How Do You Grow Malabar Spinach?

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Malabar Spinach

Growing Malabar Spinach

Growing Malabar spinach is not difficult and can be done in almost any home garden. These greens are often referred to as Indian Okra. They are a type of leaf vegetable also known as ‘Pachcha gram’ in India. You can grow this spinach indoors if you don’t have a garden or outdoor gardens. Growing Malabar Spinach Indoors: You will need to grow this spinach indoors during a cool season (winter). It is best grown in an area that receives morning sun only. The ideal temperature for growing Malabar Spinach is between 60-75 degrees Fahrenheit (16-24 degrees Celsius). The light requirement is 10 hours of sunlight per day, but it can tolerate less intense sunlight if it’s filtered. Read on to learn more about how to grow Malabar Spinach indoors...

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Cheatsheet: Growing Malabar Spinach

🌿 Varieties

Choose from Malabar Red, Green, or Vining.
🌱 Vining type grows 3 feet or more.

🌞 Sunlight

Full sun exposure maximizes growth.
🕑 At least 4 hours of direct sunlight.

💧 Watering

🚿 Keep soil moist, not waterlogged.
💦 Regular watering to prevent wilting.

🌱 Soil

🌿 Well-draining soil with compost.
💚 pH level between 6.5 and 7.5.

🌡 Temperature

🔥 Thrives in warm climates.
❄ Frost-sensitive; protect in colder regions.

🌱 Planting

✂ Direct sow seeds or propagate cuttings.
📏 Space plants 10-12 inches apart.

⌛ Growing Time

📅 Ready for harvest in 45-60 days.
⚠ Cut leaves instead of whole plant.

🍃 Harvesting

🍽 Enjoy crispy succulent leaves.
🌿 Rich in iron, fiber, and antioxidants.

✂ Pruning

🌿 Trim to encourage bushier growth.
💪 Pruned leaves are edible.

🏆 Benefits

🥗 Rich alternative to traditional spinach.
✨ Enhances mental health and immune system.
💪 High vitamin A, C, iron, and calcium content.

Grow Malabar Spinach Indoors: Step-By-Step Guide

Growing indoor Malabar spinach is easy. this article will walk you through the steps required to successfully grow this leafy vegetable. however, it should be noted that this is not a beginner’s guide, you will require some experience to complete these steps. - first, find a sunny location that receives a lot of morning sunlight. make sure the area is unheated as malabar spinach is a heat-loving plant. - next, water the soil thoroughly before planting your seeds. this will allow the seeds to grow successfully and reduce the risk of them dying due to lack of moisture. - keep the soil moist but not wet. this will allow the seeds to sprout quickly and also avoid fungus. - seeds should sprout within 7 to 10 days.

Grow Spinach Indoors: Why Should You Grow It?

the main reason you should grow kale, collard greens, and other leafy greens is because they are one of the most nutritious foods you can grow in your home. when you grow your own greens, you are able to ensure they are pesticide-free. you can also ensure they are gluten-free and free of genetically modified ingredients. another reason you should grow your own greens is that it is an inexpensive way to add more vegetables to your diet. growing your own greens is also good for the environment. it helps reduce food waste since you can easily grow vegetables in small spaces. it takes very little space to grow lettuce, spinach, and other greens, so it is easy to get everyone involved in growing their own greens.

Soil For Malabar Spinach

you will need a soil-based potting mix, but you can use a seed starter soil mix as well. the quality of the soil you use will help determine the quality of the spinach you grow. when growing malabar spinach, you will need soil with high levels of organic matter. this will help break it down when it is aerated, which is what is required for the plant to grow. you will also need a source of calcium. malabar spinach seeds need calcium to grow and develop properly. you can get this calcium from gypsum, lake or river sediment, or blood meal. you can also use an organic source of calcium like a black bone meal. malabar spinach seeds should be planted in a soil-based potting mix. the potting mix should be rich in organic matter and have a little calcium added to it. a soil-based potting mix is best for growing malabar spinach since it will help the seeds get the calcium they need.

Planting Malabar Spinach Seedlings

the ideal temperature for malabar spinach seeds is between 60-75 degrees fahrenheit (16-24 degrees celsius). these greens also grow well in areas with partial shade. however, they will thrive in full sun. once you water the soil, it should be moist, but not wet. you can use a soil-based potting mix for growing malabar spinach seeds. there are several ways you can germinate malabar spinach seeds. the most common way is to place the seeds in a jar filled with soil and water it. you can also place the seeds in a paper towel, place them in a cup of soil, and water them. it is important to use a soil-based potting mix for growing malabar spinach seeds.

Harvesting And Storing Malabar Spinach

malabar spinach is a harvestable vegetable, so you will need to harvest it when it is ready to be eaten. the best way to harvest these greens is to cut them at the base, but you can also eat the entire leaf. the best way to store malabar spinach is to dry it. when the weather is cold, it is best to dry the greens using the sun. you can also dehydrate the greens using an oven. it is important to make sure the temperature does not get too hot or it will kill the greens. it is important to make sure you harvest the greens when they are fresh and edible. this will ensure you get the most nutrients from the greens.

Tips And Warnings When Growing Malabar Spinach

- make sure you follow the instructions while planting the seeds. the seeds are delicate and will not sprout if they are not planted correctly. - malabar spinach is a heat-loving plant, so make sure you do not place it in a place that receives too much sunlight. it is best to grow it in a location that gets morning sunlight only. - malabar spinach is a good source of vitamins a, c, and k. it is also high in minerals like manganese and calcium. - growing your own greens is an important part of a healthy diet. you should aim to incorporate more vegetables into your diet. - growing your own greens is a great way to save money. you can easily grow your own greens in a small backyard or window box. you can also grow your own greens during the winter when it is too cold to go outside.


1. How do I start growing Malabar Spinach?

Begin by sowing the seeds directly in well-drained soil or pots.

2. When should I plant Malabar Spinach?

Plant after the last frost when the soil is warm.

3. Where should I grow Malabar Spinach?

Choose a sunny location with partial shade, if possible.

4. How often should I water Malabar Spinach?

Water regularly to keep soil moist, but not waterlogged.

5. How long does it take for Malabar Spinach to grow?

It usually germinates within 7-14 days and reaches maturity in about 8 weeks.

6. Should I fertilize Malabar Spinach?

Apply a balanced fertilizer once a month to promote healthy growth.

7. Can I grow Malabar Spinach in containers?

Absolutely! Choose a deep container to accommodate its long roots.

8. How do I harvest Malabar Spinach?

Harvest the leaves when they are tender and mature, avoiding the stems.

9. Are there any pests or diseases that affect Malabar Spinach?

Common pests include aphids and spider mites, but it is generally disease-resistant.

10. Can I save seeds from Malabar Spinach for the next season?

Absolutely! Let the plants go to seed and collect the seeds for future planting.

Growing your own greens is rewarding and makes you feel like you are doing something productive. It is also a great way to get kids involved in the cooking process and improve their independence. Growing your own greens is also a great way to improve your diet and get more nutrients out of the food you consume.

Want to know more about Growing Malabar Spinach? Check out these posts:

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