What Should You Plant In Your Vertical Garden?

Written by: Lars Nyman

Vertical Gardening

Vertical Gardening

If you have a small space in your home, don't panic! Vertical gardening is the perfect way to start a garden. Vertical gardening is an innovative way to garden, but it also adds decoration to walls and fences effortlessly. Vertical gardens are easy to mount and maintain. They allow you to grow more plants and really maximise the space you have. All you need is a little bit of putty, some soil and seeds, and perhaps some green thumbs!

Cheatsheet: Vertical Garden Planting Tips

1. Choose wisely for maximum yield

🍅 Tomatoes: Up to 95lbs harvest per plant🌶️ Peppers: High vitamin C content🥬 Lettuce: Fast and continuous growth

2. Utilize space efficiently

👨‍🌾 Plant vining crops like cucumbers and beans🌱 Plant herbs vertically in pockets or containers🌿 Hang planters for trailing plants like strawberries

3. Optimize light exposure

☀️ Position plants to receive 5-6 hours of direct sunlight💡 Consider adding grow lights for indoor gardens

4. Promote pollination and pest control

🐝 Choose flowers like marigolds to attract pollinators🐞 Release ladybugs to combat harmful pests

5. Maximize water efficiency

💧 Use drip irrigation to minimize water waste🌱 Plant drought-tolerant varieties for less frequent watering

6. Enhance soil fertility and drainage

🌱 Add compost or organic matter to increase nutrients🔄 Rotate crops to prevent soil depletion

7. Harvest and enjoy fresh produce

🍓 Harvest strawberries at peak ripeness for maximum flavor🥦 Pick leafy greens regularly to promote new growth

8. Boost your health and self-sufficiency

🍇 Organic gardening reduces pesticide exposure💪 Fresh homegrown produce provides essential nutrients

Start your vertical garden adventure today! 🌿🌱🌻

What Should You Plant In Your Vertical Garden?

What Should You Plant In Your Vertical Garden?

Vertical gardening is an innovative and space-saving solution for all you fellow garden enthusiasts out there. As an experienced gardener, I've had my fair share of triumphs and failures when it comes to choosing the perfect plants for my vertical gardens. So, let me share with you my insights and recommendations to help you decide what to plant in your very own vertical garden.

Fresh Herbs

Did you know that vertical gardening is the perfect way to have a fresh and aromatic herb garden right at your fingertips?

Nothing beats the satisfaction of plucking your own home-grown herbs to add a burst of flavor to your meals. Choose herbs like mint, basil, rosemary, and thyme that thrive in vertical gardens due to their compact growth habits.

Colorful Flowers

Add a pop of color and bring life to your vertical garden with vibrant flowers.

Try planting cheerful blooms such as pansies, petunias, or marigolds. These ornamental plants not only brighten up your space but also attract beneficial pollinators, ensuring a thriving garden ecosystem.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are a must-have when it comes to vertical gardening, providing you with a constant supply of fresh, nutritious greens.

Consider growing lettuce, spinach, kale, or Swiss chard. These greens adapt beautifully to vertical planting, adding a touch of healthiness to your kitchen creations.

Cascading Vines

One of the best parts of vertical gardening is the opportunity to embrace the beauty of cascading vines.

Opt for trailing plants like ivy, morning glory, or sweet potato vine. These graceful vines will add a touch of elegance and create a delightful cascading effect, giving your vertical garden a whimsical appeal.

Edible Strawberries

Imagine picking fresh, juicy strawberries right off your vertical garden.

Strawberries are an exceptional choice for vertical gardening, thanks to their compact size and ability to thrive in various climates. Enjoy the sweetness of homegrown strawberries throughout the year!


For those of us who struggle with maintaining houseplants, vertical gardens offer a low-maintenance solution with succulents.

These hardy and adaptable plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, adding texture and visual interest to your vertical garden. Plus, they require minimal watering and care, making them perfect for those with busy schedules.

Vertical Vegetable Garden

Believe it or not, you can grow your favorite vegetables in a vertical garden and enjoy a bountiful harvest.

Choose vegetables like cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, or beans that have a compact growth habit and can be trellised or trained to climb. Just make sure to provide them with enough support as they reach for the sky!

Final Thoughts

Now that you have a plethora of options for your vertical garden, it's time to get your hands dirty and unleash your creativity. Remember, choosing plants that complement each other in terms of growth habits and sunlight requirements will lead to a harmonious and thriving garden. So, embrace the beauty and practicality of vertical gardening and let your green thumb flourish!


1. Can I grow vegetables in a vertical garden?

Yes, vertical gardening is an excellent way to cultivate various vegetables.

2. What are the best plants for a vertical garden?

Herbs, leafy greens, and small fruits thrive in vertical garden setups.

3. Are there any plants that are not suitable for vertical gardening?

Avoid planting large trees or crops with deep roots, which may not adapt well.

4. How can I maximize space in a vertical garden?

Utilize planters, trellises, and wall-mounted containers to optimize space.

5. Can I grow flowers in a vertical garden?

Yes, various flowers, such as petunias, marigolds, and pansies, can be grown vertically.

6. How often should I water plants in a vertical garden?

Check regularly and water when the soil feels dry to touch but avoid overwatering.

7. Do vertical gardens require special care?

Regular monitoring of water levels, nutrient supply, and pruning is essential for healthy growth.

8. Can I use organic fertilizers in a vertical garden?

Absolutely, organic fertilizers are safe and beneficial for vertical gardening.

9. How much sunlight do plants in a vertical garden need?

Most plants require at least six hours of sunlight daily for optimal growth.

10. Can I create a vertical garden indoors?

Absolutely, indoor vertical gardens are a practical and stylish way to bring greenery indoors.

Vertical gardening is an attractive and efficient way to put the potential of any space to use. Once you understand your climate and sun exposure, have gathered the right containers or trellises, and have chosen the plants you love, all that's left to do is get started. Vertical gardening can bring beauty, fun, and healthful benefits in the form of nutrient-dense homegrown fruits, vegetables, and herbs. With planning and care, it's easy to create a vertical garden that will be enjoyed for years to come.

Want to know more about Vertical Gardening? Check out these posts:

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