How To Grow Caraway

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Caraway

Growing Caraway

Caraway, sometimes referred to as meridian fennel, is an herb that has been used for centuries as a culinary spice and medicinal treatment. Its characteristic aroma and taste come from anethole, a compound found in its seeds, and it is a popular use in Middle Eastern and European cuisines, as well as others. It is also used to treat digestive issues, heal wounds and skin ailments, reduce inflammation, and promote good oral health.

Caraway Growing Cheatsheet

🌱 Planting:

🌞 Full sun for healthy growth.

🌧️ Well-drained soil for optimal results.

💦 Watering:

💧 Regular watering to keep soil moist.

❌ Avoid overwatering, as it harms the plant.

🌡️ Temperature:

🔥 Thrives in cool temperatures (15-20°C).

❄️ Withstands light frost, enhancing flavor.

⏰ Germination:

⌛️ Takes 10-14 days for seeds to sprout.

🌱 Seedlings emerge in 3-4 weeks.

🌿 Care:

🌱 Thin plants for better air circulation.

🍃 Remove weeds to prevent competition.

🌺 Blooming:

🌸 Caraway blooms in its second year.

🐝 Attracts pollinators for increased yield.

🌽 Harvesting:

✂️ Harvest seeds when brown and dry.

🌿 Cut umbels and dry in a cool, dark place.

💡 Fun Fact:

1 tbsp of caraway seeds provides 16% of daily iron needs!

How to Grow Caraway

Location and Soil

Caraway is a delightful herb that can add a unique flavor to your culinary adventures. To ensure successful growth, find a sunny spot in your garden, preferably with well-drained soil. Caraway isn't too picky about soil pH, but it thrives best in slightly alkaline conditions.

If your soil tends to be heavy and retains moisture, consider adding organic matter like compost to improve drainage and tilth. Sandy soils, on the other hand, can benefit from the addition of organic matter to enhance water retention and nutrient availability.

Pro Tip: If you're unsure about the pH level of your soil, a simple soil test can provide useful insights and guide your gardening decisions.

Sowing Caraway Seeds

Preparing the ground is crucial before sowing caraway seeds. Remove any weeds and loosen the soil with a garden fork, ensuring there are no clumps or large stones that could impede germination. Caraway seeds are tiny, so it's best to mix them with a carrier substance like sand or vermiculite to spread them more evenly.

Ideally, sow the seeds in late spring when the threat of frost has passed. Create shallow rows about 12 inches apart and gently press the seeds into the soil. Cover them with a fine layer of soil or vermiculite, then water gently but thoroughly.

Did you know? Caraway seeds have a reputation for being slow to germinate, taking up to three weeks. But don't lose heart – it's worth the wait!

Watering and Fertilizing

Adequate watering is essential for healthy caraway plants. Keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. If you notice the soil drying out, it's time to water again. A layer of mulch around the plants can help retain moisture and suppress weed growth.

When it comes to fertilizer, caraway is rather undemanding. A balanced organic fertilizer applied during the growing season should suffice. Alternatively, you can top-dress the soil with compost or well-rotted manure to provide a slow-release source of nutrients.

Thinning and Transplanting

Once your caraway seedlings have emerged, they will need some space to develop properly. Thin them out to ensure each plant has enough room to grow without competition. Aim for a spacing of about 10 to 12 inches between plants.

Transplanting caraway can be a little tricky, as it has a long taproot that doesn't take kindly to disturbance. Therefore, it's best to sow the seeds directly in their final location rather than trying to transplant established plants.

Pest and Disease Control

Caraway is generally a hardy herb and isn't too bothered by pests or diseases. However, keeping an eye out for aphids or leafminers is wise. These pesky critters can be controlled using eco-friendly insecticidal soap or by introducing beneficial insects like ladybugs or lacewings to your garden.

In terms of diseases, caraway may occasionally fall victim to fungal infections like powdery mildew or leaf spot. Good airflow around the plants, avoiding overhead watering, and removing any infected plant material can help minimize the risk.

Harvesting and Storage

Ah, the joy of harvesting your homegrown caraway! You'll know it's time to harvest when the plants have reached their full height and developed sturdy stems. Carefully cut the seed heads and place them in a paper bag. Allow them to dry in a cool, airy location for a couple of weeks.

Once the seeds are completely dry, rub the heads gently to release the seeds. Remove any chaff, and store the seeds in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. Properly stored seeds can retain their flavor and potency for up to a year.


Growing caraway can be a rewarding experience. With a few simple steps and a little patience, you can have a bountiful harvest of these fragrant seeds. Whether you use them to flavor your sauerkraut, rye bread, or even homemade liqueurs, caraway will surely add a touch of culinary magic to your dishes.

Enjoy the process, experiment, and let the earthy aroma of caraway transport your taste buds to new heights!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When is the best time to plant caraway seeds?

The best time to plant caraway seeds is in early spring, when the soil temperature reaches around 55°F (13°C).

2. How should I prepare the soil for growing caraway?

Prepare well-draining soil by removing weeds and adding organic matter, such as compost or aged manure.

3. How much sunlight does caraway need?

Caraway plants thrive in full sun, requiring at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day.

4. How often should I water my caraway plants?

Water caraway plants regularly, ensuring the soil remains consistently moist but not waterlogged. Avoid overwatering.

5. Can caraway be grown in containers?

Yes, caraway can be grown in containers as long as the container is at least 12 inches deep and has good drainage.

6. How long does it take for caraway to grow from seed to harvest?

Caraway plants typically take around 90 to 120 days to reach maturity and be ready for harvest.

7. How do I harvest caraway seeds?

Harvest caraway seeds by cutting the seed heads when they are fully mature and dry. Hang them upside down in a well-ventilated area to complete the drying process, then remove the seeds.

8. How should I store caraway seeds?

Store caraway seeds in an airtight container, away from direct sunlight and heat, to maintain their flavor and potency.

9. Can caraway be used for culinary purposes?

Yes, caraway seeds are commonly used in culinary dishes to add a distinctive, aromatic flavor to bread, soups, stews, and more.

Caraway is an herb with many health benefits, as it is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and essential oils essential for immunity, digestion, and overall optimal health. It is also known to help reduce cholesterol and prevent the storage of fats. Additionally, caraway can be used to aid in weight loss, reduce inflammation, and even reduce cholesterol. In short, Caraway is an incredibly beneficial herb that should be included in any wellness routine.

Want to know more about Growing Caraway? Check out these posts:

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