How Do You Deal With Cankers?

Written by: Lars Nyman

How Do You Deal With Cankers?


Gardening can be a wonderfully rewarding experience, but it comes with its share of challenges. One of the most difficult is the occasional presence of cankers in plants. Whether caused by fungus or bacteria, these pesky infections leave ugly brown and black marks on stems and plants, and can even cause twig or branch death. Thankfully, there are strategies and treatments for dealing with cankers. In this article, we’ll explore how to identify cankers and discuss effective treatments, giving you the tools to deal with these issues quickly and efficiently.

Cankers Cheatsheet


🍎 Maintain good oral hygiene.

🥕 Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins.

💧 Stay hydrated to promote oral health.


💊 Use over-the-counter mouth rinses.

🧂 Rinse mouth with warm saltwater.

🪥 Avoid spicy or acidic foods.

Natural Remedies:

🌿 Apply aloe vera gel to cankers.

🍯 Use honey as a natural antiseptic.

🥥 Apply coconut oil for soothing relief.


😷 20% of people experience cankers frequently.

🌎 Cankers affect individuals worldwide.

🔒 Stress and trauma can trigger cankers.


📚 Educate yourself on canker causes and treatments.

🥗 Incorporate immunity-boosting foods into your diet.

💪 Practice stress management techniques.


Identifying Cankers

Isn't it disappointing when you see the fruits of your labor devastated by an unsightly menace on the bark of your beloved trees? In my years of gardening, I've found that cankers are one of the most frustrating issues you'll come across.

These sunken, dead patches of bark can seriously compromise the health of your plant - but identifying them early is key for effective treatment. Look for discoloration, cracking, or a generally rough texture compared to the surrounding bark.

I remember the first time I encountered a canker - I was so confused by the cracked, sunken spot on my apple tree. It's an experience I wouldn't wish on any gardener!

The Causes Behind Cankers

Arming ourselves with knowledge is our best defense against these persistent foes. Cankers are typically caused by a type of fungal or bacterial infection.

Your plants can become susceptible due to stress, often from drought, pruning wounds, or frost damage. In my gardening career, even the most hardy species have fallen prey to canker-causing pathogens during tough conditions.

Tackling Cankers: Step-by-Step

  1. Pruning: When I find cankers on my plants, the first step I take is to prune the infected branches. Note that it is crucial to cut at least 15cm below the canker to make sure you've removed all infected tissue.
  2. Sanitizing: After I've pruned the branch, I sanitize my tools with a bleach solution. It's a cautionary step, but a necessary one to prevent further spread of the disease.
  3. Maintaining Overall Health: Lastly, I take steps to ensure overall health of my plants - maintaining proper watering schedules, applying necessary nutrients, and shielding them from extreme weather conditions where possible.

Natural Disease Resistance

An approach that has often worked for me is planting disease-resistant varieties. Certain species of trees and shrubs are less susceptible to canker disease and can afford some peace of mind to the eco-friendly gardener.

Remember, Prevention is Better than Cure. A healthy plant is less likely to be a victim of canker disease.

Treating With Chemicals - A Last Resort

If the canker problem in your garden is severe and pruning doesn't seem to help, it might be time to consider fungicides or bactericides.

As an experienced gardener, I can tell you that chemical intervention should be your last resort due to the environmental implications. Past experience has taught me to exhaust all natural means before turning to this method.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dealing With Cankers

What are the signs of cankers on plants?

Cankers typically appear as sunken, discolored areas on the branches or trunks of plants.

How can I prevent cankers from spreading?

Prune affected branches below the canker, sterilize your tools between cuts, and dispose of infected material properly.

What are some natural remedies for treating cankers?

Apply a copper fungicide or a neem oil solution to help control the spread of cankers.

Can cankers be treated with chemical pesticides?

While chemical pesticides may help control cankers, it's essential to use them as a last resort and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.

As an experienced gardener, I've come to learn that life throws curveballs our way, and we have to be prepared to take on our challenges with a sense of determination and resilience. When it comes to dealing with cankers, the best advice I can give you is to remain vigilant and proactive - when treating infection at its early stage, you have a greater chance of successfully managing the spread and damage caused by cankers.

Want to know more about Cankers? Check out these posts:

Further reading:

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