How To Grow Apricot Trees

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Apricot

Growing Apricot

Apricot is a juicy, sweet-tasting fruit that is a member of the rose family and originated in China. It is similar to a peach, but usually more tart in flavor, and is usually yellowish-orange in color. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, and also contains dietary fiber and antioxidants, which make it an important part of a healthy diet.

Cheatsheet for Growing Apricot Trees

1. Ideal Growing Conditions:

🌞 Sunny location, well-draining soil, and pH between 6.0 and 7.5.

2. Planting:

🌱 Dig a hole twice as wide and deep as the rootball, spread roots, backfill, and water.

3. Pruning:

✂️ Prune in late winter to maintain shape, remove dead wood, and improve airflow.

4. Fertilizing:

🌿 Apply balanced fertilizer twice a year – spring and after harvest – to boost growth.

5. Watering:

💦 Deeply water young trees 2-3 times a week, and established trees 1-2 times a week.

6. Pest & Disease Control:

🐛 Regularly inspect leaves for signs of pests, and apply organic pesticides if needed.

7. Harvesting:

🍑 Wait until apricots are firm yet slightly soft, then gently twist and pull to detach.

8. Storage & Preservation:

🔒 Store ripe apricots in the refrigerator or preserve them by drying, canning, or freezing.

9. Health Benefits:

💪 Rich in vitamin A, C, and fiber, apricots support eye health and boost digestion.

10. Self-Sufficiency:

🌱 Cultivating apricot trees provides fresh, homegrown fruit and promotes sustainability.

I've been gardening for years, and one fruit tree that I can't get enough of is the apricot tree. The taste of a freshly picked apricot is like a sweet burst of sunshine, and I want to share my knowledge on how to grow these beauties in your own backyard

Location, Location, Location

Apricot trees thrive in climates with a long, hot summer and a cold winter. They need at least six hours of direct sunlight each day, so find a spot in your garden that gets plenty of sunshine. Make sure the soil is well-drained, as apricot trees don't like wet feet.

Choose the Right Variety

There are several different apricot varieties to choose from, so pick one that is suited to your climate. Some popular varieties include 'Moorpark', 'Blenheim', and 'Goldcot'. Each variety has its own flavor and ripening time, so do some research to find the perfect fit for your garden.

Planting and Pruning

When planting your apricot tree, make sure the hole is wide and deep enough to accommodate the roots. Mix in some well-rotted compost or organic matter to help improve the soil quality. After planting, give your tree a good watering and apply a layer of mulch around the base to help retain moisture.

Pruning is essential for apricot trees to maintain their shape and ensure good air circulation. Prune your tree during the dormant season, removing any dead or diseased branches. Aim for an open vase shape, with a central leader and several main branches.

Watering and Fertilizing

Apricot trees need regular watering, especially during dry spells or while they are establishing. Water deeply, making sure the soil is thoroughly soaked. Avoid overwatering, as apricot trees are susceptible to root rot.

When it comes to fertilizing, apricot trees benefit from a balanced fertilizer in early spring. Avoid high nitrogen fertilizers, as they can lead to excessive leaf growth at the expense of fruit production.

Pest and Disease Control

Apricot trees can be prone to a few pests and diseases, such as aphids, peach twig borers, and brown rot. Inspect your tree regularly and take action at the first sign of trouble. Organic insecticidal sprays or traps can help keep pests at bay, while good sanitation and proper pruning can help prevent disease.

Did you know? Apricot trees are a member of the same family as roses, making them not only delicious but also beautiful additions to your garden.

Harvesting and Enjoying

Once your apricot tree starts producing fruit, make sure to harvest them when they are fully ripe. Apricots can be tricky, as they can be firm and unripe one day and mushy the next. Gently squeeze the fruit to check for ripeness – it should give slightly when pressed.

Don't wash your apricots until right before you eat them, as they can become mushy when exposed to water. Enjoy them fresh off the tree, or use them in jams, pies, or even grilled for a delightful twist.

With a little patience and care, you can grow your own apricot tree and enjoy the fruits of your labor. So get out there, find the perfect spot, plant your tree, and start reaping the sweet rewards!


1. What are the ideal growing conditions for apricot trees?

The key to growing apricots is providing them with a sunny location and well-draining soil.

2. How often should I water my apricot tree?

Water your apricot tree deeply every 10-14 days, depending on the weather.

3. When is the best time to fertilize apricot trees?

Apply fertilizer to your apricot trees in early spring before new growth emerges.

4. How do I protect my apricot tree from pests?

Prevent pests by using organic pest control methods and keeping the tree clean of debris.

5. Can I grow apricot trees in containers?

Yes, you can grow apricot trees in containers, choose a dwarf variety and use the right soil mix.

6. How long does it take for apricot trees to bear fruit?

Apricot trees usually start bearing fruit in 2-4 years after planting.

7. Should I prune my apricot tree?

Prune your apricot tree in late winter or early spring to promote healthy growth and fruit production.

8. How do I harvest apricots?

Harvest apricots when they are fully colored, slightly soft, and easily detach from the branch.

treesGrowing Apricot trees is a great idea for many reasons. not only are they a great source of nutrition, but they are also drought tolerant and are largely pest and disease resistant. plus they have a beautiful flavor that can not be matched. in addition, the trees themselves are relatively low-maintenance and require minimal fertilization or pruning-tips-for-healthy-herbs">pruning. lastly, apricot trees can produce fruit year-round, making them a great choice for home growers.

Want to know more about Growing Apricot? Check out these posts:

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