How To Grow Hardy Kiwi In Your Garden

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Hardy Kiwi

Growing Hardy Kiwi

Growing hardy kiwi is an exciting venture for any home gardener looking to enjoy a delicious and unique fruit. Not only are they full of essential vitamins and minerals, kiwis are also attractive, self-pollinating plants that require minimal space or effort to maintain. While growing hardy kiwi may seem like an intimidating task for someone with no gardening experience, this blog post will outline the essential steps and techniques to ensure your kiwi vines bear sweet and healthy fruits in no time!

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Cheatsheet: Growing Hardy Kiwi in Your Garden


🌱 Choose a sunny spot with well-draining soil

⏳ Plant in early spring for optimal growth

πŸ’¦ Provide regular watering to keep soil moist


πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ Install a sturdy trellis or arbor for climbing vines

🌿 Ensure support structure can handle heavy fruit load


🌳 Use balanced fertilizer with a higher nitrogen content

πŸ” Apply monthly during the growing season


🐝 Attract pollinators by planting nearby flowers

πŸ™Œ Ensure male and female plants are within 50 feet


βœ‚οΈ Trim back excess growth in late winter or early spring

🌿 Remove dead or damaged branches for healthier plants

Pests & Diseases

🐜 Monitor for pests like aphids and Japanese beetles

🌿 Prevent fungal diseases by providing good airflow


πŸ₯ Pick fruits when color turns from green to brown

🍴 Enjoy delicious and nutritious kiwis fresh or in recipes

Fun Fact

🌍 Kiwifruit contains more vitamin C than oranges!

Growing Hardy Kiwi

Choosing the Right Variety

Pick a hardy kiwi variety suited to your local climate. 'Anna' and 'Meader' are excellent choices for colder regions.

Always select a male and female plant for pollination; one male can cover up to eight females.

"With arctic kiwi, I've found 'Issai' to be self-fertile but adding a male still boosts productivity."

Planting Location and Soil Preparation

Position your hardy kiwi plants in a sunny but sheltered spot, avoiding cold winds. A south-facing wall works great.

Well-drained, slightly acidic soil with pH 6.0-6.5 is ideal. Amend with compost to enhance fertility and structure.

  • Apply a balanced fertilizer rich in potassium and phosphorous before planting.
  • Set the plants 10-15 feet apart to allow room for vines to spread.
"Healthy soil is the backbone of vigorous kiwi growth. Incorporate organic matter generously."

Training and Pruning

Train the vines on a strong trellis or pergola. This supports heavy fruit loads and encourages air circulation.

In the first year, focus on establishing a single trunk. Prune side shoots regularly.

Once established, prune annually in late winter to maintain shape and remove dead or overcrowded canes.

"Pruning seems daunting, but it's essential for good fruiting. Don't be afraid to cut back."

Watering and Fertilization

Water deeply and consistently, especially during dry spells. Aim to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.

A mulch layer can help retain moisture and suppress weeds. I prefer straw or composted leaves for this.

  • Fertilize in early spring and mid-summer with a balanced, slow-release formula.
  • Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers; they encourage excessive foliage at the expense of fruit.

Pest and Disease Management

Hardy kiwis are generally resilient, but keep an eye out for aphids and spider mites. Neem oil can control minor infestations.

Fungal diseases like leaf spot and root rot can occur. Ensure good air circulation and avoid waterlogged conditions to mitigate these risks.

I've found that regular inspections and prompt action keep my kiwis healthy and thriving.

Harvesting Hardy Kiwi

Harvest typically occurs in late summer to early fall. Fruit should be firm but give slightly under gentle pressure.

Refrigerate harvested kiwis to ripen within a week. If left at room temperature, they may over-ripen quickly.

For the best flavor, store them in the fridge for a few weeks before enjoying. Trust me; it’s worth the wait.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor in fresh salads, smoothies, or just as a snack.


1. When is the best time to plant hardy kiwi?

The best time to plant hardy kiwi is in the early spring or late fall.

2. What type of soil does hardy kiwi prefer?

Hardy kiwi prefers well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter.

3. How much sunlight does hardy kiwi need?

Hardy kiwi thrives in full sun but can tolerate partial shade.

4. Does hardy kiwi require a trellis?

Hardy kiwi is a vine and needs a trellis or support structure to grow properly.

5. How often should hardy kiwi be watered?

Hardy kiwi should be watered regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.

6. Does hardy kiwi need to be fertilized?

Hardy kiwi benefits from an annual application of balanced fertilizer in early spring.

7. How long does it take for hardy kiwi to start producing fruits?

Hardy kiwi typically begins to produce fruits within 2-3 years after planting.

8. Can hardy kiwi be grown in containers?

Hardy kiwi can be grown in containers, but larger pots are recommended to accommodate its vigorous growth.

Growing Hardy kiwi is an incredibly rewarding experience with huge health benefits and endless cooking possibilities. besides adding freshness and flavor to your dishes, the nutritious and delicious fruit is also a great way to get your family and friends involved in gardening. with the right care and time, hardy kiwi can thrive in any environment and make a wonderful addition to any garden.

Want to know more about Growing Hardy Kiwi? Check out these posts:

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