.

7. Health Benefits

Rich in antioxidants, aids digestion, promotes relaxation, boosts the immune system.

8. DIY Beauty Recipes

Create refreshing toners, soothing balms, and invigorating bath soaks using lemon verbena leaves.

9. Insect Repellent

Planting lemon verbena near windows and doorways can help deter flies and mosquitoes. 🦟

10. Self-Sufficiency & Sustainability

Growing your own lemon verbena reduces reliance on store-bought herbs, supports local pollinators. 🐝🌼

Growing Lemon Verbena

If you've ever wanted to fill your garden with the uplifting scent of lemon, look no further than Lemon Verbena. This delightful herb is perfect for anyone who enjoys fresh, fragrant leaves.

Why Grow Lemon Verbena?

Lemon Verbena (Aloysia citrodora) is known for its intense lemon scent. It’s a treat for the senses.

Beyond its aromatic allure, lemon verbena is versatile. You can use it in teas, desserts, and even potpourris.

It’s said that Lemon Verbena can grow up to 6 feet tall, bringing both height and fragrance to your garden.

Getting Started

Choosing the Right Spot

Lemon Verbena loves sunlight. Find a spot that gets at least 6 hours of full sun.

Good drainage is crucial. It despises wet feet. I learned this the hard way when my first plant succumbed to root rot.

Planting Tips

  • Plant after the last frost. Lemon Verbena is frost-sensitive.
  • Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball. This gives the roots space to grow.
  • Water well initially. But let the soil dry out between watering sessions.

Consider adding compost to the soil. It boosts growth and enhances fragrance.

Caring for Your Plant


Watering is a balancing act. Too much, and you risk root rot. Too little, and the leaves will wilt.

In my experience, watering once a week works best. But adjust based on your local climate.

A well-drained soil mix can mitigate many watering issues. Aim for a sandy or loamy texture.


Pruning helps maintain shape and boosts foliage production. Snip off any woody stems.

I usually prune mine in early spring. It encourages new growth and keeps the plant bushy.

Using Those Fragrant Leaves

In the Kitchen

Lemon Verbena leaves pack a punch in teas and desserts. Just a few leaves can transform a simple syrup into a lemony delight.

Please remember that its flavor is strong. Use sparingly at first until you're familiar with its potency.

Other Uses

Crushed leaves make an aromatic addition to homemade potpourris. Perfect for freshening up your drawers or closets.

Try drying the leaves. They retain their scent for months and can be used all year round.

Growing Lemon Verbena is a deeply satisfying endeavor. It’s a feast for the senses and offers numerous uses. My garden wouldn't be the same without its refreshing aroma wafting through the air.

Keep experimenting with how you use the fragrant leaves. Whether in the kitchen or around the home, the possibilities are endless.

Frequently Asked Questions about Growing Lemon Verbena

1. How do I start growing lemon verbena?

To start growing lemon verbena, plant seeds or obtain a young plant from a nursery. Ensure it receives plenty of sunlight and water regularly.

2. What type of soil does lemon verbena prefer?

Lemon verbena prefers well-draining and fertile soil that is slightly acidic.

3. How often should I water my lemon verbena plant?

Water your lemon verbena plant deeply but as infrequently as possible, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again.

4. Can lemon verbena tolerate cold temperatures?

No, lemon verbena is sensitive to frost and cold temperatures. It is best grown in areas with mild winters or as a potted plant that can be moved indoors during winter.

5. How do I prune my lemon verbena plant?

Prune your lemon verbena plant regularly to maintain its shape and promote bushy growth. Remove any dead or diseased branches and trim it back in early spring.

6. Can I use lemon verbena leaves for cooking?

Absolutely! Lemon verbena leaves have a delightful lemony flavor and can be used in teas, desserts, sauces, and marinades, among other dishes.

7. How do I harvest lemon verbena leaves?

Harvest lemon verbena leaves by snipping stems just above a leaf node. Use them fresh or dry them for later use.

8. What are some common pests and diseases that affect lemon verbena?

Common pests include aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites. Powdery mildew and root rot can also be concerns. Regular inspection and maintaining good plant hygiene can help prevent and manage these issues.

Growing Lemon Verbena is a great way to bring a burst of freshness and vibrancy to your home or garden. Not only is it beautiful to look at, with its purple and white clusters of flowers, but it also has many culinary and medicinal benefits. The plant has a strong lemon scent, and its leaves can be used to make teas, infusions, and even many different kinds of dishes. It is also an excellent choice for home gardens as it is low maintenance and drought resistant. Investing the time and energy into growing Lemon Verbena is sure to be a rewarding experience that will bring many new and exciting flavors to your kitchen or garden.

Want to know more about Growing Lemon Verbena? Check out these posts:

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