Plotting Is Essential Don'T Plant The Wrong Combos - Learn What Not To Pair.

Written by: Lars Nyman



Plotting your garden sounds like an easy task. You may want to have a garden with diverse fruits and vegetables but what you probably didn't know is that some of your garden plants shouldn't be planted along or at the same time as other plants.

Cheatsheet for Planting Success

Choose Complementary Neighbors

🍅 Avoid planting tomatoes near potatoes

🥦 Keep broccoli away from strawberries

🌽 Lettuce and onions make a perfect pair

Combat Pests Naturally

🐞 Marigolds repel aphids and beetles

🌿 Plant basil to deter mosquitoes

🐌 Attract ladybugs to control pesky snails

Nurture Soil Health

🌱 Rotate crops to prevent nutrient depletion

🥕 Mix compost to enrich the soil

💧 Water deeply and infrequently for strong roots

Maximize Space and Time

🌱 Grow climbing beans to save space

⏳ Plant fast-growing radishes between slower crops

🌿 Intercrop to increase yield and deter pests

Boost Flavor and Nutrition

🌶 Pair basil with tomatoes for enhanced taste

🍓 Strawberries love the company of borage

🧅 Plant garlic alongside veggies for added health benefits

Plotting Is Essential Don'T Plant The Wrong Combos - Learn What Not To Pair.

So, you've decided it's time to plot your garden. That's brilliant! But before you get your hands dirty, it's crucial to understand that some plants do well together, while others...not so much.

The Importance of Plotting

Plotting prior to planting is key for a healthy, thriving garden. It's not just about where your plants go, it's about who they share their space with.

You see, certain plant combinations can lead to stunted growth, disease, and pests. On the flip side, thoughtfully plotted combinations can promote growth and naturally deter pests.

Through years of hands-on experience, I've learned what plant combinations to avoid. Pull up a chair, let me share.

1. Potatoes and Carrots

Moving right along to our first culprit duo - potatoes and carrots. Now, who wouldn't fancy combining these staple veggies in their garden?

Well, I learned the hard way. These two attract the same pest - the carrot fly, leading to a pest feast.

So, take it from me, give these two amicable distance.

2. Broccoli and Tomatoes

Now, we all love a good tomato-broccoli medley in the kitchen, unfortunately not in the garden.

Both these plants are heavy feeders which means they exhaust the soil of its nutrients faster. Eventually, one loses out or worse, both end up nutrient deficient.

By plotting wisely, I've managed to maximise the yield of both these favorites.

3. Beans and Onions

Beans and onions, a common pair in the kitchen, yet a disastrous duo in the garden.

Onion's strong scent hinders growth in beans.

Feel free to plant beans and onions in your garden, just not next to each other. Trust me, it's for the best.

Remember, well-plotted plant communities not only look beautiful but can also out-perform random plantings in terms of pest management, disease resistance, and productivity.

4. Lettuce and Cabbage

This combination can hinder the growth of the lettuce.

Lettuce needs plenty of water, while cabbage draws up much of the soil's moisture. The lettuce will struggle and wilt if water is scarce.

Save yourself a wilted disappointment by separating these two.

5. Peppers and Beans

I've seen many a pepper plant suffer due to unwelcome companionship with beans. Why, you ask?

Bean beetles also exhibit a taste for pepper leaves. Planting these two together invites an infestation party. Separate them to keep the beetles in check.

In conclusion, plotting is not about limiting your plant variety. It's about playing matchmaker and ensuring every plant thrives in harmony with its neighbours. Try it, folks. Happy plotting!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I plant any combination of plants in my garden?

No, not all plant combinations work well together. Some plants can hinder the growth of others or invite pests. It's important to choose compatible plants for successful plotting.

2. What should I consider when planning my garden?

When plotting your garden, consider factors like sunlight requirements, soil preferences, and growth habits of the plants you wish to grow. These elements play a crucial role in determining compatible plant combinations.

3. Are there specific plants that should never be paired together?

Absolutely. Some plant combinations are known to have negative effects on each other. It's essential to avoid planting incompatible pairs such as tomatoes and potatoes, which can lead to the spread of diseases.

4. How can I find information about the compatibility of different plants?

Online resources, gardening books, or consulting with experienced gardeners can provide valuable insights on plant compatibility. Understanding the needs and preferences of each plant will help you make informed plotting choices.

5. What benefits does proper plotting offer?

Proper plotting ensures that plants thrive together and maximize their potential. It promotes stronger growth, reduces pest problems, and increases overall yield in your garden.

6. Can proper plotting help with pest control?

Yes, by choosing plant combinations wisely, you can deter pests naturally. Some plants have pest-repellent properties or attract beneficial insects that control harmful pests.

7. Is crop rotation necessary for successful plotting?

Yes, rotating crops helps prevent soil-borne diseases and nutrient depletion. By moving plants to different locations each year, you promote healthier soil and reduce the risk of disease outbreaks.

Potatoes, asparagus, beans, and peas are just some examples of garden plants that have allopathic properties. What are allopathic plants? These types of plants release chemical compounds from their roots that can inhibit or even kill other plants growing nearby. By learning how to plot your garden, you'll be able to grow plants that will thrive in your soil and avoid those that will hinder each other's growth.

Want to know more about Plotting? Check out these posts:

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