How Do You Grow Salsify?

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Salsify

Growing Salsify

Salsify, or salsify as it is formally known, is a root vegetable that can be found in the wild or in cultivation. The plant typically grows in wet soil and has leaves that are thick and fleshy with distinct veins. In some parts of the world, it is considered as an invasive species due to its ability to take over farmland. You can grow salsify if you have moist but well-drained soil, a sunny location, and regular watering. Most people grow it for home use, but commercial growers also exist.

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Cheatsheet: Growing Salsify

📆 Growing Season

Salsify thrives in cool climates and should be planted in early spring or fall.

🌱 Planting

Direct sow seeds ½ inch deep, 6-8 inches apart, in well-drained soil.

☀️ Sunlight

Salsify needs full sun exposure for at least 6 hours a day.

💧 Watering

Keep soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, around 1 inch of water per week.

⏳ Time to Harvest

Harvest young roots within 150-180 days after planting.

🌱 Propagation

Save seeds from mature roots for future plantings or division.

🌱 Companion Plants

  • Carrots
  • Lettuce
  • Radishes

⚠️ Pests & Diseases

  • Carrot rust fly
  • Leaf miners
  • Fungal infections

🌿 Health Benefits

Rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals; promotes digestion and supports a healthy immune system.

♻️ Sustainability

Salsify reduces the need for store-bought alternatives, supporting self-sufficiency.

How To Grow Salsify (Salsify Seeds)

Salsify is a perennial plant that can be grown from seeds or transplants. if you want to grow salsify seeds, you can start them indoors 2-6 weeks before the last frost date. the seeds should be planted deep enough to ensure good drainage. water them well and keep them moist for about a week. transplant the salsify seeds when they are 4-6 inches tall. if you opt for direct seeding, you can transplant the seedlings when they are about 9-10 inches tall. salsify is a biennial plant. in the first year, it produces seeds, and in the second year, it produces roots and leaves. you can harvest salsify roots at the end of september/early october and again at the end of march/early april. salsify can be grown in containers outdoors during the summer months. the seeds germinate well in containers, but salsify is prone to verticillium, a fungal disease.

Step-By-Step Instructions For Growing Salsify

- select healthy seed-grown vegetables with healthy root systems. - plant the seeds 2-6 weeks before the last frost date. - keep the soil moist and keep the seeds moist throughout the germination period. - transplant the seedlings when they are 4-6 inches tall. - harvest the salsify roots when they are at least 2-3 inches long. - pick the salsify leaves as needed. - harvest the salsify when the roots are dry if you want to use them fresh. salsify can be frozen. - clean and sanitize your gardening tools. - harvesting salsify is best done when the temperature is above 55 degrees. - prevent the plant from drying out by watering the soil well. - rotate your crops to avoid injury to the soil and to the plants.

Growing Requirements For Salsify

- soil: salsify grows well in well-drained soils, but it is also tolerant of heavy soils. - sunlight: salsify is a shade-loving plant and it can be grown in full sun or partial shade. it is best to avoid direct sunlight. - temperature: salsify is cold-tolerant and can be grown in temperate zones. it can be grown outdoors in winter in temperate zones. indoors, grow it in a warm place with temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees. - watering: salsify can survive long periods of dry soil, but it is better to keep the soil moist. a good rule of thumb is to keep the soil slightly moist. if it is too dry, water it well. - fertilizing: salsify is a self-fertile plant and does not require additional fertilization.- pests and diseases: salsify is susceptible to verticillium fungus. the seedlings are susceptible to this fungus and die in the soil. you can prevent this problem by thoroughly washing your hands before touching the soil.

Tips For Healthy Salsify Plant

- salsify prefers a soil temperature between 60 and 70 degrees. - salsify is a shade-loving plant and will not produce good yields if grown in full sun. - salsify is a biennial plant. it produces seeds in its first year and grows roots and leaves in the second year. - salsify is a useful source of iron, zinc, and manganese. the iron and zinc content is higher in the leaves while the manganese content is high in the roots. - salsify is a tuber crop, not a root crop. it is an above-ground plant. - do not let the soil get too dry or too wet. - inspect the roots for signs of rotting. - do not harvest the roots and leaves when they are flowering. - do not harvest the salsify when it is flowering. - harvest the salsify when the roots are dry. - harvest the salsify when it is young and has small roots. - pick the salsify from the stem, do not pull the entire plant. - pick the salsify when it is young before it gets too large. - do not let the salsify get too large; it will be harder to pick and the roots will lose flavor.


1. What is the best time to plant salsify?

The best time to plant salsify is in early spring or late fall.

2. How deep should I plant salsify seeds?

Plant salsify seeds approximately 1/2 inch deep.

3. What type of soil does salsify prefer?

Salsify prefers well-draining, loamy soil with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5.

4. How often should salsify be watered?

Water salsify regularly, keeping the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged.

5. Does salsify require any special care?

Salsify requires regular weeding and thinning for optimal growth.

6. When is salsify ready to harvest?

Salsify is ready to harvest when the roots reach a diameter of 1 to 2 inches.

7. How should I store harvested salsify?

Store harvested salsify in a cool, dark place with high humidity.

8. Can salsify be grown in containers?

Salsify can be grown in deep containers with well-draining soil.

Salsify has a long history of use in both traditional Chinese and European medicine. It is known to lower cholesterol, prevent cancer, and is used as a diuretic. It is a great source of vitamins C, K and manganese. Salsify has a mild and somewhat sweet flavor and can be used as a vegetable in many ways. It is best when fresh but can be stored for a short period of time. Salsify is usually grown from seeds, but can also be cultivated from transplants. It does best in well-drained soil, full sun and a warm place with temperatures between 60 and 85 degrees.

Want to know more about Growing Salsify? Check out these posts:

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