The Growers Guide to Nasturtium

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Nasturtium

Growing Nasturtium

Welcome to "The Growers Guide to Nasturtium", your resource for successfully **growing Nasturtium** in your own garden. Nasturtium, a vibrant and nutrient-rich addition to any outdoor space, is admired among gardeners for its radiant blooms and peppery leaves. With optimal sunlight, healthy soil, and adequate water, cultivating Nasturtium can transform your garden into a burst of color. Not only do they radiate energy and bring joy to our green spaces, Nasturtium can also act as companion plants, providing a natural defense against pests. With our insights and practical tips, you will master the art of tending these flowering jewels in no time. Even if you are completely new to gardening, this guide makes **growing Nasturtium** effortlessly attainable. Let's get our hands dirty and help your garden come alive with the beauty of Nasturtium - nature's antidote to the ordinary. Enjoy navigating through your newest gardening adventure!

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Cheatsheet: The Growers Guide to Nasturtium

Choosing Varieties

🌸Edible 🌼Medicinal 🌺Native types

Planting & Care

🌱Easy to grow 🌞Full sun 🌧️Tolerates poor soil 🚿Water regularly

Fast Facts

⌛️Germination: 7-10 days 🌱Mature plant: 8-12 weeks 🌻Blooming period: 2-4 months

Health Benefits

🌿Rich in vitamin C 💪Boosts immune system 🌱Detoxifying properties

Edible Uses

🍃 Flavorful leaves 🌸Garnish salads 🌼Infuse oils & vinegars

Creative Uses

🌺Candied flowers 🍹Colorful cocktails 🌼Natural dyes for fabrics

Sustainable Gardening

🌱Attracts beneficial insects 🐛Natural pest control 🌿Self-sows for future seasons

Growing Nasturtium: A Delight for Gardeners

The Charm of Nasturtium

You can't help but fall in love with nasturtiums. Their vibrant flowers and peppery leaves make them a star in any garden.

They are not only beautiful but also functional. Perfect for gardeners of all levels.

Did you know nasturtiums can deter pests? Their scent repels aphids, making them excellent companion plants.

Starting Your Nasturtium Journey

Best Time to Plant

Time your planting for early spring. They thrive when the soil starts to warm up.

Wait until the last frost has passed to plant your seeds directly outdoors. Early birds often get hit by a late cold snap.

Optimal Soil Conditions

Nasturtiums aren't fussy. Poor to average soil works great. Overly fertile soil leads to fewer flowers and more leaves.

A well-draining soil is key. Mix in some sand for heavy soils.

Planting Nasturtium

Planting Seeds

  • Sow seeds 1/2 inch deep in the soil.
  • Space seeds about 10-12 inches apart for bushier growth.
  • Water the soil lightly until seeds sprout, typically within 7-10 days.
One year, I planted them in a forgotten corner, only to find it bursting with color weeks later. Nasturtiums truly are resilient.

Transplanting Seedlings

If starting indoors, transplant seedlings once they have two sets of true leaves. Handle them gently; their roots dislike disturbance.

Harden off the seedlings by gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions over a week.

Care and Maintenance

Watering Requirements

Let nature do the watering. Nasturtiums prefer drier conditions once established.

Overwatering can lead to root rot, so err on the side of dry.


Fertilizer? Not necessary. Nasturtiums thrive on neglect.

Too much fertilizer compromises flower production. Less is more.

Pruning and Deadheading

Regular pruning keeps nasturtiums in check. This encourages vibrant new growth.

Deadheading (removing spent flowers) prolongs the blooming period.

I've found that a little bit of attention - a trim here and there - keeps nasturtiums healthy and controlled.

Pest and Disease Management

Common Pests

Aphids can sometimes be a problem. Use a strong stream of water to dislodge them.

Caterpillars may nibble on leaves. Hand-picking is an effective removal method.

Disease Considerations

Nasturtiums are generally disease-resistant. However, overcrowding can lead to fungal issues.

Ensure good air circulation. Space plants appropriately to prevent damp conditions.

Harvesting and Uses

Edible Delights

Every part of nasturtiums is edible. The peppery leaves make a delightful addition to salads.

Flowers add visual appeal and a unique flavor to dishes. Even the seeds can be pickled and used like capers.

Seed Saving

Let some flowers mature. Collect seeds once they turn brown and dry.

Store seeds in a cool, dry place. You'll be ready to plant again next year.

One year, I had so many seeds, I shared them with neighbors. It was wonderful to see our entire street in bloom.


1. Can I grow nasturtium in pots?

Yes, growing nasturtium in pots is possible. Choose a container with good drainage, use well-draining soil, and place it in a sunny spot.

2. How long does it take for nasturtium seeds to germinate?

Nasturtium seeds typically germinate within 7-10 days of planting.

3. Does nasturtium require full sun?

Yes, nasturtium thrives in full sun conditions, receiving at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

4. Is nasturtium an annual or perennial plant?

Nasturtium is an annual plant, which means it completes its life cycle in one year.

5. How often should I water my nasturtium plants?

Water nasturtium plants regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not overly saturated.

6. Can I eat the flowers and leaves of nasturtium?

Yes, both the flowers and leaves of nasturtium are edible and often used in culinary applications.

7. How do I prevent pests from attacking my nasturtium plants?

Regularly inspect your nasturtium plants for pests like aphids or caterpillars and take measures such as using organic insecticidal soaps to prevent infestations.

8. When is the best time to harvest nasturtium seeds?

The best time to harvest nasturtium seeds is when they have fully matured and turned a dark brown color.

9. Can I replant nasturtium seeds for future growth?

Yes, collect and store nasturtium seeds in a cool, dry place. They can be planted in the next growing season.

Growing Nasturtium is an excellent way to add a bright, vibrant splash of color to any garden. Not only are they a beautiful addition, but they attract beneficial insects that ward off bad pests and are naturally disease-resistant. The edible flowers, leaves and seed pods provide an incredible array of culinary and medicinal uses, making them an incredibly rewarding plant to grow!

Want to know more about Growing Nasturtium? Check out these posts:

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