How To Grow Garlic Scapes For Tasty Food And Medic

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Garlic Scapes

Growing Garlic Scapes

Do you want the freshest, most delicious, and most nutritious garlic you can get your hands on without taking a single trip to the store? Garlic scapes are the answer! Not only are they packed with flavor and nutrients, but they're also easy to grow in both home and outdoor gardens. Keep reading to learn more about how to easily grow garlic scapes for a tasty, healthful addition to your meals.

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Cheatsheet: Growing Garlic Scapes

1. Planting Garlic Bulbs:

🌱 Plant in fall for spring harvest.

💪 Garlic detests wet soil.

🌡️ Needs 4-6 hours of sunlight.

2. Caring for Garlic:

💦 Water regularly but don't overdo it.

🌿 Mulch to conserve moisture.

🌱 Remove weeds to prevent competition.

3. Harvesting Scapes:

🔪 Clip scapes when they curl but are tender.

🌿 Harvest before they produce flowers.

🕓 Scapes mature around 100-120 days.

4. Scapes in the Kitchen:

🔪 Use scapes in stir-fries, salads, or pesto.

🌶️ They offer a subtle garlic flavor.

🍽️ Boosts the taste and nutritional value.

5. Health Benefits:

💪 Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

🩸 Garlic promotes heart health and reduces cholesterol.

💡 Supports immune function and fights inflammation.

6. Storing Garlic:

🌡️ Store scapes in a cool, dark, and dry place.

🔒 Properly cured garlic can last 6-12 months.

🥘 Preserve scapes by pickling or freezing.

Growing Garlic Scapes: Your Path to Flavor and Health

Understanding Garlic Scapes

You’ve just hit on one of the most underrated garden treasures: garlic scapes. Part of the garlic plant, scapes are the curly green stems that arise from the bulbs. They’re not just for show.

Garlic scapes are a culinary delight and boast medicinal properties. They can elevate your meals and well-being.

Scapes are rich in antioxidants, which can help boost your immune system.

Choosing the Right Garlic

To grow garlic scapes, start with hardneck garlic varieties. They flourish better in colder climates and are the only types that produce scapes. Softneck garlic won’t do the trick here.

Varieties like Rocambole and Purple Stripe are fantastic choices. My personal favorite is the Chesnok Red.

Hardneck garlic: the type you want for *delicious* scapes and robust benefits.

Planting and Care

Soil Preparation

Garlic demands well-drained soil. Sandy loam is ideal. Before planting, enrich your soil with compost to ensure it’s fertile.

  1. Turn the soil to a depth of at least 12 inches.
  2. Incorporate organic matter; compost or aged manure works wonders.
  3. Ensure the soil pH is between 6.0 and 7.5 for optimal growth.


Plant garlic cloves in the fall, 4-6 weeks before the ground freezes. Space them 6 inches apart, with the pointed end up and covered with 2 inches of soil.

I usually plant mine just after the first frost. Mulch with straw to safeguard them from harsh winter conditions.


Garlic requires consistent moisture levels, but don’t overdo it. Water them regularly so the soil stays damp but not waterlogged.

Reduce watering as the plants mature. Too much water can lead to disease issues.

Consistent, light watering keeps garlic plants thriving without drowning the roots.

Harvesting and Using Garlic Scapes

Scapes usually appear in early to mid-summer. Look for them when the plants start to form curlicues.

Cut the scapes when they’ve made a full loop but before they start to straighten out. Use scissors or a sharp knife.

  1. Harvest once per season per plant.
  2. Avoid pulling or tearing to prevent damage to the plant.

Cooking with Scapes

Garlic scapes are versatile in the kitchen. Use them in pestos, stir-fries, or even grilled as a side dish.

Sauteing brings out a mild, garlicky flavor. My favorite use? A simple garlic scape pesto with pine nuts and Parmesan.

Medicinal Uses

Besides their culinary uses, garlic scapes hold medicinal value. They’re loaded with antioxidants and can boost cardiovascular health.

Some studies suggest they can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. I add them to my diet for an immune boost.

A 2021 study revealed that regular garlic consumption might reduce the risk of several chronic diseases.

Final Tips

Keep an eye out for pests like aphids and fungal diseases. Regularly check the leaves for signs of trouble and address issues promptly.

Rotating crops every season helps prevent soil depletion and disease problems. Garlic is a hungry plant; feed it well for the best results.

Growing garlic scapes is rewarding, simple, and beneficial. Give it a go, and you’ll have *lush*, delicious, and healthy scapes to enjoy in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When should I plant garlic to grow garlic scapes?

Plant garlic cloves in the fall, around four to six weeks before the ground freezes.

2. How do I prepare the soil for growing garlic scapes?

Choose well-drained soil, amend with compost for added nutrients, and ensure a pH level between 6 and 7.

3. How deep should I plant garlic cloves?

Plant cloves approximately 2 inches deep with their pointy end facing upwards.

4. How far apart should I space garlic cloves?

Space cloves 4 to 6 inches apart to provide enough room for the bulbs to develop.

5. Should I water garlic scapes?

Water regularly, but avoid over-watering as garlic prefers slightly drier conditions.

6. When and how should I harvest garlic scapes?

Harvest garlic scapes in early summer when they curl, but before the flower buds open. Cut them 2-3 inches above the bulb.

7. Can I eat the garlic bulb after harvesting the scapes?

Yes, once the garlic scapes are harvested, allow the bulbs to cure for a few weeks, and then enjoy the flavorsome garlic!

8. Are garlic scapes only used in cooking?

No, garlic scapes are not only delicious in various recipes, but they also offer medicinal benefits, known for their antioxidant properties.

Growing garlic scapes can provide numerous health benefits. Furthermore, the scapes themselves are incredibly delicious and make a great addition to any meal. So why not give garlic scapes a try? Growing your own crop is surprisingly straightforward, and you could have your own homegrown scapes, packed full of flavor and nutrition, in no time!

Want to know more about Growing Garlic Scapes? Check out these posts:

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