How To Grow Guava In Your Garden

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Guava

Growing Guava

Growing the plant Guava is a fun and rewarding experience. This juicy and slightly sweet fruit has a high nutritional value, providing plenty of vitamins A and C, and is commonly used to make jellies and jams, as well as other dishes. Plus, Guava is an easy-to-grow and fast-growing plant, perfect for both green-thumbs and novice gardeners alike. With its fragrant flowers and delicious fruit, growing Guava is an enjoyable task that provides an abundance of health benefits.

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Guava Growing Cheatsheet

1. Planting:

🌱 Choose well-drained soil
🌱 Plant in full sun
🌱 Space plants 10-12 feet apart

2. Watering:

πŸ’§ Water deeply once a week
πŸ’§ Increase frequency during hot weather
πŸ’§ Avoid overwatering

3. Fertilizing:

🌿 Use balanced fertilizer
🌿 Apply every 2 months
🌿 Follow packaging instructions

4. Pruning:

βœ‚οΈ Prune one-third of branches annually
βœ‚οΈ Trim after fruit harvest
βœ‚οΈ Remove dead or diseased branches

5. Pests and Diseases:

πŸ› Keep trees free from debris
πŸ› Watch for aphids and fruit flies
πŸ› Use organic pesticides if necessary

6. Pollination:

🐝 Guava flowers are self-pollinating
🐝 Bees and butterflies help with pollination
🐝 Attract pollinators with flowers nearby

7. Harvesting:

🍏 Guava fruits mature in 2-4 months
🍏 Harvest when skin turns yellow
🍏 Enjoy fresh or make into juice, jams, or desserts

8. Health Benefits:

πŸ’ͺ High in vitamin C and dietary fiber
πŸ’ͺ Boosts immune system
πŸ’ͺ Supports digestive health

9. Fun Fact:

🌍 Guava is the fourth most consumed fruit globally!

Growing Guava: Your New Favorite Garden Project

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of growing guava in your backyard. Believe me, it’s more rewarding than you think!

Choosing the Right Variety

There's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to guava. I remember my first purchase – a Pink Thai guava – and how it thrived like a champ. Consider your local climate, as some guava varieties handle cold better than others.

  • Apple Guava (Psidium guajava) – great for warmer climates.
  • Tropical White – perfect for a more humid environment.
  • Pineapple Guava (Feijoa) – can tolerate slightly cooler weather.
Here's a tip: Research the specific needs and traits of the variety you select. This will help you prepare better.

Location and Soil

Guavas love the sun, at least 6-8 hours daily. Back when I started, I picked a spot that gets drenched in sunlight, ensuring the plant's energy needs were met.

Soil needs to be well-drained. Sandy or loamy soil works best. My plants thrived in sandy loam after I added compost to enrich it.


Planting is straightforward but planning is key. Space the plants 10-15 feet apart. This allows them to grow without shading each other.

  1. Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball.
  2. Place the sapling at the same depth it was growing in its pot.
  3. Backfill with the enriched soil, tamping down lightly.
  4. Water thoroughly to settle the soil.
I found that mulching around the base helped retain moisture and kept the weeds at bay. Mulch like your harvest depends on it – because it does.

Watering and Fertilization

Water your guava plant deeply once a week. They'll need more during fruiting season, but don’t allow them to become waterlogged.

As for feeding, use a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer every two months. I've had great results with organic compost – it’s like magic soil food!

Pruning and Maintenance

Pruning is essential for a healthy guava plant, promoting growth and shaping the tree. I usually prune my guava plants annually, removing dead or crossed branches.

Keep an eye out for pests like guava moths and fruit flies. I use neem oil as a natural remedy, and it works wonders.

An annual pruning session not only keeps your plant neat but also boosts fruit production. Pruning = more guavas.


Patience is a virtue here; guavas take 2-3 years to bear fruit. Once they start, though, expect prolific harvests.

Pick the fruit when it's slightly soft to touch but not overripe. I always wait until the aroma is strong – that’s the ultimate ripeness indicator.


1. What are the ideal growing conditions for guava?

Guava thrives in **warm climates** with **full sun exposure** and **well-drained soil**.

2. How do I prepare the soil for growing guava?

**Loosen the soil** and **amend with organic matter** to improve drainage and nutrient content.

3. When is the best time to plant guava?

Plant guava **during the spring months** for optimal growth and establishment.

4. How often should I water guava?

**Water deeply** once a week, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.

5. Do guava trees require fertilization?

Yes, **apply a balanced fertilizer** every 2 to 3 months during the growing season.

6. How do I prune guava trees?

Prune to **remove dead branches** and **maintain desired shape** during the dormant season.

7. Is it necessary to protect guava trees from frost?

Yes, **cover young trees** with blankets or burlap if frost is expected.

8. How long does it take for guava trees to bear fruit?

It usually takes **2 to 4 years** for guava trees to start producing fruit.

Growing Guava will benefit you in multiple ways. It is an easy-to-grow plant that can bring an abundance of fresh fruit right to your backyard. Not only is it delicious and nutritious, but also it can add to the beauty of your landscape by producing large, glossy green leaves and a unique, fragrant flower. Also, with a little effort, Guava can be grown in containers, making it very versatile and accessible for urban gardeners. All in all, Guava is a wonderful choice for anyone looking to reap the rewards of growing their own food.

Want to know more about Growing Guava? Check out these posts:

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