How Do You Grow Scorzonera?

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Scorzonera

Growing Scorzonera

Scorzonera is a cool-season annual that likes to grow in chilly weather and wet soil. It can be grown as an annual or as part of a succession plan. If you’re just starting, then you should start with a smaller space than if you’re growing it for succession. Growing scorzonera in the right conditions will allow you to harvest the fruits of your labor three to four times per season. This article will help you get started growing Scorzonera.

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Scorzonera Growing Cheatsheet


🗓️ Plant scorzonera in early spring or late fall

🌞 Requires full sun or partial shade

🌱 Sow seeds directly in well-drained soil

🌡️Temperature & Water

❄️ Tolerates frost and cool temperatures

💧 Water deeply once or twice a week

🌧️ Requires regular watering during dry periods

🌱Care & Maintenance

🌱 Keep the soil moist but avoid overwatering

🌿 Weed regularly to prevent competition

🧹 Remove dead leaves for better air circulation


📅 Harvest roots after 120-150 days

➰ Gently loosen soil around the roots

🥕 Carefully lift the scorzonera from the soil

🍽️Nutrition & Benefits

🥦 Rich in fiber, vitamin C, and potassium

🩸 Supports healthy blood circulation

🌿 Boosts immune system and digestion

🚜Growing Tips

🍃 Plant alongside carrots to deter carrot rust flies

☔ Scorzonera does not tolerate waterlogged soil

📏 Space plants 6-12 inches apart

What Is Scorzonera?

Scorzonera, commonly called “edible pothos”, “Chinese artichoke”, or “Crocuses”, is a perennial plant. It belongs to the Asteraceae family and is a native of southern Europe. The scorzonera is grown as an ornamental in warm and temperate regions. It can grow in full sun or partial shade. It grows best in an area that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight daily. The scorzonera can be grown in containers or outdoors. If you’re growing it in a container, make sure that you keep it in a room with temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also grow it outdoors in a sunny area with well-drained soil.

How To Grow Scorzonera

Many online articles claim to have the best way to grow Scorzonera. But before you go crazy with research and start trying to grow it like a master, you need to know the basics first. Scorzonera is a cool season plant. It grows best when temperatures are between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The best times to grow it are spring and fall. It prefers slightly acidic soil. You can add some organic fertilizers, but make sure that they don’t contain potassium. If you live in areas where the winters are harsh, you can grow it as an annual. If you plan on growing it as an annual, you’ll need to start it indoors 4 to 6 weeks before the last frost date. You can grow it outside in a sunny area with well-drained soil.

When To Harvest Scorzonera

As with most vegetables, the best time to harvest the fruits of your labor is during the peak of ripeness. however, some vegetables, like corn, are harvested all year long. that’s not the case with scorzonera. if you want the best harvest of this perennial, then you should harvest it during the cool season. during the warm season, scorzonera produces small, unripe fruits that aren’t very tasty. harvest it during the cool season and you will get a tastier harvest. the fruits mature after about 8 weeks, so you can harvest them once every 8 weeks from when you start growing them. the fruits will start to yellow when they are about to ripen. when you see this happen, harvest the fruits immediately and store them for later use. you can either use the fruits fresh or dry them for later use.

Different Varieties Of Scorzonera

there are many varieties of scorzonera. some of these varieties include; - chinese artichoke - this variety is easy to grow and can be grown in a container. - scarlet artichoke: this variety is ornamental and is best grown outdoors. - english artichoke: this variety is also known as a “heart” scorzonera. it has large, edible fruits. - purple artichoke: this is a perennial variety that is best grown as an annual. - yellow artichoke: this variety is ornamental and produces yellow-green leaves.

Considerations For Growing Scorzoneras

growing and caring for a scorzonera might seem quite easy, but there are a few considerations that you should keep in mind. the scorzonera is a perennial plant and is best grown as an annual. furthermore, this plant requires a cool-season climate and full sunlight. you should also keep in mind that the scorzonera needs rich soil that is acidic to thrive. if you live in a warmer or sub-tropical area, then you can grow it outdoors. otherwise, you can grow it in pots indoors. this plant is known to be invasive, so you need to make sure that you don’t grow it in places where it isn’t supposed to be. scorzonera is known to be poisonous and can cause health issues if consumed. you should also make sure that you keep animals and children away from your plants to prevent them from accidentally eating them.


1. What are the growing requirements for Scorzonera?

Growing Scorzonera requires full sun and well-drained soil.

2. When is the best time to plant Scorzonera?

The best time to plant Scorzonera is in early spring or early fall.

3. How do you sow Scorzonera seeds?

Sow Scorzonera seeds directly into the soil, approximately 1 inch deep.

4. How often should Scorzonera be watered?

Water Scorzonera regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist.

5. How long does it take for Scorzonera to germinate?

Scorzonera seeds usually germinate within 10-15 days.

6. How far apart should Scorzonera plants be spaced?

Space Scorzonera plants about 12 inches apart in rows that are 18-24 inches apart.

7. How tall does Scorzonera grow?

Scorzonera plants typically grow up to 18-24 inches tall.

8. When is Scorzonera ready for harvest?

Scorzonera can be harvested when the roots reach a desired size, usually after 100-120 days.

9. How do you store harvested Scorzonera?

Store harvested Scorzonera roots in a cool, dark place with high humidity.

10. Can you save Scorzonera seeds for future planting?

Yes, you can save Scorzonera seeds for future planting by allowing the seed heads to fully mature and dry before collecting and storing them.

Growing your veggies is a great way to save money, but after you’ve learned how to grow a few veggies, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut. This article will help you get out of the rut. Whether you’re just starting or you need a refresher, there is something here for everyone. From a beginner’s guide to growing scorzonera to tips for growing in climates that are a bit more challenging, you’re sure to find the information you need.

Want to know more about Growing Scorzonera? Check out these posts:

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