The Ultimate Guide To Growing Microgreens

Written by: Lars Nyman



Welcome to the ultimate guide to growing microgreens! Get ready to explore the exciting world of growing nutritious micro greens in your own home. In this guide, you'll get all the expert tips and information you need to create a lush, vibrant garden full of these mini-plants, from understanding soil composition to determining when to harvest. But if that's not enough to get you excited, wait until you discover the amazing health benefits that microgreens can bring to your diet - you'll be amazed! So read on and discover the world of growing microgreens.

Cheatsheet: Growing Microgreens

1. Choose the right seeds 🌱

Select high-quality organic seeds for optimal nutrient content and flavor.

2. Prepare the soil or growing medium 🌱

Ensure good drainage with a light, nutrient-rich soil or use coconut coir or peat moss as a growing medium.

3. Germination technique 🌱

Consider pre-soaking seeds for faster germination, or use a microgreen tray with a dome for higher humidity.

4. Optimal growing conditions 🌱

Provide plenty of bright, indirect light and maintain a temperature between 60-75°F for rapid growth.

5. Watering technique 🌱

Mist the microgreens daily to keep the growing medium evenly moist, but avoid over-watering.

6. Harvesting at the right time 🌱

Harvest microgreens when they have fully developed their first set of true leaves for maximum flavor and nutrition.

7. Health benefits 🌱

Microgreens are packed with nutrients, containing up to 40 times more vitamins and minerals than their mature counterparts.

8. Time to harvest 🌱

Most microgreens are ready for harvest within 7-21 days, depending on the variety.

9. Versatility in the kitchen 🌱

Use microgreens as a garnish, add to salads, sandwiches, smoothies, or incorporate them into various recipes for an extra nutrient boost.

10. Sustainable gardening 🌱

Growing microgreens at home allows for year-round self-sufficiency and reduces food waste.

The Ultimate Guide To Growing Microgreens

I remember the first time I planted Microgreens in my little urban garden. Despite my initial worry about the space requirement, it turned out to be a fun, easy, fruitful journey full of green, delicious rewards.

What are Microgreens?

Microgreens are the early growth stage of vegetables, herbs, and other plants which are harvested just after they have developed their first true leaves. They are incredibly nutrient-rich and flavorful, often used as a garnish or accent in gourmet dishes.

Benefits of Growing Microgreens

There’s a bucketful of benefits that microgreens offer. Besides being power-packed nutrient sources, they are cost-effective and space-conservative. Unlike their adult counterparts, microgreens can be grown in a small planter on your kitchen window sill!

Getting Started: Selection of Seeds

Before delving into the planting process, let's discuss the types of seeds suitable for growing microgreens. You've got a plethora of choices ranging from radish, beetroot, broccoli, to the spicy blend of mustard greens. My personal tip? Choose a seed which flaunts flavors you savor the most. For me, the spicy heat of mustard greens is irresistible!

Planting Process

To begin, you’ll need a good planting tray, potting soil, and your chosen seeds. Now, here’s how I do it:

  1. Prepare the Tray: Carefully placing a layer of pre-moistened potting soil in the tray, aiming for a thickness of about 1-2 inches.
  2. Scatter the Seeds: Evenly distribute the seeds over the surface, ensuring they don’t overlap.
  3. Initial Watering: Lightly water the seeds, keeping the soil damp, not soaking wet.
  4. Wait and Water: Wait for seeds to bud while keeping the tray in a location with indirect sunlight.

Care for Your Microgreens

One thing I can't stress enough when it comes to microgreens is the importance of consistent watering. That doesn’t mean drowning your seeds, though! A little gentle spray of water daily is all it takes to keep them growing happily.

The secret is moderation, not saturation!

Harvesting Your Microgreens

The excitement of watching your microgreens grow is only topped by the joy of harvesting them. The moment you sight their first true leaves, it is time for harvest. Grab a sharp pair of scissors and cut right above the soil line – you've got your home-grown, exquisite, culinary delight!

Overcoming Challenges

In my journey with microgreens, I've faced a fair share of challenges, like damping-off disease, larvae, or inconsistent growth. It's key to monitor your plants, address issues early, and be willing to experiment and learn. Remember, persistence ultimately pays off.

Through the joyous journey of growing microgreens, remember to relish each step - from sowing seeds to enjoying a meal garnished with your own, garden-fresh greens.


When is the best time to harvest microgreens?

The best time to harvest microgreens is when they have reached the desired height of 1-2 inches.

What are the ideal growing conditions for microgreens?

Microgreens thrive in bright, indirect sunlight and in a temperature range of 60-75°F.

How often should I water my microgreens?

Water your microgreens once daily to keep the soil moist, but avoid overwatering.

Can I reuse soil for growing microgreens?

No, it is best to use fresh sterilized soil or growing medium for each batch of microgreens to prevent disease and ensure healthy growth.

Are there any common pests or diseases that affect microgreens?

Yes, pests like aphids and diseases like damping-off can affect microgreens. Regularly inspect and treat your plants accordingly.

How long does it take for microgreens to grow?

Microgreens usually take 7-14 days to reach maturity, depending on the variety.

What are some popular microgreen varieties to grow?

Popular microgreen varieties include radish, broccoli, sunflower, and pea.

Can I grow microgreens indoors?

Yes, microgreens can be grown indoors as long as they receive sufficient light and proper care.

Do I need special equipment to grow microgreens?

No, you can grow microgreens using basic gardening supplies like trays, soil, and water.

Growing microgreens is an incredibly rewarding experience and a great way to provide yourself with nutrition and beauty year-round. By following these tips, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of nutrient-rich microgreens in your own home. Whether for sustenance or aesthetics, growing microgreens is a great addition to any garden that will provide you with a delight each and every time you see them.

Want to know more about Microgreens? Check out these posts:

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