Planting Growing And Maintaining Pachysandra In Your Garden

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Pachysandra

Growing Pachysandra

Having a lush, green garden is the perfect addition to any outdoor space, but taking the time and effort to maintain it can be a bit overwhelming. Pachysandra, an evergreen ground cover, is ideal for those looking for low maintenance gardening! It will thrive in almost any climate and can instantly add a touch of elegance and greenery to your outdoor landscape. In this blog post, we will explore the ins-and-outs of planting, growing and maintaining pachysandra in your garden.

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Cheatsheet: Planting, Growing, and Maintaining Pachysandra

1. Choose the perfect spot

🌞 Place in partial shade to full shade areas for optimal growth.

2. Prepare the soil

🌱 Ensure well-draining soil with a pH of 4.5-6.5.

3. Planting time

📅 Early spring or fall is ideal for planting pachysandra.

4. Spacing is key

📏 Space plants 6-12 inches apart to promote healthy spreading.

5. Watering needs

💧 Keep soil moist, providing 1 inch of water weekly.

6. Feed your pachysandra

🍃 Apply balanced fertilizer in early spring and late fall.

7. Mulching matters

🌿 Use organic mulch to retain moisture and deter weed growth.

8. Fight off pests and diseases

🐛 Watch out for scale insects and fungal infections - treat accordingly.

9. Pruning tips

✂️ Trim back in late winter or early spring to maintain desired shape.

10. Expand your pachysandra

🔄 Divide plants every 3-5 years for healthy growth and propagation.

11. Enjoy the benefits

🌿 Pachysandra adds beauty, reduces erosion, and provides a lush groundcover.

12. Fun fact

💡Pachysandra releases oxygen at night, improving air quality while you sleep!

Planting Pachysandra

Pachysandra is an incredibly reliable groundcover. It's known for its dense, evergreen leaves and its ability to thrive in shady locations where most plants struggle.

To plant Pachysandra, choose a spot with part or full shade and well-drained soil. Avoid areas with standing water, as this plant dislikes soggy conditions.

  • Dig holes that are twice the width of the root ball.
  • Space the plants about 6-12 inches apart to allow room to spread.
  • Backfill the holes with soil, ensuring the root ball is level with the ground.

My own Pachysandra thrives under the canopy of an old oak tree where even grass wouldn’t grow. Patience is key here—it can take a year or two to fill in, but the wait is worth it.

Pachysandra terminalis, commonly known as Japanese Spurge, is hailed for its resilience and low maintenance.

Growing Pachysandra

Once established, Pachysandra requires minimal attention. However, initial care is crucial to ensure robust growth.

Water newly planted Pachysandra regularly for the first year. Aim for moist, not waterlogged, soil.

A balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer applied in early spring can give your Pachysandra a great start. Personally, I find that keeping a consistent watering schedule during dry spells is just as effective.

Avoid planting Pachysandra in full sun; too much direct sunlight can cause leaf burn and stunted growth.

One charming aspect is its moderate growth rate, which prevents it from becoming invasive yet effectively covers soil to prevent erosion.

Maintaining Pachysandra

Once Pachysandra is established, it practically takes care of itself. Yet, periodic maintenance helps it look its best.

Trim the tops of the plants in late winter or early spring to promote bushier growth. Use sharp, clean shears to avoid damaging the plant.

  • Remove any dead or yellowing leaves to maintain a lush appearance.
  • Watch for signs of disease like leaf blight, and treat promptly to prevent spreading.

If necessary, divide overgrown clumps every 3-4 years. This prevents overcrowding and encourages new growth. Simply dig up the plant, separate the root ball, and replant.

Pachysandra can sometimes struggle with voles or slugs, but otherwise it has few pests. Keep an eye out and take action if you see signs of these critters.

No story about Pachysandra is complete without mentioning its beautiful white flowers in spring. These small, spiky blooms add a delicate touch to its deep green foliage.

Growing Pachysandra offers both beauty and function, making it an ideal choice for shady areas in your garden.


1. When is the best time for growing pachysandra?

The ideal time to plant pachysandra is in early spring or fall.

2. How do I prepare the soil for growing pachysandra?

Ensure the soil is well-draining and rich in organic matter.

3. What is the recommended spacing for pachysandra plants?

Space the plants 6 to 12 inches apart for proper growth.

4. How often should I water pachysandra?

Water the plants regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged.

5. Does pachysandra require any special care?

Pachysandra is low-maintenance and requires minimal care once established.

6. Can pachysandra tolerate sun or shade?

Pachysandra thrives in partial to full shade but can tolerate some morning sun.

7. How do I control weeds around pachysandra?

Apply a thick layer of organic mulch around the plants to suppress weeds.

8. How fast does pachysandra spread?

Pachysandra can spread steadily and fill in an area within 2 to 5 years.

9. Can pachysandra be divided?

Yes, pachysandra can be divided in spring or early fall to create new plants.

10. How do I control pests and diseases affecting pachysandra?

Monitor for common pests like slugs and scale insects and treat accordingly. Ensure good air circulation to prevent disease.

Growing Pachysandra is a great way to add to the beauty of your garden or outdoor space. Not only can it provide ground coverage, but it is also extremely resilient and can tolerate many different types of soil and weather conditions. In addition, it helps attract beneficial insects and may even aid in preventing weeds. With its low-maintenance needs, Pachysandra is a great addition to any garden.

Want to know more about Growing Pachysandra? Check out these posts:

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