How To Grow Delicious Quince Trees At Home

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Quince

Growing Quince

Growing the plant Quince is a rewarding experience because it is both visually attractive and has a variety of uses. The yellow to green fruits have a sweet, tart flavor that can be used in preserves, jellies and poached dishes. Quince can also be used in juices, wines, and cider to add a unique flavor. As an added bonus, the shrub is quite decorative and makes an excellent addition to mixed borders and wildlife gardens.

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Cheatsheet: Growing Delicious Quince Trees at Home

Choosing Varieties:

  • 🍐 Select disease-resistant quince varieties
  • 🌱 Consider Aromatnaya, Pineapple, or Champion cultivars


  • 🌞 Plant in full sun for optimal growth
  • 🌱 Space trees 15-20 feet apart for airflow
  • 🌧️ Provide well-drained soil

Caring for Quince Trees:

  • πŸ’¦ Water deeply once a week, especially during drought
  • βœ‚οΈ Prune in late winter to maintain shape
  • 🌿 Apply organic fertilizer in early spring

Pests & Diseases:

  • 🐌 Monitor for codling moths and aphids
  • πŸ”₯ Control fire blight with copper sprays
  • πŸ’§ Prevent quince rust by avoiding overhead irrigation

Harvesting & Storage:

  • πŸ“† Harvest when fruits turn yellow and emit fragrance
  • 🍎 Store at cool temperatures (32-45Β°F)
  • πŸ₯˜ Enjoy quince in preserves, pies, or as a meat accompaniment

Health Benefits:

  • ✨ High in fiber, aiding digestion
  • ⚑ Rich in antioxidants supporting immune system
  • πŸ’ͺ Boosts heart health and reduces blood pressure

Quince Fun Facts:

  • 🌍 Ancient fruit dating back to 2,000 BC
  • 🌹 Belongs to the same family as roses
  • 🌟 Symbolizes love and happiness in many cultures

Growing Quince: Choosing the Right Variety

My personal favorite is the 'Smyrna' variety; it has a heavenly aroma and a rich flavor. 'Pineapple' quince is another excellent choice for colder climates.

Quince trees are typically self-fertile, but planting two varieties can increase yield. They're ideal for USDA zones 5-9.

Quince prefers well-drained, loamy soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.

Location and Planting

A key aspect of growing quince is picking a sunny spot. These trees thrive with at least 6-8 hours of sunlight daily.

Ensure you space your trees around 15 feet apart to allow for their broad spread. Dig a generous hole, twice as wide and as deep as the root ball.

Good air circulation helps prevent fungal diseases.

Planting Tips

  1. Place the root ball in the hole and fill it halfway with soil.
  2. Water deeply before filling the rest of the hole.
  3. Add a thick layer of mulch around the base, leaving space around the trunk.

Caring for Your Quince Tree

Regular watering is crucial, especially during dry spells. Aim for soil that is moist but never waterlogged.

In the first year, water deeply once a week, more during hot weather.


Prune young quince trees to establish a sturdy framework. This boosts long-term health and fruit production.

In winter, remove dead or crowded branches. For the best fruit, trim back growth by about one-third annually.

Proper pruning can increase fruit size and quality.

Combating Pests and Diseases

Fire blight is a notable threat to quince trees. Prune out infected areas promptly and disinfect your tools.

Fruit moths and aphids may also appear. Organic neem oil or insecticidal soap can manage these pests effectively.

My Pest-Fighting Tips

  • Inspect your trees regularly.
  • Use traps for early detection of moths.
  • Consider companion planting with garlic or chives to deter insects.

Harvesting Delicious Quince

Quince are ready to harvest in late autumn. Wait until they turn golden yellow and feel firm to the touch.

Their aroma is delightful when ripe. Scrape off any fuzz before using or storing.

You'll get the best flavor if you allow quince to ripen on the tree.

Using Your Quince

Quince is highly versatile. I love making a fragrant quince jelly, but they’re equally good baked or poached.

A surefire hit at dinner parties is quince paste served with cheese. Simply heavenly!


1. Where should I plant my quince tree?

Plant your quince tree in a well-drained spot with full sun. Ensure it gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

2. When is the best time to plant quince trees?

The ideal time to plant quince trees is during the dormant season, in late winter or early spring.

3. How often should I water my quince tree?

Water your quince tree deeply once a week, providing approximately 1 inch of water. Adjust based on rainfall.

4. How can I fertilize my quince tree?

Fertilize your quince tree in early spring using a balanced fruit tree fertilizer. Follow label instructions for application rates.

5. Do I need to prune my quince tree?

Yes, pruning is important for a healthy quince tree. Prune in late winter or early spring before new growth starts.

6. How do I protect my quince tree from pests and diseases?

Monitor your quince tree regularly for pests and diseases. Use organic insecticidal soap or horticultural oil as needed.

7. When can I harvest quinces?

Quinces are ready for harvest when they turn a golden yellow color and can be easily twisted off the tree.

8. How long does it take for a quince tree to bear fruit?

A quince tree typically takes 3 to 5 years to bear fruit, depending on the variety and growing conditions.

9. Can I grow quince trees in containers?

Yes, quince trees can be grown in containers. Choose a dwarf variety and use well-draining potting soil.

10. What are some popular quince tree varieties?

Some popular quince tree varieties include 'Champion', 'Pineapple', 'Smyrna', and 'Orange'. Choose a variety that suits your preferences.

Growing the quince plant provides many exciting benefits both to your local environment, as well as your own garden. Quince is a long-lived, disease-resistant and low maintenance perennial. It has an attractive blossom, and its produce is often used for baking and preserves. Additionally, the plant’s extensive roots make it an ideal choice for windbreaks and erosion control. It is also a great choice for gardeners looking to add diversity to their landscape. With its many advantages, quince is the perfect choice for any garden!

Want to know more about Growing Quince? Check out these posts:

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