How To Grow St Johns Wort For A Successful Garden

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing St. John's Wort

Growing St. John's Wort

Looking for a vibrant, yellow perennial to enliven your garden? Our comprehensive guide on how to grow St. John's Wort will equip you with all the tools and knowledge needed to nurture this stunning plant successfully. Having St. John's Wort in your garden not only adds natural beauty, but it's also infused with medicinal properties that many find beneficial. Within this article, we'll delve into everything from the plant's origins and benefits to step-by-step instructions on care, maintenance, and growth. As you prepare your garden for this humble, yet astonishingly resilient herb, let our expert advice guide you towards achieving a vibrant, flourishing, and successful garden. Get ready to transform your green space with the captivating appeal of St. John's Wort!

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Cheatsheet: Growing St. John's Wort for a Successful Garden

1. Soil & Sun Requirements:

🌱 Well-drained soil with pH 5.5-7.0.
☀️ Full sun or light shade for optimal growth.

2. Planting:

🌱 Sow seeds in early spring or fall.
💧 Water regularly, but avoid overwatering.
🌱 Space plants 12-18 inches apart.

3. Growth & Maintenance:

🌿 Prune in late winter to promote branching.
💧 Water deeply during prolonged drought.
🍃 Harvest flowers and leaves when fully bloomed.
🦋 Attracts beneficial pollinators to your garden.

4. Health Benefits:

💡 May improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression.
💪 Contains powerful antioxidants for overall well-being.
💤 Can help alleviate sleep disorders and anxiety.

5. Interesting Facts:

❗ St. John's Wort has been used medicinally for centuries.
⚠️ Can interact with certain medications – consult healthcare professional.
🔬 Over 370 species of Hypericum plants exist worldwide.
🌍 Widely popular in Europe for its health benefits.

Growing St. John's Wort: A Comprehensive Guide

Choosing the Right Location

St. John's Wort thrives in full sun or partial shade. Aim for a spot that catches at least 6 hours of sunlight daily.

Ensure the soil is well-draining. Think sandy or loamy soil for the best results.

If your soil is clay-heavy, mix in some compost or sand.

Soil Preparation

Before planting, make sure the pH of your soil is between 5.5 and 7.5. It's not picky, but slightly acidic to neutral is perfect.

Loosen the soil to a depth of about 12 inches. I recommend adding some organic compost to enrich the soil.

Feel free to test the soil if you're a perfectionist like me. Nothing beats confidence in knowing your soil is spot-on!

Planting St. John's Wort

Plant in the spring after the last frost. Space each plant about 18-24 inches apart to allow for growth.

You can either start from seeds or purchase young plants. Starting from seed is rewarding, albeit takes patience.

Keep seeds in a damp paper towel in the fridge for 4 weeks before planting

Watering Requirements

Water your St. John's Wort regularly. Make sure the soil is consistently moist, but never waterlogged.

In my experience, once established, these plants are quite drought-tolerant. However, initial watering is crucial.

  1. Water deeply once a week.
  2. Increase frequency during hot, dry periods.


Use a balanced fertilizer to promote healthy growth. I like a 10-10-10 formula, but don't overdo it.

Fertilize in early spring. If you notice yellowing leaves, that could be a sign of nutrient deficiency.

Pest Control

St. John's Wort is generally resistant to pests. Nonetheless, keep an eye out for aphids and spider mites.

Handpicking or a mild soapy water spray usually does the trick. I've rarely had major issues with pests on these hardy plants.

Pruning and Maintenance

Prune back in early spring to encourage vigorous growth. Don't be afraid to cut it back hard; it comes back stronger.

Remove dead or damaged stems promptly. This helps prevent disease and keeps your plant looking its best.

I've found that pruning also encourages more blooms!

Harvesting and Uses

St. John's Wort blooms in mid to late summer. Harvest the flowering tops when they're in full bloom.

You can use the blooms to make tinctures, oils, or teas. I love using the homegrown flowers in homemade skincare recipes.

Remember, while helpful, consult a doctor before using any herbal remedies.


1. What are the ideal growing conditions for St. John's Wort?

The ideal growing conditions for St. John's Wort are full sun and well-draining soil.

2. When should I plant St. John's Wort?

Plant St. John's Wort in spring or early fall.

3. How much water does St. John's Wort need?

St. John's Wort needs moderate watering—keep the soil evenly moist.

4. Does St. John's Wort require special maintenance?

St. John's Wort requires minimal maintenance but regular pruning to promote growth and blooming.

5. Can St. John's Wort tolerate cold temperatures?

Yes, St. John's Wort can tolerate cold temperatures but may require winter protection in colder regions.

6. How long does it take for St. John's Wort to fully grow?

It takes approximately 2-3 years for St. John's Wort to reach its full growth potential.

7. Are there any pests or diseases that affect St. John's Wort?

St. John's Wort is generally pest-resistant and disease-free.

8. Can St. John's Wort be propagated?

Yes, St. John's Wort can be propagated through stem cuttings or division of established plants.

9. How often should I fertilize St. John's Wort?

Fertilize St. John's Wort once a year in spring with a balanced organic fertilizer.

10. When and how should I harvest St. John's Wort?

Harvest St. John's Wort flowers when they are fully open, and dry them in a cool, dark place before use.

St. John's Wort is a great plant to grow in your garden or indoors. Not only can it be used in teas, tinctures, and topical applications, but it is rich in minerals and vitamins that can improve your overall health. In addition, it is a colorful and attractive addition to any environment. Growing St. John's Wort is a wonderful way to make a positive change in your life and could be the perfect start to a healthier, happier you!

Want to know more about Growing St. John's Wort? Check out these posts:

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