Grow Your Tat Soi The Right Way

Written by: Lars Nyman

Growing Tat Soi

Growing Tat Soi

Tat Soi is an Asian green with a sweet-spicy flavor and a pleasing texture. It is a popular choice in stir-fries, soups and salads, and it can also be steamed or stir-fried on its own. Growing Tat Soi is simple, rewarding, and fun. It thrives in cool climates and is harvested when the leaves are still young and tender. With its unique flavor and easy growth pattern, Tat Soi is an ideal plant to experiment with for the novice or experienced gardener.

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Cheatsheet: Grow Your Tat Soi The Right Way

✅ Choose the optimal location

Place your Tat Soi in a partially shaded area, getting at least 4-6 hours of sunlight per day for optimal growth.

⏰ Timing is key

Sow seeds in early spring or late summer to enjoy a bountiful harvest of Tat Soi.

💦 Maintain proper hydration

Keep the soil consistently moist, ensuring your Tat Soi gets around 1 inch of water per week.

🌱 Fertilize for success

Apply a balanced organic fertilizer when planting and provide periodic feedings throughout the growing season.

🌡️ Optimize temperature

Tat Soi thrives in cool temperatures between 45-75°F (7-24°C), making it an ideal choice for spring and fall gardens.

🌱 Practice crop rotation

Prevent diseases and pests by rotating Tat Soi to a new area of the garden each year.

💪 Boost your health

Tat Soi is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, calcium, iron, and antioxidants, supporting a healthy immune system and glowing skin.

🌿 Achieve self-sufficiency

By growing your own Tat Soi, you can enjoy fresh, nutritious greens right from your backyard, reducing reliance on store-bought produce.

Growing Tat Soi

The Flavorful Asian Green

Have you ever tasted the marvel that is Tat Soi? This Asian green is a hidden gem in the world of leafy vegetables.

With its spoon-shaped leaves and mild flavor, Tat Soi is a treat in salads and stir-fries.

I've found Tat Soi to have a surprising, buttery tenderness that even spinach seems to lack.

Choosing the Right Location

Tat Soi thrives in cool weather. Think early spring or late fall for the best growing conditions.

You'll want to pick a spot with well-drained soil and access to at least 4-6 hours of sunlight.

Planting in partial shade can actually help prolong the growing period, especially in warmer climates.

A shaded plot kept my Tat Soi from bolting too quickly last summer.

Preparing the Soil

Loose, fertile soil is the key here. Amend your garden bed with compost before planting.

  1. Till the soil to a depth of 6-8 inches.
  2. Mix in organic compost to enrich the soil.

This simple preparation will make a huge difference in your plant’s health.

Sowing The Seeds

Tat Soi seeds are pretty hardy. You can direct sow them about 1/4 inch deep.

Space them approximately 6 inches apart to give the plants room to grow. Trust me, they will grow!

In my experience, Tat Soi germinates within 5-7 days. It’s always a joy to see those first little sprouts.

Watering and Feeding

Tat Soi loves consistent moisture. Keep the soil evenly moist, but not waterlogged.

Mulching around the plants can help retain moisture and suppress weeds.

A balanced, organic fertilizer works wonders. Apply it every 3-4 weeks for robust growth.

Managing Pests and Diseases

I’ve dealt with my share of pests. Flea beetles and aphids seem to love Tat Soi as much as we do.

Use organic neem oil or insecticidal soap to keep these nuisances in check.

One season, I used row covers to keep pests at bay, and it was a total game-changer.

Harvesting Time

Tat Soi can be harvested in about 45 days. You can start picking leaves once they’re big enough to eat.

For a continuous supply, I prefer the “cut-and-come-again” method. Harvest the outer leaves first.

If you're impatient like me, baby Tat Soi is delicious too. You can start harvesting at about 20 days.

Believe me, nothing beats the taste of homegrown Tat Soi in a fresh salad.

Storing Tat Soi

Store your freshly harvested Tat Soi in the refrigerator. It can last up to a week if kept in an airtight container.

Leaves can be blanched and frozen if you have a surplus. Handy for soups and stir-fries later!

So there you have it! Growing Tat Soi is both rewarding and surprisingly easy with just a bit of TLC.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I grow Tat Soi?

Plant Tat Soi seeds in well-draining soil in a sunny location.

2. What is the ideal temperature for growing Tat Soi?

Tat Soi thrives in cool weather, with temperatures ranging from 50°F to 70°F.

3. How often should I water Tat Soi?

Water Tat Soi regularly to keep the soil evenly moist, but avoid overwatering.

4. When should I harvest Tat Soi?

Harvest Tat Soi leaves when they reach a desirable size, usually around 6-8 weeks after planting.

5. Can I grow Tat Soi in containers?

Absolutely! Tat Soi can be grown successfully in containers as long as they have sufficient depth and drainage.

6. Should I fertilize Tat Soi?

Apply a balanced organic fertilizer before planting and a light top-dressing during growth for optimal Tat Soi growth.

Growing Tat Soi is an excellent way to upgrade an outdoor garden or an indoor windowsill space. This dark green and savoy-leafed Asian green is incredibly hardy, tolerant of both heat and cold, and highly nutritious. It is also rich in antioxidants and vitamins, full of flavor and looks appealing! Growing Tat Soi is not only easy and efficient, but it also results in a delicious and healthy product.

Want to know more about Growing Tat Soi? Check out these posts:

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