How Do You Grow Taro Root?

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Taro Root

Growing Taro Root

Taro is a plant that forms underground roots and grows upwards. You can grow taro by digging up the root and planting it in the soil. The process of growing taro is called taro Growing or also known as Taro Culture. Digging out the taro root from the ground requires a lot of patience and perseverance. If you have an acre of land, growing your tares will be cheaper than buying them from a nursery. You can also create some edible greens for your family with the surplus-grown tare plants. Growing taro is not difficult if you know the right techniques. However, there are many factors to take into consideration before starting this project in your garden. Let’s explore how to grow taro:

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Cheatsheet: Growing Taro Root

🌿 Planting:

Choose a sunny, well-drained spot with rich, moist soil.

Plant taro corms 12-18 inches apart and 2-4 inches deep.

💧 Watering:

Keep soil consistently moist, provide 1-2 inches of water per week.

⏳ Growing Time:

Taro roots typically grow in 6-9 months.

🌡 Temperature:

Thrives in warm climates, requires temperature above 65°F (18°C).

🌱 Fertilizing:

Apply organic fertilizer every 3-4 weeks for optimal growth.

🌲 Mulching:

Use organic mulch to retain moisture and control weeds.

🍽 Harvesting:

Harvest when leaves turn yellow, around 8-12 months after planting.

🌿 Storage:

Store harvested taro in a cool, dry place for up to 2 weeks.

💪 Nutrition:

Taro root is rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamin E.

🍲 Culinary Uses:

Cook taro to make delicious dishes like taro chips, curries, or desserts.

Happy growing and enjoy the benefits of this versatile root crop! 🌱🌍

What Is Taro?

Taro is a root vegetable that is grown in many tropical countries. Taro is a type of ‘8th’ in the family of ‘dioscou’. The common name for taro is Colocasia. Taro is an aquatic plant. It is an annual plant. Taro grows in warm and wet areas of the world. It is a perennial plant which means it lives for many years. This plant includes underground roots and grows up. Taro is a root crop.

How To Grow Taro From Root

Taro can be grown from the root at home. You can make a small hole in the soil and plant the root into the hole. The root will grow downwards and will form new roots at the bottom of the hole. A taro plant is not like other plants that grow up. The plant roots lie below the soil.

How Much Does It Cost To Grow Taro?

It all depends on how much taro you buy. In general, one taro plant can produce around 2 kg of taro roots in a year. This amount is enough to make 2-3 meals. You may also use the leaves as greens or a wrap in this case.

Benefits Of Taro Planting

You can store the greens for longer periods - up to 10 months. You can use the leaves as a wrap or a salad and the roots for making soup.

Taro plants are easy to grow and there are many varieties to choose from. Taro contains a high amount of iron and fiber. It is also alow-calorie food and a good source of protein. It is low in fat and carbohydrate and is rich in potassium, and vitamins b-6 and b-1.

Growing Taro From Seed

It is not a good idea to take a seed from the taro plant and plant it directly in the garden. This is because the seed when it falls on the ground will be eaten by some animals and not germinate at all. The seed has to be soaked in water, then soaked in soil, then germinate and grow into a plant. Soaking the seed in water will remove the seed coat and make sure the seed is not eaten by any insect. You can sow the seed in the garden. When the seeds sprout you can remove them from the soil and plant them in a pot. The next season you can transplant it into the ground. Taro can be eaten when it is green or when it is ripe.

How To Propagate Taro Plant From Stem Cuttings

When you have some leftover taro roots from the last harvest, you can take the roots, remove the outer layer of the root, and plant it in the soil. After a couple of months, the plant will produce roots from the cuttings. You can also use this technique to grow other edible crops in your garden. You need to make a small cut in the stem of the taro plant. The cut should be at the base of the leaf so that the cutting remains attached to the plant. Keep the cut in water and leave it in the shade. After a week or two, the stem should be strong enough to support the leaf. You can now take the stem out of the water, and plant it in the soil. The cuttings will grow and give you new roots again.

Fruits Of Growing Taro

Taro is a great plant for the home gardener. It can be grown easily in pots, and the plant will produce edible greens that can be used for salads, wraps, and soups. The fruit is sweet and tasty. The greens can be eaten raw or can be fried. The root can be used as a vegetable and the stem can be used for making dumplings.


1. What is the best time to plant taro root?

The best time to plant taro root is in the spring when the soil temperatures are consistently above 65°F.

2. How deep should I plant taro root?

Plant taro root 2-3 inches deep, ensuring the top of the root is level with the soil surface.

3. How often should I water taro plants?

Water taro plants frequently and consistently to maintain moist soil, especially during the drier seasons.

4. What type of soil is best for growing taro root?

Taro thrives in rich, loamy, and well-drained soil with a pH between 5.5 and 7.0.

5. How much sunlight does taro need?

Taro plants prefer partial shade or filtered sunlight throughout the day for optimal growth.

6. How long does it take for taro root to mature?

Taro root usually takes 8-12 months to reach full maturity for harvest, depending on the variety and growing conditions.

7. How do I harvest taro root?

To harvest taro root, carefully dig around the plant with a shovel or fork, then gently lift the root out of the soil.

8. Can I grow taro root in containers?

Yes, taro root can be grown in containers as long as they are large enough to accommodate the plant's size.

Taro is a plant that grows in warm and wet areas of the world. You can grow taro from roots or seeds. Taro is an excellent source of fiber, iron, potassium, and Vitamin B-6. Taro is a low-calorie food and is a good source of protein. You can make a soup with taro roots or use the stem of the taro plant to make dumplings.

Want to know more about Growing Taro Root? Check out these posts:

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