Back To Basics: Temperature And Relative Humidity

Written by: Lars Nyman

Relative Humidity

Relative Humidity

Let's get back to garden basics for a second! One important factor you need to know about with your area is the temperature and relative humidity. Granted, it doesn't sound like a big deal but it plays an important role when it comes to gardening.

Temperature is simply a measure of how hot or cold something is (duh!). Relative humidity, on the other hand, is the amount of water vapor present in the air. Meanwhile, temperature and relative humidity are inversely related.

Cheatsheet: Temperature and Relative Humidity Basics

Optimal Indoor Conditions

🏠 Ideal relative humidity indoors: 40-60%

🌡️ Recommended indoor temperature: 68-72°F

Relationship between Temperature and Humidity

💦 As temperature rises, relative humidity decreases.

❄️ As temperature decreases, relative humidity increases.

Health and Comfort

🌡️ Higher temperatures + high humidity = discomfort.

❄️ Lower temperatures + high humidity = increased risk of mold.

Condensation Prevention

✅ Use exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens.

✅ Keep windows and doors well-insulated.

✅ Use dehumidifiers in excessively humid areas.

Health Benefits of Optimal Conditions

💪 Boosts immune system.

🌻 Improves respiratory health.

🔋 Increases energy levels.

Nutrition and Storage

🥦 High humidity reduces shelf life of fruits and vegetables.

🍞 Low humidity speeds up bread staling.

Self-Sufficiency Tips

🌱 Optimize humidity for better plant growth and propagation.

🐝 Maintain humidity levels for ideal honey production.

Back To Basics: Temperature And Relative Humidity

I think we can all agree that gardening is more than just a hobby; it's an art form that requires intimate knowledge about various elements of nature, two of which are temperature and relative humidity. As garden enthusiasts, it's crucial for us to understand these two elements as they play pivotal roles in the life cycle of our dear plants.

A Closer Look at Temperature

Believe it or not, temperature affects more than just our comfort levels. Our green friends, the plants, respond differently based on the temperature of their environment. For example, I recall a time when I moved my tomato plants from their usual cool, shaded spot to a sunnier location. Their growth flourished like never before! Temperatures influence the rate of photosynthesis, rate of water absorption, and germination among other things. It's not about the most extreme temperatures but finding the right balance.

Goldilocks Zone for Plants

Like us, every plant has its preferred temperature range, often known as the 'Goldilocks Zone', where conditions are just right. These optimal conditions allow enzymatic reactions in the plants to occur at their peak, ensuring healthy and vigorous growth.

Understanding the Importance of Relative Humidity

After the temperature, comes the sometimes elusive aspect of gardening: relative humidity. This term refers to the amount of water vapor present in the air as a percentage of the maximum amount that the air could hold at a specific temperature. It's quite the mouthful, but once understood, it can make all the difference in your gardening journey.

“If temperature is the heart of the plant's body, then relative humidity is like the blood flowing through its veins.”

Plants and their Watering Wishes

There is a misconception that all plants desire high relative humidity, which could not be further from the truth. I learnt that lesson the hard way with the loss of a rather adorable succulent. Allow me to share that not all plants are made equal in their watering wishes. For instance, cacti and succulents thrive in lower relative humidity, while orchids and ferns bask in higher humidity environments.

The Interplay of Temperature and Relative Humidity

The beauty of temperature and relative humidity is in their interplay. They do not exist as isolated elements but directly influence each other in shaping the plant's habitat. For example, rising temperatures can decrease relative humidity by increasing the water holding capacity of the air. Understanding this relationship between temperature and humidity is vital for creating the ideal environment for your plants.

My Personal Takeaway

Through my trial and errors, I've come to understand that the craft of gardening requires us to join hands with nature, observe keenly, and respond accordingly. It is the art of understanding when to water, how much to water, and understanding when our plants need shade or sun. So dear gardeners, pay attention to temperature, embrace the concept of relative humidity, and watch your garden thrive as never before.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is relative humidity?

Relative humidity refers to the amount of water vapor present in the air compared to the maximum amount the air can hold at that temperature.

Why is relative humidity important in gardening?

Relative humidity affects plant growth, transpiration, and nutrient absorption.

What is the ideal relative humidity for a greenhouse?

The ideal relative humidity for a greenhouse varies depending on the stage of plant growth, but generally 40-60% is recommended.

How can high relative humidity affect plants?

High relative humidity can promote the growth of fungal diseases and hinder plant's ability to transpire, leading to stunted growth.

How can low relative humidity affect plants?

Low relative humidity can cause excessive water loss through transpiration, resulting in wilting and stress.

How can I measure relative humidity in my garden?

You can measure relative humidity with a hygrometer, which is a device that provides accurate readings of the air's moisture content.

How can I increase relative humidity in my greenhouse?

To increase relative humidity in a greenhouse, you can use a humidifier, water trays, or misting to add moisture to the air.

How can I decrease relative humidity outdoors?

Outdoor relative humidity cannot be directly controlled, but you can improve air circulation around your plants to lower humidity levels.

What plants thrive in high humidity?

Plants that thrive in high humidity include tropical plants, ferns, and orchids.

What plants tolerate low humidity?

Plants that tolerate low humidity include cacti, succulents, and certain herbs.

In conclusion, it's essential to understand the critical importance of temperature and relative humidity in your gardening efforts. With a reliable barometer you can easily and accurately measure the conditions of your growing space as often as needed, and have confidence that you are putting your plants in the best possible conditions to thrive. Taking the time to ensure these two important factors are just right, will be well worth the effort when your garden is flourishing and you find yourself witnessing the miracle of growth!

Want to know more about Relative Humidity? Check out these posts:

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