What Is Companion Planting?

Written by: Lars Nyman

Companion Planting

Companion Planting

Have you ever heard of companion planting? It’s a gardening practice in which plants are grown close together to benefit each other. Companion planting has been around for centuries, but is gaining more and more popularity as gardeners look for ways to make their gardens more sustainable and productive. In this article, we’ll explore what companion planting is, the types of companion plants, the benefits of companion planting, and the best companion plants for vegetables. Read on to learn how to get the most out of your vegetable garden and reap the rewards of companion planting!


Why Companion Planting?

🌱 Boosts crop growth & health

🐝 Attracts pollinators

✅ Natural pest control

Successful Combinations

🧅 Onions + Carrots = Fewer carrot flies

🌽 Corn + Beans + Squash = Healthy symbiosis

🍅 Tomatoes + Basil = Enhanced flavor

Plants to Avoid Pairing

🍓 Strawberries + Cabbage = Inhibits growth

🌿 Mint + Parsley = Stunts parsley growth

🥔 Potatoes + Tomatoes = Potential blight

Beneficial Herbs

🌸 Chamomile: Attracts beneficial insects

🌿 Dill: Repels pests & attracts wasps

🥬 Borage: Improves nutrient uptake

Bad Pairings

🍏 Apples + Walnuts = Allelopathic reaction

🌱 Cucumbers + Sunflowers = Incompatible root systems

🍆 Eggplants + Potatoes = Same pests & diseases

Health & Nutrition Benefits

💪 Increased antioxidants in mixed plantings

🥕 Diverse gardens provide more nutrient-rich produce

🌿 Home-grown food promotes self-sufficiency

What Is Companion Planting?

What Is Companion Planting?

I've been gardening for years, and one of the techniques I've always found fascinating and effective is companion planting. So, what exactly is companion planting? Well, it's a gardening practice of growing certain plants together because they benefit each other in some way.

The Magic of Companionship

When it comes to gardening, plants like to have friends. Some plants make great neighbors while others, not so much. By strategically pairing compatible plants, you can create a harmonious and productive garden ecosystem where plants help each other thrive.

Did you know that certain plants act as natural pest repellents, while others provide essential nutrients to their companions? It's like having your own little gardening community right in your backyard!

The Partnerships That Work

Now, let's dive into some fascinating examples of companion planting partnerships:

1. The Three Sisters: Corn, Beans, and Squash

This Native American trio is a true powerhouse. The tall cornstalks provide support for the climbing beans, which in turn fix nitrogen into the soil, benefiting both the corn and squash. The large leaves of the squash act as a living mulch, preventing weeds and keeping the soil cool and moist.

2. Tomatoes and Basil

Tomatoes and basil are not just a perfect match in the kitchen; they are also great friends in the garden. Basil repels pests that commonly plague tomatoes, such as aphids and hornworms. Plus, the aromatic presence of basil is said to enhance the flavor of tomatoes.

3. Marigolds and Everything Else

Marigolds, with their vibrant colors and pungent aroma, are the superheroes of companion planting. They repel a wide range of pests, including nematodes, aphids, and whiteflies. Plant marigolds throughout your garden to protect your other precious plantings.

The Not-So-Friendly Neighbors

Just as certain plants benefit each other, some combinations can lead to disaster in the garden. Here are a few examples of plants that should not be planted near each other:

- Potatoes and Tomatoes

These nightshade family members should be kept separate, as they can both suffer from the same diseases and pests. Planting them together increases the risk of spreading and intensifying these problems.

- Cabbage and Strawberries

Cabbage releases compounds that inhibit strawberry growth, so it's best to keep them apart. Plus, cabbage butterflies love both cabbage and strawberries, making it hard to protect any of them without using chemical pesticides.

- Onions and Peas

Onions don't play well with peas, as they can stunt their growth. Peas prefer the company of carrots and beans instead.

Unlocking the Benefits of Companion Planting

Before jumping into a companion planting frenzy, keep these considerations in mind:

  1. Know your plants: Understand the needs and characteristics of each plant you want to grow and find suitable companions accordingly.
  2. Diversity is key: Create a diverse garden with a mix of plants to discourage pests from spreading and to attract beneficial insects.
  3. Rotate, rotate, rotate: Practice crop rotation to minimize disease buildup and nutrient depletion in the soil.
Remember, like any relationship, companion planting requires some trial and error. Observe your garden closely and make adjustments as needed. You'll find that these plant partnerships can truly work wonders for your gardening success!


What are the benefits of Companion Planting?

Companion Planting offers numerous advantages such as increased yield, improved plant health, pest control, and enhanced flavor.

Which plants make good companions for each other?

Plants that make good companions for each other have complementary characteristics, like repelling pests or attracting beneficial insects. Some examples are marigolds with tomatoes, basil with peppers, and beans with corn.

Are there any plants that should NOT be planted together?

Yes, certain plants should not be planted together due to incompatible growth habits, nutrient competition, or susceptibility to diseases. For instance, avoid planting onions near beans and potatoes.

What types of plants can be used for natural pest control in Companion Planting?

Plants like marigolds, nasturtiums, and mint can serve as natural pest control measures in Companion Planting. They repel harmful insects and attract beneficial ones.

How do I plan my Companion Planting layout?

When planning your Companion Planting layout, consider plant height, light requirements, water needs, and growth rate. Group plants with similar characteristics and ensure they complement each other.

If you’re looking to get the most out of your garden, then companion planting is an excellent way to do so. By choosing the right companion plants for your vegetables, you can increase their growth potential and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Additionally, you can create a more attractive garden and attract beneficial insects, such as bees and butterflies. So, what are you waiting for? Start companion planting today and reap the benefits of this ancient practice!

Want to know more about Companion Planting? Check out these posts:

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