How Do You Plant Chives?

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Chives

Growing Chives

Discover the delightful world of planting and growing chives, nature's perennial herbs that are as attractive in your garden as they are in your meals. Planting chives is a simple and rewarding gardening experience that even beginner gardeners can enjoy. If you've wondered, "How do you plant chives?" then this detailed guide will provide you with everything you need to know. Chives not only add a lovely onion-garlic taste to dishes but also embellish your garden with their small, dainty, purple flowers. Join us as we delve into the techniques, tips, and tricks of successfully growing chives so you can experience their vibrancy and flavor right from your very own garden.

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Growing Chives Cheatsheet

Planting Chives:

🌱Choose a sunny location with well-draining soil.🌱Sow seeds or transplant young chive plants.🌱Space plants 8-12 inches apart.🌱Water regularly to keep soil evenly moist.🌱Harvest leaves frequently to encourage growth.

Chive Stats:

💪Packed with antioxidants and vitamins.🌱Rich source of calcium and iron.🍽️Adds flavor to salads, soups, and dips.🌱Grows back every year, saving time and money.🌼Attracts beneficial pollinators to your garden.👩‍🍳Use fresh or dried for culinary creations.

Tips for Health & Self-Sufficiency:

💚Boosts immune system and digestion.💡Grows well in containers on windowsills.🌿Easy to propagate from existing plants.▶️Add chive flowers to salads for a pop of color.🥰Enjoy the satisfaction of growing your own herbs.

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Growing Chives in Your Garden

Chives are a perfect addition to any garden. Not only do they make a great addition to salads, soups, and other savory dishes. They also offer a lot of health benefits! Chives are a great source of vitamins A, K, and C, as well as calcium, iron, and other minerals. Additionally, they are a good source of dietary fiber, so adding them to your meals is a great way to keep your digestive system on track. Learning how to plant chives in your garden is a great way to ensure you’re always able to get your hands on a fresh supply.

Figuring Out What Type Of Chive You’D Like To Plant

There are several different types of chives that you can choose from when you’re planting your garden. The most common type is the common or garlic chive (allium tuberosum). This type of chive has a mild garlic-like flavor and can be used in many different dishes. Other types of chives available are the Chinese chive (allium chinense), the lemon chive (allium fistulosum), and the giant Siberian chive (allium ledebourii). All of these types have their own unique flavors, so it’s important to do your research and decide which type of chive you’d like to plant in your garden.

Steps To Plant Chives

In order to plant chives in your garden, you’ll need to make sure you have the right environment and soil conditions in place. Here are the steps to take:

  1. Chives prefer a sunny location with soil that has good drainage. If the ground is too wet, the roots of the plant may rot. If the ground is too dry, the plants will struggle to grow. So, it’s important to find an area of your garden that is neither too wet nor too dry.
  2. Before planting, you should do a soil test to make sure the pH level is between 6 and 7. If the pH level is too high or low, you can adjust it with the addition of compost, sulfur, or lime.
  3. Once you’ve found the perfect spot, it’s time to plant your chives. Start by digging a hole about 6 inches deep and 6 inches in diameter. Add some compost to the hole and then place the chive bulb in the hole.
  4. Gently pat down the soil around the bulb and then water the area. Chives prefer moist soil, so water the area regularly.
  5. Once the chives are established, you can begin to harvest. The best time to harvest chives is in the early evening. You can also leave them to flower in the summer for an bouquet of purple blooms.
  6. When harvesting, you should snip the leaves off with scissors near or just above the soil. This will encourage the plant to continue to produce more leaves.
  7. Once you’ve harvested your chives, you can use them in a variety of dishes. Chives are a great addition to salads, soups, omelets, and baked potatoes. Enjoy!

Tips For Growing Chives

If you’re new to gardening or growing chives for the first time, here’s a few tips that will help you get the most out of your plants:

  • Make sure the chives are planted in an area where they can get at least 6 hours of sunlight a day.
  • Keep the soil moist but not wet. Water them regularly throughout the growing season.
  • Fertilize your chives twice a year with a balanced fertilizer.
  • You can propagate chives by dividing the bulb or by taking stem cuttings and planting them in a pot of moist soil.
  • Chives are a perennial herb, so they will come back year after year. So, once they’ve been established, all you have to do is enjoy their harvest!

Common Questions About Growing Chives

How Long Do Chives Take To Grow?

Chives take around 6 weeks to grow from seed. If you’re planting chive bulbs, the time it takes for them to mature can vary depending on the type of chive and the climate it’s grown in. Generally, it can take up to 6 months for chive bulbs to mature.

Do Chives Need To Be Fertilized?

Chives do not require a lot of fertilizer, but they appreciate a balanced fertilizer twice a year. This will encourage them to grow and produce more leaves for you to harvest.

Do Chives Need To Be Pruned?

Chives don’t need to be pruned, but you may want to remove any dead leaves or flowering stems. This will help prevent diseases from spreading and encourage the plant to produce more leaves.

How Do I Harvest Chives?

The best time to harvest chives is in the early evening when the plants are most fragrant. Use scissors to snip off the leaves near or just above the soil. This will encourage the plant to continue to produce more leaves.

Can I Grow Chives Indoors?

Yes, you can grow chives indoors. Make sure they are in a bright spot with plenty of sunlight and that the soil is kept moist but not wet. Chives can be propagated by dividing the bulbs or by taking stem cuttings and planting them in moist soil.


1. How deep should I plant my chive seeds?

Plant chive seeds ÂĽ inch deep into well-drained soil.

2. What is the optimal spacing for chive plants?

Space chive plants 6-12 inches apart to allow proper growth.

3. When is the best time to plant chive seedlings?

Plant chive seedlings outdoors after the last frost date.

4. How much sunlight do chives need?

Chives thrive in full sun but can tolerate partial shade.

5. How often should I water my chive plants?

Water chive plants regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged.

6. How long does it take for chive seeds to germinate?

Chive seeds usually germinate within one to two weeks.

7. Can chives be grown indoors?

Yes, chives can be grown indoors on a sunny windowsill or under grow lights.

8. How do I harvest chives?

To harvest chives, cut the leaves about 1 inch above the soil using sharp scissors.

9. How can I encourage chive plants to produce more leaves?

To encourage more leaf growth, regularly trim the flowers before they fully bloom.

10. Can I divide my chive plants?

Yes, you can divide chive plants every 2-3 years in early spring or fall.

Once the tiny grass-like seedlings appear, remove them from the propagator or uncover, then place in a warm bright location to grow on. cover with a thin layer of vermiculite, then water gently. place in a heated propagator or cover with a clear plastic bag and place somewhere warm to germinate.

Want to know more about Growing Chives? Check out these posts:

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