How To Grow Foxglove

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Foxglove

Growing Foxglove

Foxglove is a beautiful, fragrant flower that is not only pleasing to the eye, but also beneficial to people. The plant is known to have a sweet, honey-like taste, and can be used to make medicine that helps treat a variety of ailments. It also is a great addition to gardens, adding a colorful touch to your landscape. Foxglove is a wonderful plant to grow, as it provides beauty and medicinal benefits for those who tend to it.

Cheatsheet: Growing Foxglove

1. Soil & Sun Requirements

🌱 Foxgloves thrive in well-draining soil, preferably with a pH of 5.5-7.5.

☀️ Plant them in areas with partial shade to full sun exposure.

2. Sowing Seeds

🌱 Sow foxglove seeds indoors 8-10 weeks before the last frost.

🌼 Gently press seeds onto moist soil mix, avoiding cover.

3. Transplanting Tips

🌱 Transplant seedlings outdoors after the last frost.

🌼 Space them 12-18 inches apart for optimal growth.

4. Watering & Fertilizing

💧 Keep the soil moist but never saturated.

🌿 Use a balanced fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season.

5. Pests & Diseases

🐌 Watch out for slugs and snails damaging the leaves.

🌿 Prevent powdery mildew by ensuring good air circulation.

6. Blooms & Wildlife

🌸 Foxgloves grace gardens with tall, bell-shaped flowers.

🦋 Attract beneficial pollinators like bees and butterflies.

7. Health Benefits

💚 Foxglove contains digitalis, used in heart medications.

🌿 Seek professional guidance before using it medicinally.

8. Self-Sufficiency

🏡 Grow your own foxgloves for vibrant natural beauty.

🌱 A step toward self-sufficiency in your garden.

So, you want to grow foxglove? Well, let me tell you, it's a beautiful and rewarding plant to have in your garden. I've been growing foxglove for years now, and I can't get enough of its stunning blooms. From its tall spires of tubular flowers to its lush green foliage, foxglove adds a touch of magic to any garden.

Choosing the Right Variety

When it comes to growing foxglove, the first step is choosing the right variety. There are many different types of foxglove to choose from, each with its own unique characteristics. Some of my personal favorites include the common foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), which produces beautiful purple flowers, and the strawberry foxglove (Digitalis x mertonensis), which has striking pink blooms.

Preparing the Soil

Once you've chosen your foxglove variety, it's important to prepare the soil. Foxglove prefers rich, well-draining soil, so make sure to amend your soil with organic matter like compost before planting. This will help improve the soil's fertility and drainage, ensuring that your foxglove thrives. Remember to pick a spot in your garden that receives partial shade, as foxglove prefers some protection from direct sunlight.

Planting the Seeds

Now that your soil is prepped, it's time to plant the foxglove seeds. Start by sowing the seeds on the soil surface, as foxglove seeds require light to germinate. Gently press the seeds into the soil, being careful not to bury them too deep. Finally, give the seeds a light watering to settle them in.

Maintaining Your Foxglove

As your foxglove starts to grow, it's important to provide it with the proper care. Keep the soil evenly moist, but not waterlogged, throughout the growing season. You can also apply a balanced organic fertilizer once a month to promote healthy growth. Keep an eye out for any pests or diseases, as foxglove can be susceptible to aphids and powdery mildew.

Enjoying the Blooms

After a few months of nurturing your foxglove, it will reward you with its stunning blooms. The flowers will start to appear on tall spikes, attracting bees and hummingbirds to your garden. Once the blooms fade, you can deadhead the spent flowers to encourage more blooms. Just be sure to save some seeds for next year!

Did you know that foxglove contains compounds used in modern medicine, including the heart medication digitalis?


Growing foxglove is an incredible experience that every gardener should try. With the right variety, good soil preparation, and proper care, you'll be rewarded with a garden filled with beautiful foxglove blooms. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start growing foxglove!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I plant foxglove seeds?

To plant foxglove seeds, simply **scatter** them on top of **moist**, well-draining soil.

2. When is the best time to sow foxglove seeds?

The best time to sow foxglove seeds is in **early spring** or **late summer**.

3. What conditions are ideal for growing foxglove?

Foxglove thrives in **partial shade** to **full sun** and prefers **moist, fertile soil**.

4. How often should I water foxglove plants?

Water foxglove plants **regularly**, keeping the soil **evenly moist**, but avoid overwatering.

5. Do foxglove plants require fertilizer?

While not necessary, **applying a balanced fertilizer** during the growing season can promote healthier growth.

6. How tall do foxglove plants typically grow?

Foxglove plants can reach **between 3 and 6 feet** in height, depending on the variety.

7. Are foxglove plants prone to any pests or diseases?

Foxglove plants may be susceptible to **aphids** and **crown rot**, so monitor and take appropriate preventive measures.

8. Do foxglove plants require any pruning?

**Remove** spent flowers to encourage additional blooms, but avoid pruning the foliage as it provides support.

9. When can I expect foxglove plants to bloom?

Foxglove plants typically **bloom in their second year** after planting, during **late spring to early summer**.

10. Can I grow foxglove in containers?

Absolutely! Choose a **deep container** and ensure proper drainage when growing foxglove in containers.

Growing a foxglove plant can be a fun and educational experience. With its distinctive and beautiful bell-shaped blooms, foxglove adds an element of grace and charm to any garden. The plant is drought-tolerant and grows well in most soils, making it easy to care for. Plus, the subtle beauty of its tall blooms create stunning visuals for your garden in the summertime. Growing foxglove is a rewarding experience and one you can share with family and friends.

Want to know more about Growing Foxglove? Check out these posts:

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