How Do You Start A Survival Garden?
In simple terms, a survival garden is a garden intended for being the sole producer of produce for a family. The difference between a survival garden and a regular vegetable garden is the reason one gardens. By and large the sowing, weeding, and eventual harvest remains the same as regular gardening, but the intention is to produce enough food to survive without outside assistance. This being said, there are different aspects of survival gardens that need to be considered for the gardeners vitality, including calorical count, nutrition, seed saving and preserving the harvest. The benefits to a survival garden is immense: nutrient dense food can be harvested in as little as thirty days at very low cost to the gardener. It provides stability when food costs are high, but also provides the same perks as a regular garden; exercise and fresh air, as well as time in nature. Survival gardens typically require quite a large amount of space to be truly sustainable long-term, but even small spaces can have a garden. All one needs to grow food is water, a sunny spot (augmented with a grow light if necessary), and time and harvest will be just around the corner.