How Do You Plant Watermelon?

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Watermelon

Growing Watermelon

Ready to grow your own juicy, refreshing watermelons? Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to plant and nurture watermelon, the vibrant summer treat enjoyed by many. With careful attention to planting techniques, soil conditions, seed nurturing, and harvest tips, anyone can become proficient in growing watermelon. Whether you're a beginner planning your first garden or an experienced gardener looking to expand your fruity crop selection, this article is packed with tips and tricks to ensure a bountiful watermelon harvest. We'll help you turn a simple watermelon seed into a thriving vine bursting with spectacular, large, and delectably sweet fruit. So, let's dive into the fruitful and wonderfully rewarding world of watermelon cultivation.

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Cheatsheet: How to Plant Watermelon

1. Choose the Right Variety:

🍉 Select a variety suitable for your climate and personal preferences.

2. Prepare Ideal Soil:

✅ Ensure well-drained soil with a pH of 6-7. Amend with compost or organic matter.

3. Sow Seeds or Transplants:

🌱 Start seeds indoors 3-4 weeks before last frost or directly sow in warm soil.

4. Give Them Space:

📏 Plant in hills or rows, spacing plants 6 feet apart with 8-10 feet between rows.

5. Provide Ample Sun:

☀️ Watermelons need full sun for at least 6-8 hours a day.

6. Water Adequately:

💦 Regularly water at the base, keeping soil moist but not waterlogged.

7. Use Mulch:

🍃 Apply mulch around plants to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate temperature.

8. Support the Vines:

🌿 Gently train the vines along a trellis or support to keep fruit off the ground.

9. Fertilize Properly:

🌿 Apply a balanced fertilizer high in phosphorus to support fruit development.

10. Watch Out for Pests:

🐜 Protect against common pests like aphids, cucumber beetles, and squash bugs.

11. Harvest at the Right Time:

⌛️ Harvest when the tendril closest to the melon is brown and the bottom sounds hollow when thumped. Enjoy your homegrown, juicy and nutritious watermelon! 🍉


If you’re looking for the sweet, summertime taste of watermelon, you can’t go wrong with planting your own varieties. Watermelons are easy to grow, and with a few simple steps, you can be enjoying your own fresh-from-the-garden watermelons in no time. Here’s all you need to know about planting delicious watermelons!

1. Choose A Variety Of Watermelon

When you’re deciding which type of watermelon to plant in your garden, there are a few things to keep in mind. Cold-tolerant varieties are great for those who live in areas with cooler climates. If you’re in a warmer climate, heat-tolerant varieties are best. For a sweet watermelon, try one of the many “icebox” varieties; these watermelon plants tend to produce the sweetest and juiciest fruit.

2. When To Plant Watermelon

Since watermelons thrive in hot weather, it’s best to wait until all danger of frost has passed, and the soil is at least 65°F (18°C) before planting your watermelon seeds. Planting too early can prevent watermelons from maturing before colder weather returns.

3. Preparing The Soil

Watermelon plants need soil that is light and well-draining. Sandy loam soil is ideal, but any soil can be improved by adding compost or organic matter to increase drainage and aeration. If your soil is heavy clay, consider creating mounds for planting. Make sure the mounds are about four to five feet apart, and heavy enough to keep watermelons off the ground.

4. Planting The Seeds

Planting your watermelon seeds is a fun and easy process. For direct-sowing, space your seeds four to six inches apart, then cover with an inch (2.5 cm) of soil. Firm the soil down, then water. If your soil is still not warm enough, cut the bottom out of a two-liter plastic bottle and place it upside down over the planted seeds to create a mini greenhouse.

5. Care For Your Watermelons

Once the watermelons start to grow, water them weekly when the soil is dry. Mulching with straw or hay also helps to keep the watermelon vines cool and moist. Watermelons are heavy feeders, so they should be fertilized every two weeks with a complete fertilizer or a side-dressing of manure.

6. Know When To Harvest

Watermelons typically take about 90 days to reach full maturity and harvest. To test for ripeness, look for the telltale yellow splotch on the underside of the fruit. A dull thud sound when you knock on the watermelon is a good indication that the melon is ripe.

7. Protect Your Watermelons

To prevent watermelons from being eaten by critters, cover the entire area with a trellis net or plastic sheeting. This will also keep your watermelon vines from sprawling all over the garden.


With a little know-how, planting and growing watermelons can be a rewarding and tasty experience. With the right soil, the right timing, and the right care, you’ll soon be enjoying the juicy, flavorful fruits of your labor!

Frequently Asked Questions about Growing Watermelon

1. When is the best time to plant watermelon?

The best time to plant watermelon is in late spring or early summer, when the soil temperature reaches at least 70°F (21°C).

2. How do I prepare the soil for planting?

Prepare the soil by loosening it to a depth of 12 inches and removing any weeds or debris. Mix in compost or well-rotted manure to improve fertility.

3. How far apart should I space my watermelon plants?

Space your watermelon plants 3 to 6 feet apart in rows that are 6 to 8 feet apart. This provides enough room for the vines to spread and prevents overcrowding.

4. How much water do watermelon plants need?

Watermelon plants need around 1 to 2 inches of water per week. Ensure the soil is consistently moist, especially during hot and dry periods.

5. Do watermelon plants require full sun?

Yes, watermelon plants thrive in full sun. They should receive at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight each day for optimal growth and fruit development.

6. How long does it take for watermelon to grow?

The time it takes for watermelon to grow varies depending on the variety. Generally, it takes around 80 to 100 days from planting to harvest.

7. How do I know when watermelons are ready to harvest?

Watermelons are ready to harvest when the fruit has a deep, uniform color, the tendrils on the stem start to dry out, and the bottom of the fruit sounds hollow when tapped.

In conclusion, planting watermelon is a delightful endeavor that can be immensely rewarding. As an experienced gardener, I have come to appreciate the art of nurturing these juicy and refreshing fruits. Remember to choose a sunny spot in your garden with well-draining soil, and prepare the ground by removing all weeds and rocks. Sow the seeds or transplant seedlings after the danger of frost has passed, ensuring they have enough space to spread and grow. Watermelons are thirsty plants, so provide them with a consistent supply of water throughout the growing season, making sure not to overwater and cause rot. Using mulch and incorporating compost into the soil will aid in moisture retention and keep weeds at bay. Regularly monitor for pests and diseases, and apply organic pest control methods if necessary. Finally, be patient, as watermelons take time to mature. When the moment arrives and you see that rich, vibrant color and hear that satisfying, melodic thump, you’ll know that your efforts were well worth it. So grab a slice of juicy, sweet Watermelon and savor the taste of your hard work and mother nature's bounty. Happy gardening!

Want to know more about Growing Watermelon? Check out these posts:

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