How do you deal with slugs and snails?

Written by: Lars Nyman

How do you deal with slugs and snails?

Slugs And Snails

If you've ever grown a garden, you've probably encountered the pesky critters known as slugs and snails. These slimy pests have an insatiable appetite for your garden’s bounty, causing major damage to your plants and vegetables. While it can be frustrating dealing with them, there are several methods to help protect your garden from their appetite. In this article, we will discuss different methods for dealing effectively with slugs and snails in your garden.

Slugs and Snails Cheatsheet:


🌱Plant resistant varieties.

🌧️Avoid excessive watering.

🥣Attract natural predators.

🚫Remove hiding places.


🌿Use copper barriers.

🍺Set beer traps.

🌡️Apply coffee grounds.

🌶️Sprinkle chili powder.


🥒Place cucumber slices.

🍊Use grapefruit halves.

🥚Set up eggshell barriers.


🍽️Handpick slugs and snails.

🧹Clear debris to expose hiding spots.

🌾Create a copper wire fence.

Interesting Facts

🐌 A single snail can lay up to 1,200 eggs per year!

🌿 Slugs consume twice their weight each day.

🪱 Slugs and snails play vital roles in soil health.

😋 Snails are a source of protein, iron, and vitamins.

Slugs And Snails

Understanding the Enemy: Slugs and Snails

The first step towards dealing with slugs and snails effectively is understanding these critters properly. These slimy garden invaders are mollusks, not insects. I have found in my long gardening journey that they are primarily active during the night and on cloudy or rainy days. They love moisture and hide in cool, dark, and damp places during the day.

Preventing an Invasion

The best offence, they say, is a good defence. Preventing a slug or snail invasion can save you a lot of heartache down the line. Start by removing their habitats. Clean up areas around your garden that might attract them, like piles of leaves, dense ground covers, and weedy patches. I’ve noticed a marked decrease in their number after thoroughly cleaning my garden area.

Natural Barriers

Another tactic I’ve tested and found successful is creating natural barriers. Slugs and snails find it difficult to cross sharp and dry surfaces. Therefore, spreading things like crushed eggshells, diatomaceous earth, or sand around your plants can deter these pests. Remember, it's important to replace or replenish these barriers after rainfall.

Use of Traps

One of the classic methods in my "battle against the slugs" arsenal is using traps. Honestly, it required a bit of patience in the beginning, but the results were worth it. A simple trick is to place pots lightly filled with beer around your garden - slugs are attracted to the yeasty scent and will crawl inside and drown. As morbid as it may sound, it’s quite effective.

Note: Make sure to check these beer traps daily and refill or clean them as needed for continuous effectiveness.

Natural Predators

Inviting natural predators into your garden is a clever way to keep the slug and snail population in check. Birds, frogs, toads, and ground beetles are amongst the natural enemies of slugs and snails. I have found ducklings to be quite voracious slug eaters - a win-win situation since it also provides them with a nutritious meal.

Organic Pesticides

If all else fails, organic pesticides can be your last resort. These solutions, often containing iron phosphate, are safe for pets, wildlife, and the environment. When I had a serious invasion, I applied it around the garden. The pests ate the bait, stopped feeding immediately, and died within a few days.

The Persistent Battle

Dealing with slugs and snails is a persistent battle, and it can get a bit messy sometimes. With these methods in hand, I have managed to protect my garden and enjoy its bounty without sharing too much with these slimy intruders. Remember, the goal isn't necessarily to completely eradicate them but to keep their population under control. It's all part of the fun and challenges of the gardening life.


Q: How can I control Slugs And Snails?

A: Use organic slug pellets or set up beer traps.

Q: Are there any natural ways to deter Slugs And Snails?

A: Yes! Scatter crushed eggshells or create a barrier with copper tape.

Q: What are some companion plants that repel Slugs And Snails?

A: Plant lavender, thyme, or rosemary near susceptible vegetation.

Q: How can I protect seedlings from Slugs And Snails?

A: Create a physical barrier or use copper rings around young plants.

Q: What should I avoid when dealing with Slugs And Snails?

A: Avoid overwatering and leaving debris that provides hiding spots.

Eliminating slugs and snails can be challenging, but using proper prevention and control methods can help make your garden a healthier and more enjoyable space. No matter which approach you take, the reward at the end is worth the effort. A streamlined garden with less spoiled fruits and vegetables is a thing of beauty and a pleasure to enjoy.

Want to know more about Slugs And Snails? Check out these posts:

Further reading:

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