How Do You Plant Brussels Sprouts?

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Brussels Sprouts

Growing Brussels Sprouts

Do you enjoy the savory taste of Brussels sprouts and want to plant some in your own garden? In our comprehensive guide on "How Do You Plant Brussels Sprouts?", we'll walk you through every step - from selecting the best soil and planting conditions to nurturing growth and finally harvesting these petite powerhouses of nutrients. Brussels sprouts are a perfect addition to home gardens and we're here to help make your goal a success. Beyond the basic planting procedures, we will also delve into expert gardening tips and common pitfalls to avoid. Allow us to cultivate your green thumb as we explore the process of planting Brussels sprouts together. So whether you're new to gardening or are a seasoned veteran looking for some extra tips, this guide is here to help grow your gardening success.

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Brussels Sprouts Planting Cheatsheet

Planting Basics

🌱 Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost date.

🌱 Transplant seedlings outdoors 2-4 weeks before last frost date.

🌱 Plant in well-draining soil with full sun exposure.

Spacing and Depth

🌱 Space plants 18-24 inches apart in rows 30-36 inches apart.

🌱 Plant seeds ¼ to ½ inch deep, cover lightly with soil.


🌱 Water regularly, keeping soil consistently moist.

🌱 Apply organic mulch to help retain moisture and suppress weeds.

🌱 Fertilize every 3-4 weeks with balanced organic fertilizer.

Pests and Disease

🌱 Protect young plants from pests using row covers or netting.

🌱 Monitor for common pests like aphids, caterpillars, and slugs.

🌱 Rotate crops annually to prevent disease buildup in the soil.


🌱 Harvest when sprouts are firm and 1-2 inches in diameter.

🌱 Begin picking from bottom up, removing lower leaves as you go.

🌱 Enjoy fresh or store in a refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.

Health Benefits

🌱 Brussels sprouts are packed with antioxidants and vitamins.

🌱 They promote heart health and may help reduce inflammation.

🌱 Low in calories and high in fiber, aiding digestion and weight management.

Intro To Growing Brussels Sprouts

Let's do this! Growing brussels sprouts is a lot of fun. Plus, they are tasty and healthy!


Almost all varieties of Brussels sprouts need cold weather to grow well. From pale green to dark green or even reddish-purple, brussel sprouts are available in a wide variety. If you want to grow a variety that is less likely to get the fungal infection like Alternaria, try growing the Catskill variety. It does not produce huge harvest since each stalk holds only about 10 buds. Dagan is a hybrid variety that grows tall and straight making it perfect for dinner tables. It also has good disease resistance. Gustus is another hybrid variety that can take up to 100 days to mature and last for a long time in fridge. Grow the Hestia variety if you are looking for a variety that does not need to get as cold. It is an early maturing variety that takes about 95 days to mature. Cryptus is a high-yielding variety with medium green sprouts. It is also resistant to clubroot disease. Jade Cross is also a compact, high-yielding variety with excellent sprout quality and it can tolerate hot weather conditions too. If you are looking for a super early-maturing variety, try growing the Octia sprouts. It matures in 78 days and produces well-spaced buds.


Brussel sprouts best grow in sandy loam soil. Add several inches of aged manure or compost into the soil before sowing the seeds. prior to planting, mix a thick layer of compost in the soil. the soil ph should be neutral and neither too acidic not too alkaline. a rich and consistently moist soil is the key to make the seeds sprout faster. brussels sprouts belong to the cabbage family and are prone to soil-borne diseases. make sure that you do not plant the seeds where you last grew plants from the cabbage family (kale, broccoli). adding aged and nutrient-rich compost to the soil helps give the plants a good head-start and results in good harvest. add 2 to 3 inches of mulch around the base of the plant to retain soil moisture and minimize weeds. moisture retention is important for the healthy growth of brussels sprouts. water the soil as soon as the top 1 to 2 inches dry out. if the soil gets too dry, the sprouts shrivel and do not develop fully. if you are growing the plants outdoors, we recommend raised garden beds as they are good for cool-season vegetables


you are obviously also going to need seeds! got the seeds already?


this plant needs full sun.


brussels sprouts typically need a long growing season of about 80 days and more and have a better flavor when exposed to light frost. plant the seeds four months or 6 to 8 weeks before the first frost date so they can get the much required exposure to light frost. this means that you can start them from early to mid-summer to harvest in fall or early winter. if your area has mild winters with temperatures rarely going below freezing, you can plant the seeds from mid to late summer so the plants harvest from mid to late winter. in cooler areas, they can be grown as spring crops if you plant them outside. start the seeds indoors in early spring and set out plants when they have 5 or more leaves. starting the seeds indoors gives the seedlings a good head start and helps protect them from pests and heat. most plants develop their first true leaves at 2 to 3 inches in height. sow under cloches or fleece, or in a cold frame. sow seeds thinly, 13 mm (0.5 inch) deep, in rows 15cm (6 inches) apart. start them off early to get the best crop! if you are sowing the seeds directly outdoors, be prepared to add 20 days to the usual date of harvest as it takes slightly longer for direct-sown seeds to mature.


brussels sprouts should be sown at a depth of 0.5 inches (1 cm). plant the seeds about half an inch deep and 3 inches apart.


space the seeds 18 to 24 inches apart.



What is the best time to plant Brussels sprouts?

The best time to plant Brussels sprouts is in early spring or late summer.

How do I prepare the soil for growing Brussels sprouts?

Prepare a well-drained soil rich in organic matter, with a pH level of 6.0 to 7.5.

How deep should I plant Brussels sprout seeds?

Plant seeds 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep in the soil.

What is the ideal spacing for Brussels sprout plants?

Space Brussels sprout plants 18 to 24 inches apart.

How much sunlight do Brussels sprouts need?

Brussels sprouts require full sunlight, at least 6 hours per day.

What are some common pests and diseases that affect Brussels sprouts?

Common pests and diseases include aphids, cabbage worms, and clubroot.

Can Brussels sprouts be grown in containers or pots?

Yes, Brussels sprouts can be grown in large containers or pots with good drainage.

How often should I water Brussels sprouts?

Water Brussels sprouts regularly, providing 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week.

When can I harvest Brussels sprouts?

Harvest Brussels sprouts when the sprouts are firm and about 1 to 2 inches in size.

The seeds germinate in five to eight days at optimal temperatures of 75 to 77 F (23 – 25 C). They perform the best in full sunlight with at least 6 hours of direct sun most of the days. Too much shade slows down the maturity period of the plants and also produces lower harvest. Put the seedling tray in a spot that receives lots of direct sunlight for a higher success rate. It is a cool-weather plant and sprouts from the seed when the soil temperatures are between 45 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If the seeds have germinated successfully, do not pull out the little seedlings as it damages the roots. Keep the germinated seeds properly watered at all times as it is a sensitive stage and the seedlings benefit from a moist soil. If the seeds were sown indoors, they will need 7 to 10 days to get used to outdoor temperature conditions. Use a cloche or mini greenhouse to protect the seedlings from sudden changes in temperatues and gradually remove the cloche for longer periods.

Want to know more about Growing Brussels Sprouts? Check out these posts:

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