How Do You Deal With Beetles?

Written by: Lars Nyman

How Do You Deal With Beetles?


Gardening can be a wonderful and rewarding experience, but it can also be frustrating when dealing with pesky bugs like beetles. Beetles can damage your plants, often making holes or eating the leaves, and they can also ruin your bounty of vegetables and fruits. the good news is that with a little bit of know-how, you can take control and effectively manage beetle populations in your garden. keep reading to find out more about how to combat these unwelcome pests.

Cheatsheet: Dealing with Beetles

Identify the Pest

  • Common beetles: ladybugs, carpet beetles, powderpost beetles, drugstore beetles 🐝

Prevention Tips

  • Seal cracks and crevices 🔒
  • Keep food stored in airtight containers 📆
  • Maintain clean and clutter-free spaces 🗑

Home Remedies

  • Vacuum regularly using crevice attachments 📤
  • Apply diatomaceous earth as a natural insecticide 🌼
  • Use sticky traps to catch beetles 🔏

Professional Help

  • Hire a licensed exterminator for severe infestations 🚶
  • Seek expert advice to identify and eliminate specific beetles 💻

Fun Facts

  • Ladybugs eat up to 5,000 aphids in their lifetime 🐖
  • Some beetles produce vibrant colors as a warning to predators 🌱
  • Beetles make up almost 40% of all described insect species 🐞

Natural Solutions For Dealing With Beetles In The Garden

The garden is a peaceful and beautiful place – until beetles decide to show up and ruin your plans. Gardeners everywhere know the frustration of dealing with pesky beetles invading their carefully crafted outdoor space. Fortunately, there are some natural solutions available to help you rid your garden of these pests.

Making Your Garden Unfriendly To Beetles

The first step to controlling beetles in the garden is to make the environment around your plants as unfriendly as possible. Planting certain flowers and herbs can create a bad scent for beetles and drive them away. Many species of Marigolds, Chrysanthemums, and even garlic are especially effective. Not only do they smell bad to the beetles, but their strong scent can also repel other pests.

Providing Niches For Predatory Insects

Predatory insects such as lacewings and ladybugs are natural predators of beetles and they can be a great asset to your garden. To attract these beneficial bugs, provide them with an attractive habitat by planting dense bushes and adding small houses and piles of stones near your plants. These niches can also provide shelter for spiders which can help reduce beetle problems.

Introducing Natural Predators

If the natural predators don’t appear on their own, you can always purchase and introduce them to your garden manually. Even if your local garden center doesn’t carry lacewings and ladybugs, you can order them online. Before introducing them into your garden, make sure to read up on their behavior and correct management techniques to ensure the best results.

Handpicking The Beetles

If all else fails, you can always just pick the beetles off your plants by hand. This task may be tedious, but it can be effective, and it’s worth the effort to protect your plants from significant damage. Put on a pair of gloves, and spend some time regularly inspecting each plant for beetles. If you find them, simply pick them off and toss them far away from your garden.
Dealing with beetles in the garden can be a challenge, but using the natural methods discussed above can help you defeat them. Natural solutions may not work immediately, but they are typically more effective than using pesticides and can help create an environment that is more friendly to beneficial insects and wildlife.


Q: What can I do to prevent beetle infestations in my garden?

Regularly inspect your plants and remove any visible beetles. Implement companion planting to repel beetles naturally.

Q: How can I control a beetle infestation without using pesticides?

Use organic methods like handpicking beetles and introducing natural predators to keep their population in check.

Q: What plants are most attractive to beetles?

Beetles are particularly attracted to plants like roses, beans, and cucumbers. Monitor these plants closely for signs of beetle activity.

Q: What are the signs that my garden is infested with beetles?

Look out for chewed leaves, skeletonized foliage, and small holes in the plants. Presence of adult beetles or larvae can also indicate an infestation.

Q: Are there any natural remedies to repel beetles from my garden?

Garlic spray, neem oil, or diatomaceous earth can be used as natural beetle repellents. Apply them to affected plants as directed.

Gardening with beetles is like any other part of gardening: it requires patience, dedication and a willingness to take care of the plants and the land that we've been entrusted to steward. With a little bit of planning and some careful cultivation, you can help maintain the balance of nature and keep your garden protected from these often voracious pests.

Want to know more about Beetles? Check out these posts:

Further reading:

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